First Year Learning Community

Category: Student Posts (Page 29 of 40)

Sound visualization : Phase 3

This was my first time creating an animation. I enjoyed the opportunity of learning how to create an animation using Photoshop.  What I enjoyed the most was editing my mashup to the best of my ability. I will definitely enjoy learning more about this, so I can become more skillful at animation. This project was a bit complicated for me but as i continued, the easier it became. I wish that I ended my animation a bit differently due to the abrupt ending. I believe that I could have made my animation end smoothly rather than so sharp.




Animated Mashup




Sound Visualizations: Phase 4

My thoughts on this project is that it’s kind of interesting. It helps spark creativity, and improvises on your drawing skills. If I had better drawing skills, and more creativity I probably could have made the project into something more.

Sound Visualizations:Phase3

I must say this project was super confusing and hard; i diffidently had to stay calmed and relax because moving each individual pieces and then adding many keyframes to have the effects that I wanted; was quite annoying. However, it had to be done. Then after a few minutes I got used to it and found it easy to keep on working on this project. If I could change anything on my project I think I would have spent more time working on it and i could have created a better animation.

Time spent on this project: 2 hrs

Animated Mashup


animation mash up

this project too pretty long but its not hard once you know what to do , this was mainly about clashing sounds and different rhythm together into one mash up . first we had to listen different types of music with hard and soft melodies and drawing them . mine is mostly a hard and soft sound with little beats , you can also see a smooth flow in there will big beats . this project was pretty funny i liked it



.animated mash upkejaune_mashup_anmation

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