Class Notes 11/13

First off, let me apologize for my late post. I completely forgot about it and just got reminded by Professor Belli for the second time. Sorry for any inconvenience.

I hope everyone met with Professor Belli for there conference about our research projects. That  was time for us to go to her with any questions, concerns ideas and suggestions that you might have had. If you missed your conference it was considered as an absence!

Continue to focus on your topics. Any texts are accepted once you can raw a reference to your topic and it is supportive.

Make sure to define all terms and parameters in your proposal and paper. Explain any new information you might have mentioned.

Research project must have

-work cited page

-annotated bibliography

-six to eight pages of research

-cover page

(read the research project page under assignments for any further information.



-Always cite

-When you write word for word (w/out credit) use quotations

-summarizing, paraphrase, quotations must all be cited otherwise considered as plagiarism.

To cite a rephrased idea of an author use an in text citation. Ex. (Belli 15)

Language- if you copy the word order it is considered plagiarism.

When in doubt cite. It is better to over cite than to not cite at all.

Due Dates

Tues 11/25 Pre draft of research project. (introduction and first three body paragraphs)

Tues 12/2 Final Draft of Research Proposal and 6 Annotated Sources

Research Project Pre-Draft

The Effects Music Portrays on the Behavior of Teenagers towards Parents


Many people view music as a reliever of stress, a comfort in a time of grief and also a source that helps them isolate one from the world. From yester years unto now people still see music as a key to help exploit different feelings and emotions. Every age group of people has different preferences of music. As babies, parents would play music that’s up beat fun and immature. Immature meaning that it is showing emotional development of someone that is young in age. As the child grows the parent would then begin to play music that is educational and would help the child construct and build learning skills. As the child grows and becomes an adolescent and a teenager they start to listen to music that best fits their personality and culture. Then as that person gets older and enter into adulthood they would then become a bit more sophisticated. At that point they would listen to music that is more mature a refined. One of the most pressuring stages of a person’s life is when they are a teenager. Now a day’s teenager’s behavior is more often based on the music they associate themselves with. As many may say, music is the key to the soul. Sometimes people may not even realize that they are reacting on the music that they listen to. Teenagers are at the age where they are trying to find themselves, and because music is such a great influence they give off a behavior that is portrayed from the music. This essay is mainly based on how music effects teenager’s behaviors, especially towards their parents. It is also about how music preferences can form what kind of person a teenager can be and who they associate themselves with. Parents may not realize it but music may be the cause of their sons or daughters erratic behavior.

When the word ‘music’ is defined it says that it is “vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.” (Google Search). Therefore one can say that it is a way to speak but without talking. A way to show and not tell. “You can usually tell how someone’s feeling by the type of music he or she is listening to at the time.”(Mariam S, Smithtown, How Music Affects Teens). The website contained an article written by Mariam S, Smithtown that speaks about different types of music and how it affects teenagers. If a person meets someone and all they are listening to are slow, sad, and depressing music they can more than likely assume that they are in a gloomy state of mind. This is one way an individual can notice how a person is reacting. Sometimes as a teenager it may be difficult to show exactly how they feel. Emotions are sometimes hard to understand and hard to cope with. As a result, teenagers turns to music for help. Music does not do things that people may do so this is why most teens rather listen to music than listen to their parents. Since music is so easy to turn to it then starts to sculpt the pathway of a teen’s life.

This article talks about how certain types of music can define who a person is. The article explains how teens cling more to the people who are more like them. Not because they want to be mean to others but because they like the same type of music as they do. Friends are usually created because the individuals realized that they are alike in certain ways and they can relate to each other.This may also happen because people who have different taste in music may not want to associate with people who have different tastes in music because they will debate about whose music preference is better and why they think the other persons taste in music is weird or not as good as theirs. As the economy becomes more modernized music has become way easier to get a hold of.

It is now way easier for teenagers to get a hold of all kinds of music. This is mainly because 9 out of 10 teens have a cellphone, iPod, CD player, radio, mp3 players etc. It is also easy for teens to access music because there are countless apps and websites that can be used to download music. Some websites and apps contains a fee but many of them are now created free of charge which makes it even easier. Out of all genres of music, rap music is the most explicit one of them all. According to Tara Parker-pope who wrote the article “Under the Influence of…Music?” states that 77% of the most popular rap songs referenced to alcohol and drugs. This shows that most of the music that teens are listening to is rap. A total of 53% speaks of marijuana use, tobacco use, depicted alcohol use and the use of other drug substances. Teenagers listens to an average of almost three hours of music per day. After listening to these sorts of music all the time you may not realize it but it starts to take a toll on ones mind.






Second Draft Proposal

Many people see music as a reliever of stress, a comfort in a time of grief and also a help to isolate one from the world. From yester years unto now people still se music to do different things. Every age group of people has different preferences of music. Older people may like more sophisticated music while younger people may like more crazy, loud and outrageous music. Now a day’s teenager’s behavior is more often based on the music they associate themselves with. As many may say music is the key to the soul. Sometimes people may not even realize that they are reacting on the music that they listen to. Teenagers are all at the age where they are trying to find themselves and because music is such a great influence hey give off a behavior that is portrayed from the music. This essay is mainly about what kinds of music influences what kind of teenagers. It is also about how music preferences can form what kind of person a teenager can be and who they associate themselves with. For example \you will hardly ever see a Caribbean teenager hanging out with a Gothic kid at the lunch table because they will believe that the Gothic kid is weird or abnormal because he or she doesn’t like the kind of music that they like. Music can have a negative and a positive reaction on teenagers lives.

“How Music Affects Teens.” Teen Ink. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

This article talks about how certain types of music can define who a person is. It says that you can tell a person’s mood by the type of music that they are listening too. This supports the idea of music creating a teen’s personality. It also explains how teens cling more to the people who are more like them because they like the same type of music as them. That is also true because you would hardly see a person who likes country music hanging out with somebody who likes rock. It’s not something that is done on purpose but it’s something that is done naturally. They wouldn’t do that because like article also states teens would always be disagreeing with what genre of music is right or what kind of music is right. The article mentions that music helps teens show emotions and express their feelings in way they sometimes can’t so by themselves. This article was a little short but gave a basic outlook on my topic.

“Media Influence on Youth.” Media Influence on Youth. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.

This website gives an overview on studies that were taken. The studies where taken on the age group of young children to teenagers. It talks about how the media including music, magazines and television shows influences the youth to react certain ways. For instance pictures of fashion models makes teenagers and kids as young as 8 years get more self-conscious about their weight. It speaks of sex and how the media also influences teens to believe that it is something that is good.

Liljequist, Kevin C. “Does Music and Lyrical Content Influence Human Behavior?” Does Music and Lyrical Content Influence Human Behavior? N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2014

This article supports the idea of violent music being one of the causes of increase in aggressive behavior. It says that teenagers dedicate about 40 hours a week to listening to music. It was found that the earlier an adolescent invest their time in listening to music were more likely to not listen to their parent and listen more to their peers. When the music is constructed into a music video it has a stronger impact on teenager’s behaviors an outlook on society.



How music affects teenagers behavior towards society

After a lot of thought and brainstorming I finally came to a decision that I wanted to my topic to be on something to about music. I knew it had to be really specific and precise so I continued to think about what area would I like to learn more about that has to deal with music. As I was on my way home a couple of days ago I saw a group of teenagers listening to rap music and they were behaving in a crazy and somewhat hostile manner. I then thought to myself I should research how music affects teenagers behavior towards society. sometimes music can have a bad or a good influence on people especially teenagers. In high school my friends were always listening to music and would go around saying quotes from the songs. For example Chris Brown wrote a song about females not being loyal, ever since then boys or guys would go around saying that girls aren’t loyal so don’t trust them.

When you look around most of the time when you see teenagers they are always listening to music. Everyone of them having their own personal preference of what style of music they like. Some of them you see are dressed in all black and listening to goth and others you may see are dressed with snap backs, Jordans and white tees listening to rap.

“How Music Affects Teens.” Teen Ink. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

After I finally figured out what I wanted my topic to be I started to do some research. It honestly didn’t take me much time to find article or website that I liked because I went through the first couple of them I found interest in this one. This article talks about how certain music can define who a person is. It says that you can tell a person’s mood by the type of music that they are listening too. I agree with that because when I’m sad I don’t listen to songs that would make me dance but I listen to songs that  are slow and depressing. What I mainly love about this article is that it says, teens hangout or cling to other teens who like the same style music as them. That is also true because you would hardly see a person who likes country music hanging out with somebody who likes rock. It’s not something that is done on purpose but it’s something that is done naturally. They wouldn’t do that because like article also states teens would always be disagreeing with watch genre of music is right or what genre music is wrong. As teens they may not know how to really express themselves in the right way at times. I know when I was a teen I always listened to music that had a con ection to my mood. If I was in a mood where I didn’t want to talk to anyone I would listen to rap music so loud that you wouldn’t be able to hear yourself talk. The article mentions that music helps teens show emotions and express there feelings in way they sometimes can’t so by themselves. This article was a little short but gave me a basic outlook on my topic. I feel that from here on I will find even more interesting articles about my topic.

What a Happy Place!

All over the world there are places that people can go where they can feel happy. It can be a restaurant, a park, a store, or even a train station. After being asked this question I started to thoroughly think about what is one place in this whole wide world that makes me happy. Living in New York City for so long makes that so much more complicated. Seeing as there are many places that I enjoy going to and take pleasure in being there, I just couldn’t come to just one conclusion. I thought about all the places I ever been and I finally came to a conclusion. The place that makes me the happiest when I am there is in a place that both my friends and family are. It could be at a party, a dinner or a reunion. Once it contains my family and my closes friends I am 100% happy. When I am around them I feel like nothing can go wrong. Love is in the air, everybody is laughing playing and just having fun. Moments like that is what I enjoy the most. Being around people that truly loves you and will be always there for you is something that everyone should enjoy. I wouldn’t trade for that for the world. If my friends and family is there I am too!


Ch. 4 Hw and Disscussin Questions

1.Describe the three models of service delivery in terms of how each impact well-being to either individuals, families and/or communities.

A.Medical, Public Health, Human Services

The medical model impact well being to individuals because medical professionals believes that’s mental disorders are diseases and illnesses that impairs ones ability to function. So therefore individuals should receive treatment from a physician in a hospital or a medical clinic.

Public health impact well being because it gives services to groups of people such as communities, countries, regions, or state. Unlike the medical model, public health believes that mental disorders as the result of malfunctions or pressures is formed by the environment or society. This model stresses avoiding this issue through supporting activities.

The human services model focuses more on the communication between the individual and the environment. It emphasizes on the need for balance between the two.This model impacts well being because it focuses on s clients strength rather than their insufficiencies.

2.Describe how Philippe Pinel impacted the well-being of those with mental illness.

Philippe Pinel impacted the well being of those with mental illness because he worked hard to secure a new status for people that suffered from mental illnesses. He wanted to show that as a person and a citizen medical care should be given instead of persecution or punishment.

3.Describe how the psychodynamic model promoted the well-being of the human services profession.

The psychodynamic model promoted the well being of the human services profession because it is the study of what triggers off human behavior, feelings, and emotions and how they might relate to early experience.

4.Describe how medications promoted the well-being of those with mental illnesses.

Medications promoted the well being of those with mental illnesses because they then can get treated in different areas. For example psychiatric drugs acts on the brain, antidepressant drugs relives depression and antianxiety drugs is prescribed to relive anxiety, fear, or tension.

5.Describe how electroshock treatment can promote the well-being of a person with severe depression, catatonic states.

The electroshock therapy promotes well being of a person with severe depression, catatonic states because after sending 70-130 volts in the brain leaving the patient unconscious, as they start to regain consciousness the problem behaviors start to vanish.

6.Describe how the “strength based” model approach promotes the well-being of the clients/society.

The strength based model promotes well being because instead of focusing on the problems and issues that the client faces, in this model the client is encouraged to match their strengths to their issues. The professional encourages the client to think about the times in which a problem was successfully handled ad situated.


Discussion Questions ch. 2&3

Chapter 2

1. Describe the techniques and solutions used to aid in the wellbeing  of clients who were in distress.

Back in the middle ages techniques that were used trephining the skull, beating, chaining, starving and bleeding. As time when buy these techniques were improved drastically. scientific therapies and treatments were created and were not at all brutal and harmful to individuals.

2.Describe the evolution of human well-being services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals and society.

     The evolution of human well-being services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals and society became increasingly modernized. in the middle ages people believed that mental illness were demonic and caused by evil spirits. There weren’t any treatment or medication that would be given. They believed that the only way a person suffering from mental illness would be healed by cutting a whole into their brain releasing the evil spirits.

 3.Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans.

Obama Care’s mission to make sure every one can afford health care. A lot of less fortunate people were living without so Obama care was created to make sure they have the same opportunity as others.

4.Describe how social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society.

Social philosophies were promoted by Individualism, Laissez-faire, and Social Darwinism. Individualism was observed America as the place where anything could happen, once you are willing to do some hard work. Laissez-faire didn’t really promote well-being because the government took little interest in the less fortunate. lastly, Social Darwinism believes that those who are less compatible will not achieve and those who are very compatible will.

5.Describe how the mental health movement promoted the wellbeing of clients/society.

The mental health movement promoted well being because back in the middle ages people were treated very brutally. Pioneers such as Dr. Benjamin Rush and Dorothea Dix  fought for this horrible treatments to stop and be raised to a scientific level of study.

6.Describe how the human service movement promoted the well being of clients/society.

The human service movement promoted well being because it created opportunities for many to go into the study of mental health and become metal health workers. For clients this would be very beneficial to them because they would be able to get more help.

7.Describe how entitlement benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare) promote the well-being of individuals/society.

These three entitlement benefits promote well being by individuals and society being open to more opportunities. Medicaid gives certain states grants that will support them in helping people receive medical and hospital care. Medicare promotes well being for the elderly by providing them with health insurance, and welfare promotes well being because it supports someone’s happiness and health.

8.Describe how legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society.

Legislation promotes wellbeing for individuals and society because it help open many federal involvements in human services. It created a passage of a prescription drug act, increased the support of faith-based human services, and health care reform.


1.Describe how the trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a client’s well-being.

In the field of technology the trends of technology are attempting to aid a clients well being because it is used to provide more efficient and effective service. It is also attempting because they want to provide access of technology to those who limited. Using technology in the field of human services will help professionals do there job in a more standard way.

2.Describe how technology can promote well-being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients

it can promote well being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients because it makes the information they receive and the information that they already have more secure. Instead of having a whole bunch of folders and files of a client a human service professional can easier keep track and organize information  by storing it in a computer. professionals can also easily access information about what is going on in the human services field around the world and also can research more ways in which they can increase their knowledge and skill.

3.Describe what managed care is, and how it promotes client wellbeing.

Managed care is when methods are created for professionals t follow in order to manage resources and to deliver proper human services to clients. Managed care is mostly promoted to be used in the area of health care and mental health.

4.Describe some of the limitations of managed care and how it can impact on well-being.

Some  limitations of managed care is when a client is given the least amount of care and giving a client the least amount of treatment as possible. instead of giving an individual the most care as possible, they are given the minimum amount.

5.Describe what service delivery means and how it promotes wellbeing.

Service delivery is when professionals use proper ethics and standards to deal with a client. In order to give good service delivery you have to be well knowledgeable of your client and mainly your job.

6.Describe how human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations.

When a human service professional pay attention to various groups it gives them different views on what is going on around the world. it promotes the well being of specific populations because when you are dealing with these population you already obtained information that will help you deliver proper service.

7.Describe how what is happening internationally promotes or hinders the well-being of US citizens.

Countries are becoming very over populated and doesn’t contain the service needed. Many suffer from mental illnesses and don’t have the support that is needed to help cure them

8.Describe how the concept of “teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being.

The concept “teaching a man to fish simply means that a professional should not d all the work for a client but to teach the client how to help themselves. If you do everything for an individual it will not benefit them. When they learn how to care for themselves even after they are put on their own they will be to stand on their own two feet.

9.Describe how cultural competency can promote well-being.

Cultural competency can promote well-being because as a human professional you must always be diverse and always open to different kinds of people. As a human service professional you are not designated to one culture or one race, you are open to everyone.

Pre-Draft Thesis Paragraph

What is happiness? What brings happiness? Where does it come from? Many have done studies to figure out the answer to these questions. “How to Buy Happiness” Written by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton and “What Good is Money if it Cant Buy Happiness” written by Sonja Lyubomirsky argue that its what we do with money and when it is shared with someone is what brings happiness. “How Happy are you? A Census Wants to Know” written by John Tierney studied a town and asked them questions to figure out what made them happy. John Tierney came to find out that when changes are made to better people it brings happiness. Also you can not really find out how happy someone is by doing a census because people reply to the census depending on the mood they are in. Happiness cannot be judged, people cannot direct a specific way of life to bring happiness. The only thing we can assume is that happiness is the essence of what brings us joy.

Ch.8 Hw Questions

1-Describe how the client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a clients well-being status. Include what the professional would do to implement the model in the counseling session.

The client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a clients well-being status by giving the client a chance to be heard. To inform them that better is on its and their voice was heard. During the counseling sessions the worker gives room for the client to think on their own. Give them a chance to brainstorm on things they want to be done.

2-Describe how a community based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients.

A community based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients by them providing a set statement that gives the client proof of exactly what the agency is suppose to provide. So when a client reads the community based agency’s mission and goals they will get a sense of clarity on what to expect.

3-Describe how an agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command .

The agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command by them having the proper people in the right positions. it makes it a lot easier when people are sectioned of into various offices and titles. They will then know exactly who is who and where they stand.

4-Describe how the referral process is utilized in relation to the clients well-being.

The referral process is utilized in relation to the clients well-being by the agency using the proper steps to make sure that the client is sent to their rightful place. Using that process ensure the client that they will not be placed somewhere that won’t be useful to them, but they will be placed some where that will be most useful to them.

5-Describe how an informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals.

An informal network can aid in the referral and well being goals by the professional or worker making sure that they find out everything that there is to know about an agency. Keeping files on other agency’s can also aid in the referral and well-being goals. Once you get a distinctive view on an agency this can make a referral even more affective for the professional and the client.

6-Describe how documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client.

Documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client by the professional being able to keep their clients information together. It is helpful for the client because it would be easy for then to get information transferred to another agency when they get referred.

7-Describe how stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the clients well-being.

Stress and burnout of the worker can impact the clients well-being by the clients being left unattended and with no one to service them. When a worker suffers from stress and goes through a time of burnout they tend to quit and leaves the profession. This now leaves no assistance for clients and less staff in agencies.

8-Describe how professional development can impact the well-being of the worker. Describe how it also impacts the service delivery to the client.

Professional development can impact the well-being of the worker by them creating a more positive mindset on what they tend struggle with daily. Professional development is a commitment so therefore the worker should be able to develop new knowledge and skills. It impacts service delivery to the client because now the worker can have a better attitude and view of the client. They can now give the client their proper treatment and service.

9-Describe how a human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of he client.

A human service worker can utilize the client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client by them being able to use the clients voice a way to open doors for different organizations.


Hw andHman ser Discussion Questions #2 ch.9

1-Describe how the Human Services Code of Ethics initiates, guides, and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being.

The human services code of ethics initiates, guides, and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well being because it is a statement of ethical standard behaviors. The code of ethics gives client the opportunity to feel comfortable.

2-Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promote well being.

It promotes the well being of the client by the human service professional helping the client figure out what purpose and goals they want in life. if anything was to ever happen to a client the human service professionals main priority is to make sure and help in the best way possible.

3-Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promote well-being.

Their responsibility to the community and society promotes well being by them being able to try and change laws, regulations and statutes when they believe that it contradicts with a clients rights.

4-Describe how the human service professional ‘s responsibility to colleagues promote well-being for the client.

Their responsibilities to colleagues promotes well-being for the client because it helps the human service professional not duplicate what another colleague is doing with a client. it also promotes well being by them being confidential bout clients issues.

5-Describe how the human service professionals responsibility to the profession promotes well being for the client.

When a professional makes their profession their main responsibility it makes his or her job one more easier, and two more knowledgeable which helps promote well being for the client. they will always know what they can and cannot do so it makes their lives and the clients lives safe.

6-Describe how the human service professionals  responsibility to employers promotes well being for the client.

Human services professionals responsibility to employers promotes well being for clients because what ever has been placed on them to do by the employer has to be done. So there for they would be always fixed on doing what is best for the client.

7-Describe how the human service professionals responsibility to self promotes well-being for the client.

It promotes the well being for the client by them recognizing that they made a commitment to that client and they are accountable for everything dealing with the client.

8-Describe how the human service professionals responsibility to educators promotes well-being for the client.

Educators work hand in hand with the human service professionals giving the clients liberal education and helping them embrace the nature of academic freedom.

9-Describe the four stages of ethical decision making. Indicate how it strives to promote well-being to the client/society.

The four stages of ethical decision making is to identify the problem, consult with colleagues or experts, identify and explore options and choose a course of action and act. These four stages strives to promote the well being of a client/society by them carefully investigating what ever the issue or problem is and finding the right proposal for it. Instead of jus using what you think is right you look at it from different perspectives and also other peoples and then make your final decision.