Class Notes 9/18/14


Ethics: moral code on what we should and shouldn’t do.

Norms: standards of society.

Explicit: direct.

Disparate: (adj) different.

Allusion: (noun) make a reference to something else.

Delusion: believing in things that don’t have basis in reality.

Illusion: seeing something is not there.

Elude: to evade, escape.

Patriotism: to love and support your country.

Collective: (adj) together.

Counter intuitive: is not what you expect.

Content: Satisfied.

Authoritarian: favoring authority.

Dogmatic: to think what you do is the right thing.

Intolerant: can’t stand other’s beliefs or views.

After a brief talk on how to improve our class notes by Professor Belli, we first talked about what we discussed in our Human Services class on wednesday. Anna proceeded to explain that we talked about scenarios when we use our human services ethics in order to deal with clients. Followed by this, Professor Belli asked the class if we started to see connections between our human services class and english. Arlene mentioned that we are learning how we can make others and ourselves happy. Furthermore, Marie asked an interesting question “ how do you know your soul is happy?” which Professor Belli responded by making a connection to Socrates who thinks that soul and body are separate. Therefore, there are different means on how to make your soul happy, contrasted to Maslow’s belief in basic needs for happiness of the body.

When the previous discussion finished we continued to talk about the Mayoral Victory speech of Bill De Blasio. Kelsey mentioned that De Blasio uses pathos when he talks about the tragedy of 9/11 in minute 9:15. He uses this tragedy in order to show the public that he has sympathy for the community and the city. Continuously, Professor Belli explained that pathos can be manipulative because they strike the emotions of people.

Moreover, we talked about “The tale of two cities” that De Blasio was referring to. By this statement, De Blasio was referring to the fact that there are a big group of poor people and a small group of rich ones. He mentions that he doesn’t want anyone to be left behind. Hence, Jacob made an inference from De Blasio’s speech: people should stop thinking about themselves and instead unify the community. Therefore, we concluded that De Blasio was promoting patriotism to the audience.

Furthermore, we went back in the video where De Blasio’s daughter Chiara speaks before his father. We concluded that she was using ethos when she spoke because she was appealing to the character of his father. Her words can be considered extremely credible due to the fact that she is De Blasio’s daughter. Since she talks from first experience, the audience can believe that what De Blasio is promising will be true. After this, Professor Belli showed us one more example where De Blasio uses ethos through his son Dante for his campaign. It was a commercial where Dante appears as a 15 year old boy who lives in Brooklyn, this video focused in appealing to De Blasio’s character by mentioning his goals for the community. Hence, Dante’s skin color, age, and place where he appears to live appeal to the audience De Blasio is targeting: the credibility of the commercial is very high.

Followed by this, we continued to talk about Joe Lhota’s speech. Brandon mentioned the difference of how De Blasio and Lhota talk about the Stop & Frisk program. De Blasio wants it to be removed due to the racial profiling that has been occurring, and Lhota wants to keep supporting it because it has supposedly decreased the crime rate by 75%. We wrapped up the discussion about the speeches and proceeded to talk a little about the article “ Why Conservatives Are Happier Than Liberals” by Arthur C. Brooks. We started to talk about how the article is counter intuitive because it mentions that conservatives are happier than liberals. The conclusion of this statement is because conservatives who are married and religious tend to be more happy according to statistics. Moreover, the class concluded that since conservatives are narrow minded it keeps them happier or at least content because they don’t wonder about many other possibilities or perspectives there are in life.

There is NO homework. Except, to review the article and be prepared for next class. However, Professor Belli said to keep an eye on the homework schedule this week just in case.

I hope this is not too much to read, I tried to make it as simple as possible… if anyone has any questions don’t hesitate to ask me through message in openlab ! 🙂

Conservative vs Liberals

In the article “Why Conservatives Are happier Than Liberals“by Arthur C.Brooks states the difference between who are happier liberals or conservatives? And research found that conservatives are happier about their lives because censuses summed up the more who were married, religious and had a family were happier than liberals who are not and didn’t have kids.

Something Brooks points out is that people, who are married combine with people who are happy and their relationship, go together and if one is married and the other is not the married person will be 18 percent more likely to say he/she is happier than the unmarried person (paragraph 3). Brooks is explaining that couples or people in general who are married have a better increase chance of being happier because they’re with their soul mate and is more able to be more open with someone and have more support.

On the other hand Brooks compared the task of a liberal and a conservative. Conservative are more about being in a positive spirit and they are inattentive of negativity or what goes around them that doesn’t matter, they don’t get involved because conservatives are more likely to be spirited and religious. As for liberals they are less happy than conservatives because they are more about justice, unlike conservative they don’t recognize injustice which is why they are happier. Liberals believe that people in society are more dependable on government rather than conservatives they believed in hard work and dedication, if a person wants something they should work for it instead of being dependent on government when a person should get it for them.

However, according to a study from the University of Florida Barry Schlenker and John Chambers and the University of Toronto psychologist Bonnie Le studied suggested that liberals not only were for justice, but believed in what was right, fair and wanted to improve things in the society whether it dealt with economic, wealth, or equality. Unlike conservatives situations that concerned liberals doesn’t bother conservatives as much. In fact research stated “Why Conservatives Are happier Than Liberals“that what if the roles were reversed and conservatives felt as Liberals did, and liberal felt as conservatives did. Conservatives would be fine with the changes, but on the other hand liberals would try to avoid it and would think it would be a silly idea.

Not only did a study thought about the opposite, but they also focused on moderates versus extremist. A moderate is more of a liberal and an extremist is more as a conservative. However extremist are happier than moderate people because the percentage of happiest is also known as “extremely conservative” which is known as extremist. Brooks’s states that based on study extremist have their world figured out, and are more analytical about their surroundings and people they deal with which researched states they are known as “happy warriors”. As for moderate they are more based on now and don’t know what to expect next.

Lastly Brooks broke down the difference between conservative and liberal people, then noticed another political gap that can compare moderate versus extremist both had the same meanings, but had s different idea. Overall the more people who were happier were the ones who were religious, family based and focused on what’s important, rather than people who worried about things that are less likely important.

Gone, hopefully not forgotten

ATTN: To all my HUS and Eng1 classmates. I’ve been gone due to seriously unavoidable commitments. Notably, going to the ER because my eyes were injured. I’m back and hoping to make up some ground tomorrow. I’ve been reading the blogs. Very enlightening…that being said, if there’s anyone or any all (lol) that has the time to hit me up to bring me up to speed in both (and here’s the hit) Eng1 and HUS. Email me directly at, or call/text me at 917-272-3306. I’m desperate!!! Thank you ALL in advance for your consideration in this matter that I consider dire. Please know that if there’s anything that I can do for ANY of you, DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK.


Damon C. Drumgold


HUS Chapter 9- Code of Ethics

The Human Services code of ethics initiates, guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and clients well being. This code of ethics has rules that must be met by each professional and client. The code helps professional’s and clients be in a safe environment were neither of them feel threatened or uncomfortable. The code also helps keep a good professional relationship between the client and worker. It guides the professional on how to react and guide them through certain situations but with limitations. The code initiates the well being of both the professional and clients because it helps both feel in a comfortable environment.

The human service proffesionals responsibility to clients promotes well being because the proffesional is in charge of taking care of his/her client. With the good communication and relationship the proffesional and the client should have, the proffesional should be able to gain the clients trust. The proffessionals responsibility include keeping up with the client out of the office, providing high quality service and etc while also respecting the clients privacy. The proffesional should respect the clients privacy unless it is thought that the clients action may hurt themself and/or others. The proffesionals responsibility to the client promotes well being because the professional should do anything on their hands for the safety of the client; the clients satisfaction.

The human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society also promotes well being. This is because the proffesional should be able to guide the client on how to act in the community. The proffesional should also be able to work with supririors to help the client get the help they need. Also the proffesional must keep an open mind about any culture or practices the client might have. The proffesional should now the clients background in order to help them be better in society.

The human service proffesionals responsibility to colleagues promotes well being for the client. This is done by checking that colleagues follow the code of ethics.  Also colleagues share information with each other that might be helpful for their clients. Collegues work together and contribute to finish the job and help the clients. This promotes well being for the client because they have more eyes on the situation.

The human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well being for the client because it shows dedication to the work. Human services proffesional should try to get papers on time to be able to have on check the client. They should have experience from training and gain experience from th office. They should be able to handle the situations that might come up so it promotes safety to the client.

The human services proffessionals responsibilites to employers promotes well being for the client. The professionals show this by working kind and proffesionaly yo show respect to other employees. They should also maintain a good communication between each other. This promotes well being to the client because they will feel good that they are receiving good care and services.

The human service proffessionals responsibilies to self promotes well being for the client because they show intrest and proffession in doing their work. This also promotes well being for the client because they gain trust in knowing the proffessional knows what they are doing.

The human service proffesionals responsibilities to educators  by showing proffessional intrest. They do this by keeping in mind the code of ethics. This includes not letting emotion come in between the client and his/her situation. Educators should always maintain a proffesional relationship with the client.

The 4 steps of ethical decision making strives to promote well being to the client and society are Identifying the problem, consulting with different colleagues, and choose a  identifying and exploring options and choosing a course of action. These steps promote well being to the client snd society because in order to treat the problem the proffessional has to be open to all posibilities, really understand and know the situation. Also because listening to other persepective and opinions on how to go with the situation can teach the proffesional other ways to deal with the situation.

HUS Workers HW#2

1. Describe how the Human Services Code Of Ethics initiates, guides, and promotes  clinical arena for professional and client well-being

Human Services workers are guided by a set of rules “The Code Of Ethics”,the code of ethics are rules that focus on the professionals work with the client and how the worker conducts behavior (responsibilities to the client) for the well-being of the client as well as their profession.Different fields in the profession has a different codes of ethics. They differ in various ways but all are beneficial to the client.

2.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being

The relationship between the professional and the client is very crucial toward meeting the needs of the client and eliminating the issue/issues. The responsibilities of the professional would be to apply the rules (code of ethics) using it as a guide/ tool to make sure the client receives good quality service.Human services workers responsibilities are to focus mainly on the principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence,justice, fidelity, and veracity.Professionals must keep confidentiality (keeping their discussion private,  level of trust).

3.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promote well-being

Human services workers should have the ability to be more diverse to help all sorts of people from different cultures, different back rounds, different ways of life not just the same groups of people (Cultural competence). Human service workers working will a diverse group of people is beneficial towards society being able to assist them to the best of their ability.

4.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to colleague promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s have the responsibility to network and communicate with their co-workers to provide the best quality of work suitable for the client.Having the clients best interest in mind.Each professional stays in their lane of experience if they need assistance they network with colleague’s. There’s a complex group of workers ho can assist with help for the well-being of the client

5.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well-being for the client.

Human services professional’s responsibility to their profession is the production of good quality work having their clients well-being in mind. They must be dedicated and committed to the client to provide the best care.

6.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to employers promotes well-being for the client

The human services professionals responsibilities to the employers promotes well-being to their  clients by reassuring that their job is performed efficiently and meet the criteria and that they have the proper skills to perform their duties.

7.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to self promotes well-being for the client

Human service workers are professional’s there to assist and help a diverse group of individuals and are responsible for them. Human service workers promote well-being by making sure the clients safe and not harming themselves a well as other or it will be reported.

8.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to educators promotes well-bring for the client.

Human services professional’s responsibilities to educators promote happiness because these workers have the skills and credentials towards their work ethics.


chapter 9 ethics

1. Describe how the Human Services Code of Ethics initiates, guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being.

The Human Services Code of Ethics initiates. guides and promotes a clinical arena and client well-being by helping clarify the relationship between patients and yourself. also provides aids and guides for you to help your clients progress.

2. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being.

The human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being because the professional is committed to helping clients develop the best of their abilities and to protect them from harm. Everything must be kept confidential to protect the patients privacy. doing This helps the clients well-being because the professional will help them to be safe and help them achieve their goals.

3.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promote well-being.

As human service professionals you must be open minded to a diverse culture of many characters. they have the responsibility to communicate to their superiors and authorities about a client who might be of danger to a third person or the community.

4.Describe how human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being for the client by the professionals communicating with each other to figuring out what is the best treatment for the client.

5. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s responsibility to the profession is to continue to improve their knowledge and develop new treatments.

6. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to employers promotes well-being for the client.

A human services professional are supposed to guarantee the effectiveness of the agency they are working for, and when a problem occurs it is their responsibility to know how to solve it properly. Therefore, the client is going to be assured with effective services that will improve their well-being.

7. Describe how human service professional’s responsibility to self promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s responsibility to self are to be aware of their own background, culture, and personality. This will help the well-being of the client because the professional will not have such problems with there clients background. Professional’s should always be up to date and learning new skills to better benefit the client.

8. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to educators promotes well-being for the client.

A human services educator must allow their students to express their opinions, provide them with his/her own experiences even though it goes against there own views but test there experiences and it will allow them to become better professionals.

9. Describe the four stages of ethical decisions making. Indicate how it strives to promote well-being to the client/society.

The four stages of ethical decisions making are identify the problem, consult with colleagues or experts, identify and explore options, and choose a course of action and act. Identifying the problem is putting all the information together and trying figure out what the problem is. Consulting with colleagues or experts will help to solve the problem because of different options and advises will be given. Identifying and exploring options will help to come up with different ideas that will give the client the desire results.


Chapter 9

1 .Describe how the Human Services Code of Ethics initiates guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being.

The human service code of Ethics serves to promote a clinical arena for professionals. It sets in place boundaries and guidelines on do’s and don’ts of a client and helpers relationship. As well as a professionals role and responsibilities to the client as well as society. With this code both the professional and the client’s well-being is put first and no confusion can occur on ones duties or role.

2. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being.

A Human service professional’s responsibility to client’s well-being is promoted when the professional shows that they understand what is important to the client. They check up on their clients, making sure that their well-being isn’t being compromised or that they aren’t in any danger, to themselves or others. Also by following the Human Service Code of Ethics, helping and fulfilling the clients wants and needs. As well as being aware of their clients cultures and environment.

3. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promotes well-being.

A Human Service professional’s responsibility to the community and society’s well-being is demonstrated in the work they do with those who are in need of help. Whether its help with a drug issue or an adolescent’s problem a human service professional uses their skills to help improve these people’s lives. And rehabilitate them back into society and the community.

4. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being for the client.

A Human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues is shown in the manner that they lend a helping hand. Every professional should be well connected and communicate for the well-being of the client. If there is any question in a client’s treatment plan another professional’s input or advice can be asked for and taken into consideration. Good communication should also be demonstrated when a professionals ethics are questioned. As colleagues one should feel safe approaching another to discuss their behavior. And in the event that their behavior doesn’t improve then a supervisor had to be told. Also when it comes to getting specific help for your client one of your colleagues might have the right person to call or can set up meetings to help the clients well-being.

5. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well-being for the clients.

As a human service professional you have the responsibility to the profession to have the proper academic training, the dedication and commitment to help a client develop their best well-being, and a good work ethic. Their work with clients should demonstrate that they care and have a good relationship the clients well-being should be first above anything else. Any decision made should be in the client’s best interest and sensitive to their specific needs. They should also be open for improvement and suggestions.


6. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to employers promotes well-being for the client.

The human service professional’s responsibility to the employer promotes well-being to the client when both professionals have a good relationship and communicate well. The employer makes sure that the human service professional is doing their job properly and is up holding the code of ethics. As well as making sure that neither the professional or the client is in any danger or isn’t being care for properly.

7. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to self promotes well-being for the clients.

As a human service professional your responsibility to self promotes well-being for the client become as a human service professional their training and education has prepared them for what’s ahead. The professional has a general idea of client’s situations and is confident to aid a client. Their well-being is acknowledged and is but first.

8. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to educators promotes well-being for the client.

As a human service professional one should be aware and informed of the code of ethics in their education. As an educator one’s personal views and opinions shouldn’t interfere with students and should be open to others views without judgment.

9. Describe the four stages of ethical decision making. Indicate how it strives to promote well-being to the client/society.

When making a decision the human service professional should take into consideration the four steps that prompt well-being. The four steps include identifying the problem, consulting with fellow colleagues, identifying and exploring solutions, and choosing a course of action and actually doing it. When ones identifies the problem an in-depth conversation should be conducted and once should keep in mind the code of ethics as well as the client’s environment. When consulting with colleague’s evidence that one has acted in good faith is shown and that the proper solution has been determined. While coming up with a decision and exploring options brain storming and having plenty of options is crucial. When a course of action is determined it should be explained and a way of actually doing so should be identified. This process promoted well-being to the client and society because the decision making wasn’t just made on a whim. Time and energy was actually demonstrated and the proper solution for both the client and the professional was identified and can now be conducted.

Hw andHman ser Discussion Questions #2 ch.9

1-Describe how the Human Services Code of Ethics initiates, guides, and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being.

The human services code of ethics initiates, guides, and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well being because it is a statement of ethical standard behaviors. The code of ethics gives client the opportunity to feel comfortable.

2-Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promote well being.

It promotes the well being of the client by the human service professional helping the client figure out what purpose and goals they want in life. if anything was to ever happen to a client the human service professionals main priority is to make sure and help in the best way possible.

3-Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promote well-being.

Their responsibility to the community and society promotes well being by them being able to try and change laws, regulations and statutes when they believe that it contradicts with a clients rights.

4-Describe how the human service professional ‘s responsibility to colleagues promote well-being for the client.

Their responsibilities to colleagues promotes well-being for the client because it helps the human service professional not duplicate what another colleague is doing with a client. it also promotes well being by them being confidential bout clients issues.

5-Describe how the human service professionals responsibility to the profession promotes well being for the client.

When a professional makes their profession their main responsibility it makes his or her job one more easier, and two more knowledgeable which helps promote well being for the client. they will always know what they can and cannot do so it makes their lives and the clients lives safe.

6-Describe how the human service professionals  responsibility to employers promotes well being for the client.

Human services professionals responsibility to employers promotes well being for clients because what ever has been placed on them to do by the employer has to be done. So there for they would be always fixed on doing what is best for the client.

7-Describe how the human service professionals responsibility to self promotes well-being for the client.

It promotes the well being for the client by them recognizing that they made a commitment to that client and they are accountable for everything dealing with the client.

8-Describe how the human service professionals responsibility to educators promotes well-being for the client.

Educators work hand in hand with the human service professionals giving the clients liberal education and helping them embrace the nature of academic freedom.

9-Describe the four stages of ethical decision making. Indicate how it strives to promote well-being to the client/society.

The four stages of ethical decision making is to identify the problem, consult with colleagues or experts, identify and explore options and choose a course of action and act. These four stages strives to promote the well being of a client/society by them carefully investigating what ever the issue or problem is and finding the right proposal for it. Instead of jus using what you think is right you look at it from different perspectives and also other peoples and then make your final decision.




Chapter 9/Ethics

1. Describe how the Human Services Code of Ethics initiates. guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being.

The Human Services Code of Ethics initiates. guides and promotes a clinical arena and client well-being by helping clarify the professionals responsibilities to clients. to the agency and to the society. It also states the goals or aims of the profession, that protect the client, that provide guidance to professional behavior, and that contribute to a professional identity for the helper.

2. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being.

The human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being because the professional is committed to helping clients develop the best of their abilities and to protect them from harm. The human service professional is obligated to provide high quality service to their clients. The helper must be concerned with having time to work with a client and the resources necessary for effective practice. Human service professionals protect the clients right to privacy and confidentiality except when such confidentiality would cause harm to the client or others. Overall they must provide good quality services to whomever needs those services.

3. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promote well-being.

The responsibility to the community and society promote well-being is the human serve professionals are aware of local, state and federal laws. They keep informed about current social issues as they affect the client and the community. They share information with clients, groups, and community as part of their work. They understand the complex interaction between individuals, their families, the communities in which they live. The professional must provide a mechanism for identifying unmet client needs, calling attention to those needs, and assisting in planning and mobilizing to advocate for those needs at the local community level. The professional must provide services without discrimation or preference based on age, ethnicity, culture, race, disability, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. Must be knowledgable about the cultures and communities within which they practice.

4. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being for the client.

The human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being because the human service professionals avoid duplicating another professionals helping relationship with a client. They consult with other professionals who are assisting the client in a different type of relationship when it is in the best interest of the client to do so. When a human serve professional has a conflict with a colleague, he or she first seeks out the colleague in an attempt to manage the problem. If necessary the professional then seeks the assistance of supervisors, consultants, or other professionals in efforts to manage the problem. Human service professionals must respond appropriately to unethical behavior or colleagues by talking directly to the colleague and if no resolution is forthcoming, reporting the colleagues behavior to supervisory of administrative staff.

5. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well-being for the client.

The human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well-being because the professional knows the limit and scope of their professional knowledge and offer services only within their knowledge and skill base. Professional must seek appropriate consultation and supervision to assist in decision making when there are legal, ethical and other dilemmas. Must act with integrity, honesty, genuineness, and objectivity. Promote cooperation among related disciplines such as psychology, counseling, social work, nursing, family and consumer sciences medicine and education to foster professional growth and interests within the various fields. Seek out new and effective approaches to enhance their professional abilities.

6. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the employers promotes well-being for the client

Their responsibility to their employers is to make sure they are their job is being done correctly because their employer is a reflection of who they are.

7. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to self promotes well-being for the client.

The human service professionals responsibility to self promotes well-being for the client by striving to personify those characteristics typically associated with the profession. Must foster self-awareness and personal growth in themselves. They recognize that when professionals are aware their own values, attitudes, cultural background, and personal needs, the process of helping others is less likely to be negatively impacted by those factors. Recognize a commitment to lifelong learning and continually upgrade knowledge ad skills to serve their populations better.

8. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to educators promote well-being for the client.

The human service professionals responsibility to educators promote well-being for the client is the human service educators are familiar with, informed by, and accountable to the standards of professional conduct put forth by their institutions of higher learning; their professional disciplines. Uphold the principle of liberal education and embrace the essence of academic freedom, abstaining from inflicting their own personal views/morals on students and allowing students the freedom to express their views without penalty, censure for ridicule,and to engage in critical thinking.

9. Describe the four stages of ethical decision making. Indicate how it strives to promote well-being to the client/society.’

The four stages of ethical decision making are to Identify the problem, Consult with colleagues of experts, Identify and explore options, and Choose a course of action and act. The first stage, Identify the problem, may involve gathering additional information; considering the legal, ethical, moral and professional perspectives and determining the issues involved. The second stage, Consult with colleagues, is when legal counsel, coworkers, and supervisors are some of the resources who can be tapped to obtain different perspectives about the dilemma. The third stage, Identify and explore options, which is thinking about the desired outcomes and the advantages and disadvantages or risks and benefits of each option. The final stage, Choose a course of action and act, is when both the process and the choice are evaluated.


Hus 1101 H.W: chapter 9/ Ethics

1. Describe how the Human Services Code of Ethics initiates, guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being.

The Human Services Code of Ethics initiates, guides and promotes a clinical arena for the professional and client well-being because it helps give professionals a guide of how to handle dilemmas that may occur with a client. The code of ethics guides the behavior of the professional. This promotes the well-being of the professional and the client because it will guide the professional to better help and protect the client.

2. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being.

The human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being because the professional discuses goals for the clients. The professional should always treat the client with respect and protect their privacy. The professional should keep the confidentiality unless the client is going to harm themselves or others. This promotes the clients well-being because the professional will help them to be safe and help them achieve their goals.

3. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promotes well-being for the client.

The human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society are to know and be aware of the laws including local, state, and federal laws. Professionals should be up to date with events and programs that could benefit the client. Human services professionals should never discriminate anyone in anyway and should have knowledge of different backgrounds and cultures. This promotes the clients well-being because the professional will be able to have knowledge on diverse cultures and will better understand the client. Therefore, the professional will be able to work with the client better.

4. Describe how human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being for the client by the professional talking to their colleague and figuring out what is the best treatment plan for the client. The professional could only tell a colleague about a client if the client is in danger or if the client is putting others in danger. If a professional sees that a colleague is behaving unethical the professional should talk to the colleague and if the behavior continues the supervisor should be informed. This will promote the clients well-being because it will protect the client.

5. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s responsibility to the profession is to continue to improve their knowledge and develop new treatments. Professional’s should look for appropriate consultation for they could talk about the dilemmas they have had with their clients and know how to deal with them better next time. It will help the well-being of the client because the professional will have greater knowledge and will be able to help the client with better and new treatment plans.

6. Describe how human service professional’s responsibility to employers promote well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s responsibility to employers are to work with the employers to maintain the conditions for high quality services. The professional should work with the employer and clarify any doubts or questions. This will promote the well-being of the client by increasing the confidence in the employer and feeling secure. The employer will also know how to give high quality services to the client.

7. Describe how human service professional’s responsibility to self promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s responsibility to self are to be aware of their own background, culture, and personality. This will help the well-being of the client because the professional will not have conflict with the clients background, culture, and personality. Professional’s should always be up to date and learning new skills to better benefit the client.

8. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to educators promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s responsibility to educators should follow the professional conduct standards which are put by institutions such as AAUP, ACA, APA, and many more. They should also always be aware and learn new developments that are occurring. Educators should have the capacity to teach in order for the client could receive the latest treatments by the professional.

9. Describe the four stages of ethical decisions making. Indicate how it strives to promote well-being to the client/society.

The four stages of ethical decisions making are identify the problem, consult with colleagues or experts, identify and explore options, and choose a course of action and act. Identifying the problem is putting all the information together and trying figure out what the problem is. Consulting with colleagues or experts will help to solve the problem because of different options and advises will be given. Identifying and exploring options will help to come up with different ideas that will give the client the desire results. Choosing a course of action and acting on it means finding the solution that will benefit the client the most. These steps will promote the well-being of the client/society because the treatment has been given a lot of thought for the professional could best treat the client.