Reflections of essay 1 peer review

After revising my peers essays over the weekend and discussing them in class I’ve realized I have a lot of revising to do on my own. While I was reading them I gathered a lot of new ideas to use  on my own essay and the understanding of what I need to improve in my own essay. I had many structure issues I have to correct as well as including personal and real life experiences. My introduction needs major tweaking. It is longer than I intended it to be and has good examples I should use throughout the actual body rather than in the intro.  It’s also somewhat vague and my thesis isn’t quite clear. I was told my thesis wasn’t clear till the end of the essay. I’m going to attempt revising the body and conclusion before writing the introduction itself. I’ve also noticed how difficult it is to use the 3rd person. Throughout my whole essay I switch from 2nd to 1st person without even realizing my errors.

When it comes to my personal/ real life experience I’m not exactly sure on what to use. I don’t want to use anything that doesn’t support my claims/ points. The essays my peers wrote we filled with good experiences that connected well to their claims. While writing  my first draft I made an outline that I didn’t end up following. This time around I’m going to make my outline more specific and actually follow it. I’ve realized that if my outline is well thought out and specific enough all I have to really do is input words to fill up my essay. I think that is also the reason I had structure issues. I was missing a lot of the requirements like properly citing my work. When I was using the texts we’ve used in class I was trying to use them to prove my claims rather than to prove the points the author used. So throughout that process I ended up not paying too much attention to the structure of my work.

Now that I’ve taken a look at what my peers thought of my work and discussed it I have a better understanding of what my essay needs to be better. Some techniques I’ll attempt to use this time around will be writing the introduction last and developing a clear and well thought out thesis with three main clams. While trying to support my claims my citations will be properly stated and will refer to my work rather than the author’s. I’ll also write multiple drafts before handing the final draft in next Thursday and do my best to stop by the writing center. The comments my peers made on my work were extremely helpful and I will take everything they suggested into account while writing my next draft. I’ve realized that peer review not only helps identify issues you’ve had while writing but also to realize that other people might have the same problems as you and that you can relate and help them better their work with the comments you’ve made.


Essay 1 Revision

After going over my peer’s work at home and fully understanding the concept of the paper I knew I had some work to do once i received mine. I had too much of the text and not enough of me or my argument. I believed that by using pieces of the texts I agreed with, I was going in the right direction. But the text was supposed to support me not me support the text. I had to make my argument bolder and incorporate some experiences to bring my idea out in the open. I read my paper over and over to see if I catch any mistakes my partner may not have noticed and made side notes for myself to look back at. My thesis statement was kind of general and I made changes there as well. I found a way to make it less vague and more specific. I also spoke in second person throughout the paper instead of third so I had to adjust that. Thinking that by saying “you” I was engaging the readers or making them feel involved I was actually making it general and not engaging at all.

When thinking of an experience to add in it took me a while because I wasn’t thinking of my personal life, I was just planning on using the texts. I didn’t even think about how my life could relate but I found one that fit perfectly into my idea about how experiences hold a stronger place than material things. After making those revisions I feel more secure with my paper, not saying that it’s ready or i’m completely confident about it but I think it’s more focused than the first draft. I learned that by just making my argument stronger I wouldn’t need to support my claim so much. I plan on making my paper stronger all around, by making sure my points are clear and the paper flows. I want to make my point without coming across as biased or too opinionated because the paper is supposed to be approachable and argumentative. The readers are supposed to see your point without feeling forced to believe the same which is complicated to do. I hope that through the different revision sessions my paper improves and that my changes are successful. Now that I know how my peer feels about my paper I’m also interested in how the professor views it.

Although the process of it was tedious going through each paper paragraph by paragraph, it was very helpful for both me and my peers. Upon hearing the assignment I was thinking, how can I help someone when I’m not fully aware myself? But it helped me understand more actually, I saw different views and experiences. It made me see things in a different light because no two papers are exactly the same. It was also helpful because I got helpful feedback that made me want to really alter my paper. I hope I did the same for my partner.

Please Read & Reply ASAP: HW for Tuesday (10/14), Peer Review, & Essay #1 First Draft Files

*I ask that each person read through this post carefully and then confirm that you read it/understand what is expected of you/will complete the required work by commenting below (just hit “reply” and write something like, “Yes,” or “I understand,” or “Got it”) no later than tomorrow morning (Monday, 10/13).

Hi folks:

I hope that you are having good weekends. A few quick (but important) reminders:

1. E-mailed Essay Drafts
As you know, essay drafts are due two ways: a printed copy (in class) and a correctly labeled file e-mailed to me before before class begins. The files of the Essay #1 First Drafts were due over three days ago, and as the syllabus and assignment states, if I do not have your work on time, you receive no credit for your work. We went over the file labelling procedures in class on Thursday, and I asked anyone who still did not send it to me (correctly), to do so by that night. However, I am still waiting for properly labeled files from about 1/3 of the class. If you did not send me your file (and I wrote back “Thank you” as a confirmation), please do so no later than tonight. If I don’t have your correctly labeled file by tonight (Sunday, 10/12), your draft will not count as being submitted and you will not be receiving written feedback from me on your work.

2. We’re doing Peer Review on Tuesday, and all relevant information (guidelines, assignment, groups) can be found on the ENG 1101 Peer Review page. Please make sure to read the guidelines carefully, and to print/complete the assignment for your two group members (this means answering questions on the assignment sheet and making marginal comments/annotations on the drafts themselves). Please show up to class on time on Tuesday, as we will get started right at the beginning of class. Also, bring an extra (blank) printed copy of your essay for yourself, so you can take notes during the peer review discussion (that is what the fourth printed copy is for).

3. Required Readings
We’ve had “writing”-related readings due over the past few classes, and I know a lot of folks haven’t gotten around to doing them yet. Just a reminder that this is required reading, and that it directly relates to the composing, revising, and peer-reviewing you are doing for Essay #1. If you need to catch up, please do so before our next class. Everyone should have printed/read/annotated all of the readings from last week (Tu 10/7 and Th 10/9) and this coming Tuesday (10/14) when we next meet.

4. Office Hours
I am more than happy to meet to discuss anyone’s first draft (and revisions) with them this coming week. If you would like to see me to discuss your Essay #1, please e-mail me ASAP to set up an appointment (as time slots fill up quickly).

Thanks, and don’t forget to “reply” here to indicate you’ve read/understand/will complete all this work. See you Tuesday!

Professor Belli

The road to your happiness (Thesis paragraph)

Measuring your happiness should not be about the amount of money you make but how you spend it according to Sonja Lyubomirsky in her article “How to buy happiness.” We worry too much about getting to the top of the status hierarchy that we forget about ourselves and even our loved ones according to David Brooks in his article “What suffering does.” Another way to measure happiness is by seeing how much you have overcome a suffering. When the weights are lifted off your shoulders the feeling is relieving because you are no longer suffering. Both articles display different perceptions of happiness.

Class notes

In class today we discussed that we will be moving to essay mode more formal structured essay. With that doing more writing workshops.

We talked about Due dates Getting our first draft in on thurs their will be peer review which group members will read and give you feed back on your essay.

Final draft will include free write written in class, drafts and final essay all together including your COVER LETTER.

Today we did two free write in class which was about your reflection on the essay written in class how we felt writing and during it, strengths/weaknesses. Our second free write was about essay 1 – pre-draft/1st draft/assignment instructions/expectations/guidelines.

Than as a class we talked about our reflections for the first free write. Peers mentioned feeling… Stuck, indecisive on a question to pick to write about, how to answer all questions in prompt, annoyed, nervous, stressed etc.

The second free write peers wrote rhetorical questions to try and write the thesis paragraph, the flow of how to go with the thesis paragraph, and stuck on what to write. Also confused on what claims were which is arguments making a claim in each paragraph could be the topic sentences.

Things to know about the essay 

pre-draft today

first draft thurs

argumentative essay 3-4 pages

4 copies brought to class

email 1st draft to professor Belli

Can choose one text or related text to talk about

Essay should be about Happiness/well-being. But not just happiness in general.



Pre-Draft Essay thesis

what does Happiness fulfill for us?Happiness can mean different things and different people experience happiness in many ways.Happiness have always been a big part of people lives along with hope .It became a huge factor in society .Happiness cannot be brought by money ,possessions like a car,jewelry or name brand clothes .In the article “how to buy happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton , doing the little things with people it make a difference of happiness .Even spending money  on others it provide an boost In moral . Like the article says How we use our money may matter as much or more then how much of it we got.So get up and make yourself happy instead of waiting around for it to get to you .So what make you happy ?

Thesis statement draft #1

When the topic of happiness comes up a million things can pop into your head. Happiness has millions of different meanings to the billions of people in the world and beyond. But what does it really mean to be happy ? Is it that new iPhone or those new shoes you just couldn’t live without ? Or is it that Sunday afternoon you get to share with your family after a long week? Or could it be that satisfaction that you are no longer facing a problem? Whether your ideal happiness is material or more sentimental, achieving such a thing has been proven to be difficult. Our society is awash with the ideal happiness. In an Op-Ed article from the L.A Times, How to buy happiness, Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton discuss that you can actually be happier by spending money on others than on yourself. It’s the memories you make that matter rather than the money you have on your own. While on the other hand people like David Brooks, from The New York Times in What suffering does, think that it’s suffering that shapes you to become a happier person. The lessons you learn from suffering make you make better choices or even help you help others that have been in your situation or dilemma.


Happiness is something everyone seems to crave but doesn’t know how exactly to achieve it. In the society we live in it’s easy to believe getting the newest shoes or the iPhone 6 will increase ones happiness. While this stuff does increase happiness for some time, it’s mostly all for show, we want it because it’s what everyone else has which leads us to believe it will make us happier. The way to get these things is with money, mula, dinero etc. Money is something that is supposed to increase ones happiness because it can get us the things we want. But the things we want are not always the things we need. Yes, I think we all can agree material things are great, but something like the love of a friend or a family doesn’t compare to it. There are different theories out there but happiness can only come from within, only you can make yourself happy regardless of how you do it.

rough draft

Happiness is what you want. It’s what everybody wants right. How do we come to achieve it though? It is not about buying the new iPhone or the latest Jordan’s. After all these are just materialistic things. What really brings person happiness is an experience a memory. Who did you go shopping with; remember what happened, that funny incident, that unbelievable thing. Money cannot buy happiness? Well that depends what you put your money towards. How you spend that dollar makes all the difference. Happiness is achieved through experiences, through thoughts, and actions.

Pre draft Essay Thesis

What is your definition of happiness and can you explain it in an easy way to someone? Or is happiness just a “thing” that isn’t explainable and just an emotion or feeling? Can anybody buy happiness? Happiness has been put out to everyone that it can be bought and material things can make you happy. Having everything in the world does not necessarily make you happy, it has been proven that being rich and having all of the things in the world doesn’t make you happy but miserable. “How to buy happiness” by Sonja Lyubomirsky and the Op-Ed of “How to buy happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton both speak about the ways people think being happy is and what people do. But the reality of all of this is that happiness can’t be bought but it can be gained by experiences with others.