First Year Learning Community

Category: COMD1100 Project #4 (Page 5 of 6)

Field Trip to BRIC Biennial

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On Monitor :”TRANS port” , Year : 2014  Medium: GIF/video projection by Nkiruka J. Oparah

“The sacrifice of hands”, Year 2016 Medium: Mixed-media installation with GIF/video projection by Nkiruka J. Oparah

While exploring the BRIC art gallery , I stumbled upon this piece ; it caught my eyes right away. The artist was able to depict the use of her African  heritage  through still-life objects. In addition, the artist was able to show how natural resources (the bucket, water, dirt)   relate to her concept of African heritage and using the fabrics to show what part of Africa they came from . The art piece also shows, the evolution of technology and how it effects the natural resources. By putting the natural resources on the floor and the projector on the top , shows the hierarchy of technology . This artist has a similar concept to my theme of art work , because I like to use my heritage as a huge theme for my art pieces.

Saturation Studies : Phase 2

When completing these exercises , it was bit strenuous, since I didn’t have a clear understanding of the term saturation I wasn’t able to complete the exercises accurately . However, I now have a better understanding of the saturation and hopefully I will get better with phase 3.

Chromatic Gray Studies – Exercise #1 & 2:

Chromatic Gray Studies – Exercise #1 & 2:

Muted Color Studies – Exercise #1 & 2:

Muted Color Studies – Exercise #1 & 2:

Prismatic Color Studies – Exercise #1 & 2:

Prismatic Color Studies – Exercise #1 & 2:

Work Spent: 1st piece 2 hours , 2nd piece 2hours , 3rd piece 1hour


Saturation Studies: Phase 1


When creating the color wheel, It was bit difficult because my partner and I wanted to create something different, but not go off topic. Our concept was using hair as the color wheel  and representing different cultural backgrounds .

Work Spent : 3 hours

Saturation Studies: Phase 1


Doughnut color wheel

This is a doughnut color wheel. I thought it was a good idea to make the color wheel as a doughnut because it is already a circle. I also thought that it would be creative if the sprinkles would be the color.

I worked 2 hours and 30 min on this project.

Saturation Study: Phase 2




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