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  1. Topic= Crisis in Venezuela  (The Univision Team was “briefly detained” in Venezuela after the interview with President Maduro).
  2.  I started by researching the topic i was my fond of and is causing such dis drought to allot of people in Venezuela and the u.s. I decided to start with google and typing in the situation. I decided to start this way because i would get to see many sources implying this situation rather then brainstorming and not being able to find any information at all. I prefer google rather than Wikipedia because allot of the times Wikipedia does not have accurate information, then my whole topic or what I’m trying to tell about the crisis will be in accurate.
  4. I hit this link because it was very useful it explained my topic and the issue very well. It states about an interview where Jorge Ramos a Univison Reporter went to Maduro and was settled down for an interview to talk about the crisis in Venezuela and why the president was doing nothing about it. Jorge Ramos Later than was taken into custody and his interview equipment was taken away without consent. This was a very big controversy when The Unvision team was gone in Venezuela by Maduro’s orders and no one knowing where they were for a while.
  5. I generally stay on a page for quite a while to see if the information is relevant or its not. I would break down the information  and examine each paragraph to see why these certain things occurred or what made this person take such action.


Part 1

1. I start the Research by focusing on the topic such as going on google or heading to the library for books that are subjected with what I am researching as well as researching online.

2. I was told not to use Wikipedia because of the in accurate results on the website. Not everything there is the truth and it can ruin you’re whole research if the information is not true.

3. I am more like Susan because i use several google websites but not all of them and if i consider there is more pros then cons I will argue why one is more reliable than the other.  I also then browse through other websites to coordinate  the same amount of pros and cons i got through my first source so my research can look liable and i can prove what I stated from the start.

TSG and Grammar

The difference between TSG and Grammar in context is that TSG is assumptions of how grammar should be and how people provide you with the context. Grammars in Context is shown for people to see the rules used in the right way. As we grow new generations are created and words and phrases are implicated into our society.If Grammar In context was implied today we would of been able to see how the structure works and is forming through out our words and phrases.


Literary Sponser

Dear Mom ,

I chose my mom because she just didn’t impact me to be who I am today but she helped me through out my whole life to become a better reader and writer. She has always pushed me even if it meant ripping my pages off and having to do my writing over and over again. Through out my years the teachers I have had weren’t all great they all had different methods of teaching one more successful for me then the other.Although English always being my weak suit. My grades always flawed because I was able to do one thing I wasn’t able to do in my other courses which meant expressing my emotions and thoughts and write them down on paper. Pushing me to read everyday and be stuck in the library all day and having no entertainment has had a positive impact on me it has made me a better reader and writer and which is why I thank my mom everyday for it.

Mike Rose’s Piece

The Rules of Writing is Creating an Essay or any type of writing where the reader is as hooked as you are. Such as Expecting an intense introduction or body. Everyones Writing is different. In my concept when I am writing I side track myself meaning sometimes I write more than I should have about the subject instead of leading it straight to the point.

Writing isn’t always easy especially if you don’t know what to write. I tend to have writers block, I get blocked out from ideas and tend to stare around and look around the room or anywhere I am.  Not everything comes to me at once I can take seconds or minutes for my thoughts to be written down on paper and for it to be expressed even further.

Mike Ross Mentions strategies  for the writer to have a better engaging sentence some things I also struggle along the way In my writing.  Having too Long of a intro can lead to readers being bored and too short can lead for the reader not understanding much what they are about to read. Capturing an engaging opening sentence is always important. Sometimes we caught up with other things in paragraphs instead of leading straight to the point which can confuse many readers along the way.

Karla’s Goals



This picture represents who I am because my goal by the end of my graduation date is to be leading towards my dream which is being a registered nurse and going forward from there. Knowing its a tough career I will do anything possible for it to occur. My Goals for this course is to gain allot of Knowledge  towards writing and how to become a better writer through out the semester. I really want my career to prosper and for that my communication skills and knowing how to write a major step.