English Project #2 First Draft

Who is a role model you look up to in this field?

A role model I look up to in this field is Paula Scher, one of the most influential graphic designers in the world. I watched a documentary on Netflix about designers, and I saw some of Scher’s most known projects. She always found a way to grab her audience’s attention with her work by combining pop culture with typography and contemporary art. This was back when designer’s didn’t use those elements that much in their work. Another thing that I admired about Scher is the fact that she has become very successful in a male-dominated industry, and I want to follow in her footsteps one day.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10?

In five years, I see myself having a full-time job with my bachelors degree  already in hand. With this job I will have enough money to move out on my own, probably in a studio at the Upper West Side. In ten years, I see myself living in Madrid, Spain working as a graphic designer for a larger company. I’ll have a higher position, and introduce new styles and techniques to the country. I hope to be influential as a result. I’ll probably be engaged, and have two children. This is where I see myself in the future, but will time take me somewhere else? Who knows.


Can you see yourself doing anything else?

To be honest, I can see myself dabbling in the acting career. However, when it really comes down to it, I only see myself 100% invested in design. I have a huge imagination and many ideas, and design is the one thing that allows me to express myself and my brand to the fullest. In design, there’s always room for improvement, even if you’re an expert. You can always change something in your work that seem off, and everyone has a different perspective when it comes to art. That’s what I love about design.


What are your past graphic design experiences?

In high school, I took multiple design classes including Digital Animation, Prototyping Design, Design Studio, and Digital Media. I designed my own app and logo, sketched up a futuristic car and made a clay mold of it, and even made a movie poster. I used Photoshop, SketchUp, and Sketch (my personal favorite). Sometimes in my free time I like to make book covers and posters of whatever comes to mind.

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