Intro Rough Draft #1

Happiness is not a simple topic to discuss because of the the different opinions on it. To me happiness is feeling good about what you do and who you are, it is being at your own peace of mind. Although suffering is the opposite of happiness, i believe suffering can help achieve peoples true happiness. In todays society people use money to define happiness, but money can only bring happiness or joy to a certain extent. From articles i have recently read and analyzed, i have come to the conclusion that experience and memories make up much of our true happiness. Pain, money and experience have an effect on peoples wellbeing, and all these factors contribute to helping boost ones happiness.

Essay 1 Pre-Draft: Thesis Paragraph

Happiness is one word, however with many meanings and definitions. For some people  happiness can mean wealth or for others happiness can be the moment they bring a child into this world. What exactly is happiness? What really makes us happy? The money or the moments? Or maybe buying happiness? In the article “How to buy happiness” by Sonia Lyubomirsky, it states “An additional strategy for buying happiness is to spend money on others instead of ourselves” and i believe that the best way to achieve great happiness is to make others happy.

Pre-draft essay #1

Happiness. Could it be the hardest thing to achieve in life? Happiness isn’t just something that happens over night. You either earn it or you don’t. “How to by happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton. Money buying happiness doesn’t seem natural in anyway. It’s unethical to have the amount of your happiness based upon the money you have in your pocket. “What suffering does” by David brooks. Explaining a whole new meaning on how happiness can be accomplished. Suffering…. Shaping us as new people as we go through it, with the end result of happiness. Learning who we really are and what we a capable of brings new meaning to what people call happiness.

Achieving Happiness

Wouldn’t an individual want to know the tricks and secrets on how to achieve happiness? Ones goal and desire is to be and live a happy lifestyle. There is various definitions on what happiness is and what brings an individual happiness. Although, every individual is different there has been several studies that show how one can boost their happiness in their everyday life. Most people will assume that the rich are happier than the poor. Shockley having an excessive amount of money does not influence in ones happiness. Happiness is achieved by factors such as socializing, experiences, and the way an individual spends money not by the amount.

Introduction of Essay Draft 1

Happiness is a paradox in today’s society. The concept of happiness has been altered throughout time. In our current society, individuals have the belief that accumulating wealth will help them achieve happiness. However, the article “The scientific pursuit of happiness: How To Buy Happiness” by Sonja Lyubomirsky and the Op-Ed “How to buy happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton, infer that there has been a misconception of how happiness is achieved. Individuals have adopted this concept through changes in society, the main one is due to the use of money. Therefore, money has altered the view of individuals on how they should achieve happiness.


Pre-Draft Thesis Paragraph

What is happiness? What brings happiness? Where does it come from? Many have done studies to figure out the answer to these questions. “How to Buy Happiness” Written by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton and “What Good is Money if it Cant Buy Happiness” written by Sonja Lyubomirsky argue that its what we do with money and when it is shared with someone is what brings happiness. “How Happy are you? A Census Wants to Know” written by John Tierney studied a town and asked them questions to figure out what made them happy. John Tierney came to find out that when changes are made to better people it brings happiness. Also you can not really find out how happy someone is by doing a census because people reply to the census depending on the mood they are in. Happiness cannot be judged, people cannot direct a specific way of life to bring happiness. The only thing we can assume is that happiness is the essence of what brings us joy.

Essay 1 Pre-Draft: Thesis Paragraph

“True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery). Several people might agree with this quote because happiness can be found by helping others and by making new experiences. However, happiness is a controversial issue in which people have different opinions on how it is built. The article “How to Buy Happiness” by Sonja Lyubomirsky and the the article “What Suffering Does” by David Brooks show two different perspectives about how happiness is reached. To me, the key to happiness is about making our lives better through accepting the past and through experiences, because experiences aren’t quantitative, they’re not defined by numbers or worth, but qualitative, that is what quality experience you have.

Essay 1 Pre-Draft: Thesis Paragraph

Is happiness a factor of how we really should be or how society thinks people should be and act? Happiness is not only brought through experiences but also experiences of other people. When you give to other people you share happiness with them and yourself. But also with happiness comes suffering as was stated in the article “What Suffering Does” by David Brook he states that “Often, physical or social suffering can give people an outsider’s perspective, an attuned awareness of what other outsiders are enduring”. Through suffering you get to reveal more and more stuff about yourself. Happiness is really brought by sharing with others in your experiences and relating to others to share that happiness and well-being.

Essay 1 Pre-Draft: Thesis Paragraph

Happiness can be determined throughout many variable ways. Many things or certain ways can make people happy. Throughout all the stories we read about happiness determined it in many ways in the article “How to Buy Happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton argues how we spend our money does it bring us or happiness or for the moment, and in “How Happy Are you?” by John Tierney discusses the happiness levels of people in the population on what in particular makes them happy. Therefore their isn’t a measure of quality on happiness just as love, you can be in a relationship with someone for years and feel nothing, but can be in a relationship for two months and feel everything. Time is not a measure of quality; of infatuation, or love. I think it’s based on how a person feels and what makes them happy and more positive about themselves.


Pre-daft Essay Thesis Paragraph

“Happiness,” is what people desire. It’s been questioned by many on how to boost our own happiness. In “What Good is Money If It Can’t Buy Happiness?” by Sonja Lyubomirsky and “How To Buy Happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton it’s argued that the way we spend our cash not just influence, but can boost our happiness. In “Why Conservatives Are Happier Than Liberal,” by Arthur C. Brooks, it argues that the way you live you life, your own beliefs are one of many factors on happiness. In “How Happy Are you?…” by John Tierney; it discuss the government involvement with promoting and measuring the happiness of the population. All of these text suggested that happiness is a desire that we can achieve in different ways.