Literary Sponser

Dear Mom ,

I chose my mom because she just didn’t impact me to be who I am today but she helped me through out my whole life to become a better reader and writer. She has always pushed me even if it meant ripping my pages off and having to do my writing over and over again. Through out my years the teachers I have had weren’t all great they all had different methods of teaching one more successful for me then the other.Although English always being my weak suit. My grades always flawed because I was able to do one thing I wasn’t able to do in my other courses which meant expressing my emotions and thoughts and write them down on paper. Pushing me to read everyday and be stuck in the library all day and having no entertainment has had a positive impact on me it has made me a better reader and writer and which is why I thank my mom everyday for it.

1 thought on “Literary Sponser”

  1. It’s so hard to understand that all those “being stuck in the library” and “tearing out pages and writing them again” moments are done with a love born of hopes for our children. It’s great that you recognize that now. And yes, different teachers do things differently; the trick is to find the way that works best for you!
    –Prof Blain

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