research essay pre-draft

Kelsey Melendez
English 1101

Children all over the United States are forced into foster care. Without no say in the matter.
Forced to live in a house with other people whom they don’t know at all. Around adults and children
who they have no connection to. No longer having their mother and father, rather complete strangers
who would be paid by the government to take care of them. Children in foster care are subjected to
abuse. Whether it is mental, physical, or verbal abuse. A child’s life can be changed traumatically by
these events happening. Since abuse has such an impact on the lives of foster children, then it will also
have an effect on the happiness of those in foster care. A child’s well-being can be affected negatively
depending on whether they have been abused or not.

Abuse put on a young child, it doesn’t matter if they are in foster care or not. This has a huge
effect on the well-being of a child. Children are who they are based on the environment they were
exposed to. Environment has everything to do with a child’s well-being. A child should not be exposed to
negative environments where they are exposed to abuse by those who are supposed to take care of
them. But instead hurt them. A child’s environment being unstable it negative. Foster care is puts
children in positions where the people they are put to live with have a choice whether or not they want
to stay with them or have them put in a other home. A child being passed around from one house to
another makes then very unstable as a person. Environments that the children are placed in have effect
of the child’s life in general. They can have trust issues with other people, because they have never had
a stable environment. Most children in foster care are put in homes that are unstable, but it also said
that even though a child is in foster care if they are in a stable environment the child will benefit from it,
since they are in a stable environment.
Children in Children in foster care are found to have mental issues. Although these mental issues can be
solved or kept from increasing worst. Those who are in foster care and also have mental health issues
will have an increase in these issues. This is because while in foster care they are being neglected by not
being given medicine nor being given the treatment they may need. So instead of them getting better
they will get worst. This may not be considered a type of abuse it is because a child is being neglected
and the child is being putting at risk. Children in foster care are put with people who have not been
evaluated or even given background checks to make sure that they don’t have any pass issues or any
mental health issues. This is being neglectful towards those children in foster care because they are not
being given the max amount of care that they should be given.

Children in foster care that have been subjected to abuse have had changed in their life. For
example their behavior. The child may act different towards interaction with other because they are
scared of what that other person may do to them due to pass abuse. School can be affected by a child
being abused. They will figure why care about school? They will tend to act out and may have anger
management issues. Abuse at a young age can also cause the child to go through so many emotions
including depression. Which at a young age a child should not be going through. Feelings of anxiety and
stress are things that child shouldn’t be forced to feel. They shouldn’t be exposed to these things at such
a young age. Making their lives a mess before they have really started. Which can make it harder to
happy and at piece at a later time in their life due to the traumatic events that they were put though at
young ages.

Second draft proposal

I decided to change my topic a bit. Instead of researching happiness in abused foster children I was going to take a few steps back and research happiness and well being in foster children. When I went to research the topic to find my sources a lot of links came up. I figured I would get a better amount of articles and other research if instead of just using plane Google I would instead use Google scholar. This helped narrow down the links and sources that I got. Foster care is a huge issue nowadays. Most foster children and put into homes where the foster parent already has at least a dozen other foster children. Stating the fact that everyone knows that if you take care of a foster child you get money from the government. There’s a lot of questions that can be asked as to why the amount of children in the foster care system is slowly increasing every year. Every child although if they are in foster care should be able to have the chance to achieve well being and happiness. If a child is not able to do so then their life can and will be affected drastically. For example school is a big issue. The can end up acting out in school and have behavioral issues. Seeking attention anyway they can get it. Some foster children are put through abuse and neglect.

Bruskas, D. (2008), Children in Foster Care: A Vulnerable Population at Risk. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 21: 70–77. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6171.2008.00134.x

This article was all about foster care and the effect it has on a child well-being. Stating that children in foster care have been through traumatic events and also abuse. Loosing the child’s parents or knowing they didn’t want them can have a huge impact on the child’s life. Considering they are young when this all happens. In the article it states “experience feelings of confusion, fear, apprehension of the unknown, loss, sadness, anxiety, and stress.” A child’s life is becoming a mess before they even hit puberty. The article also talks about how if a child is going through any of these feeling (named above) need to be treated as soon as possible. Or negative affects can occur such as problems with development of issues with mental health.

This article talks about how two studies were conducted. The studies were basically about the well being of children in foster care. In most cases children in foster care don’t usually stay in one foster home for very long. This can cause the child to be unstable, due to them never being in a stable environment. In the article it states “Children adjust well to long-term foster care”. Children are happy in a environment where they know well. So having children stay in one foster home for a extensive period of time will benefit the child in the end. In the article it talked about how a study was conducted. Talking about how most children were happier in all aspects of life in the current place that they were in. Other children felt that they weren’t getting all the help that they needed, and they wanted more. This resulted in the foster child not liking their foster parent. A foster child should be happy in the home that they are in, and if they are not they should be switched to another home where they have a better chance of being happy.

This article talks about how that they are almost 750,000 children who are in foster care, but that’s only in the united states. Also talking about how more people are trying to push adoption so that children in foster care will not increase. Most children who are put into foster care already have mental health or developmental problems. What is even worse is that the children in foster care who do have this problems are not treated with the right care. So the problems that the child has may get worse because of the treatment they are not receiving but need. Most people would call that neglect. The article also talked about how these problems can be decreased also increasing the well-being of the child. This can be done by evaluating the foster parents more thoroughly to insure that the people they are putting these children with are able to take care of them the right way.

Affect of happiness on abused children in foster care

Happiness is something so broad. So picking just one topic was kind of difficult. Until I came up with the happiness in foster children. I chose to focus on abused children in foster care, because that is something that’s is going on a lot in thia century. When it came down to researching my topic ally of things came up. Out of all the topic their were about happiness I chose this one. Children are a big part of society because they are the future generation. To know that children in foster care; put their by the government are being abused it disturbing. Children put to live with all these different families with no questions asked.
I want to focus on the environment he foster children in on a daily basis. Whether or not they have friends or if they or antisocial. How they are in school. All these things can be a affected if a child has been abused. It doesn’t what kind of abuse it may be;mental, verbal, or physical. Abuse is abuse. There are so many children in the world being abused in foster care. But what I don’t understand is why you don’t see it in the news, or at least see arrest being made. Children are missing out on their youth and happiness all because of the situation they are in.


I found an article on Google scholar based on abuse in foster care children. A test was constructed about mental health problems in foster children; an affect of them being abused. It showed how their was behavioral changes in the children. A sign of mental health issues in the children. Being abused can have an impact on your life.

My happy place :)

This was hard. To choose one happy place that I have out of all the places that make me happy. But if I had to choose one it would have to be … Times square. Before you say how can times square be your happy place? It’s so loud etc. But a happy place isn’t just somewhere quiet or peaceful it’s just a place that makes you happy. Times square makes me happy. The bright lights and all the people crowded together walking through the streets. The yellow cabs passing through the streets. This is what new York city is about. Times sqaute brings me back to my child hood. Going to the city with my family and we would always go to times square only at night. That’s when the city really came alive. Overall i love the excitement Times Square brings. Sometimes seems overwhelming becuase their is so many things to do. But I love it. The lights flashing and the bright billboards everywhere you look!

Chapter 4

1.Medical sees a person who is coming for help as a person who has a disease or a sickness. Public health is when someone is hard to define as a cleint or patient. Human services is their to provide help to individuals who need it

2.Philippen pinel impacted the well being of those with mental illness by making a campaigne to secure a new status for those with mental illness. So that they will no longer be known as people being possessed by demons but people with an actual disease.

3.Psychodynamic model promoted well being of human service professionals by creating a safe enviroment where the client can speakl freely about thier emotions , thoughts and feelings.

4.Medications promote the well being of those with mental illnesses becuase those with severe illnesses need medications to keep the illness that they have at a stable rate where it can be controlled by the medication they are taking, They will seem normal as if they dont have a mental illness. Also without being on medication a risk is ooccuring where the client can become a danger to themself or a danger to society.

5.Electroshock treatment can promote the well being of a person with severe depressions, catatonic, states, because after recieving the electroshcok treatment clients will see a decrease in the problem behaviors that the client is having. But to recieve the decrease in problem behaviors the client will have to recieve serval electroshock treatments.

6.The strengths based model approach promotes the well being of clients/society by making the client go back in time and visit their past. So that it can be made sure that they wont relive the past in the present.


Honestly at first I thought the whole part about taking each other’s papers home and revising them was a waste of time. I thought that I wouldn’t get good feedback. When ended up happening was I did get good feedback. I learned that my thesis needed to be better explained becuase it was kind of conflicting with what I was saying. After reading through my peer review sheet I noticed that some sentences were taking up space and should be their, I also realized that my thesis needed to be the last sentence of my introduction. I made a good argument, but some paragraphs were talking about more then one topic. When I’m writing my final draft I will be sure to read over everything more carefully to make sure thag the first sentence states what the paragraph will be about and most importantly that the paragraph is about one thing.

It was said that my essay was to personal at some point so I will adjust my personal experience so that it’s no longer to personal. In class I changed my thesis with the help of a peer who peer reviewed my draft, and together I feel we made up a more appropriate thesis for my essay. While I’m writing my final draft I will take into consideration on the comments and feedback I got on my essay from my peer. Making sure that I actually make changes to what is being said and not just change a few words around. In my review paper my peer wrote that I came off a little to strong so when writing my final draft I will be sure to change my wording in certain paragraphs and sentences so I don’t come off as strong as I did in my pre draft

HUS questions: chapters 2 and 3

chapter 2

1. The techniques and solutions used to aid in the well being of clients who were distressed is very different then now. For example people who were mentally ill were considered to be caused by demons and evil spirits. To get rid of evil spirits holes were cut in the heads of the mentally ill; and the whole was where the evil spirits would be released from.

2. The evolution of the human well beings services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals and societ has changed drastically. Before the catholic church was responsible for providing human service care. Religious figuires such as st.thomas aquinas etc were one of the first human service professionals. Now people need to go to school and earn degrees to be considered a human service professional.

3. Obamas cares mission is to aid the well being of americans by providing health care that many people can afford. This will end with less deaths in the future due to people being able to get the health care that they need to get, which is something that they once couldnt getcall nor afford.

4. Social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well being of clients and society, for example those who suported socail darwinism called for the repeal of poor laws and insead support the human services.

5. The mental health movement promoted the well being of clients/society because those with mental issues would have good health due to everything sent to be delt by the state. Soon a seperation between those with mental issues and those with disablities.

6. The human service movement promoted the well being of clients/societ because a group was formed, which is now known as the mental health association. This group aims for the improvement of mental hospitals, arouse public concern and prevent disease.

7. Entitlement benefits promote the well being of individuals and society, because they make life easier for those who cant make means. Money being a issue in todays society; benefits make a huge difference in a positive way.

8. Legislation promotes the well being on  indivduals and society, for example the medicare prescription drug, improvement, and modernization act was passed to provide out patient prescription drug benefits for people on medicare.

chapter 3

1. The trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a clients well being. Technology is being expanded to help clients directly and indirectly. Being used in the areas of communication, information management, service delivery and professional development.

2. Techonlogy can promote well being in professional development for human  service workers and ultimately clients. Development in techonlogy is dynamic and continued to change in ways that are not normal.

3. Manage care is when information from a variety of sources and places, then organized the data into decision making a planning. This promotes client well being because service costs can be taken cared of. Insuring that the clients most times dont have to pay for the services that they recieve.

4. The limitations of managed care and how it can impact on well being are that setting limtations can mean that the client isnt getting the full extent of service that they should be getting. Therfore the well being of the client can be affected in negative ways since the client is not being given all services that are needed for that client.

5. Service delivery is they way the professional or human service worker will provide all the help and optinions that the client might and will need. This promotes well being because the client is given the best things that the client needs.

6. Human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well being of specific populations because it is important as a human service worker to be very diverse. A human service worker should not only be able to work with one type of groups but many.

7. Throughout the world many issues are happening causing people to suffer. Such as terrorism. Something hindering most people becuase of the fear that is put int he hearts of many. Ever since september 9 2001, the day many lives were lost. People fear an event like that might happen again.

8. The concept of “teaching a man to fish” promotes well being because a human service worker can help a client to a certain extent. Not doing everything for the client and making sure to learn to do things on their own is showing progress. This leads to the client becoming self sufficent and not having to always depend on other people to get things done.

9. Cultural competency can promote well being because it can help the ability to understand, appreciate, and interact with people from cultures andd different beliefs other than one’s own, based on various factors.

Pre-draft essay #1

Happiness. Could it be the hardest thing to achieve in life? Happiness isn’t just something that happens over night. You either earn it or you don’t. “How to by happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton. Money buying happiness doesn’t seem natural in anyway. It’s unethical to have the amount of your happiness based upon the money you have in your pocket. “What suffering does” by David brooks. Explaining a whole new meaning on how happiness can be accomplished. Suffering…. Shaping us as new people as we go through it, with the end result of happiness. Learning who we really are and what we a capable of brings new meaning to what people call happiness.

Chapter 8

1. The clients empowerment model of change effectively impacts a clients well being status because by the humans service worker showing the client that change is possible can help the client make that change. But also helping them along this path of change is a big part of making change happen. Clients need assurance!

2. A community based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients. This is because community based agencies focus on their surroundings. In other words they are not just focusing on one thing but many; being diverse. They help anyone and everyone weather they are young children or homeless. Really no one is turned away.

3. An agency’s organizational chart promotes well being through the chain of command. Each person has a job in the chart. Each person is accountable for those under he or she’s supervision. There is less authority so decision making is more of a shared responsibility.

4. The referral process is utilized in the relation to the client’s well being because when a human service worker is making a referral they think of always the client. For example will the new agency be able to provide the services the client needs or is the client going to be able to travel to the new agency. Basically the client is thought of through the whole process.

5. An informal network can aid in the referral and well being goals. The informal network includes informal workers such as family and friends who provide needed support for the client.

6. Documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well being of the client. This provides a permanent record for the services received by the client. This lets it be known about the client and what are the services that the client requires.

7. Stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well being. This can cause for the human service worker to become the complete opposite of what they should be, for example insensitive and uncaring! This can result in poor performance at work.

8. Professional development activities can impact the well being of the clients. Most importantly is that you must stay being positively engaged and well supported while delivering services. Always support the clients in a positive way.

9. A human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well being of a client. Letting the client learn how to be more independent meaning letting them do things on their own rather then you helping them all the time. This will help the client become more self sufficient.

chapter 9 questions

1. The human services code of ethics inititates guides and promotes a clinical arena for professionmal and client well being. Each human services code of ethics is somewhat of a guide line to help make everything better for the client. Rules are set to ensure the best surroundings for each client.

2.The human services professional responsibility to clients promotes well being. They help clients by not just trying to figuire out what each problem is but to provide the resources so that they client can have a better chance for the best possible outcome in the end.Giving them all the choices that they have.

3.The human servies professional responsibilities to the community and society help to promote well being. Human service workers should be able to help any type of client with issues not just one type of group.In other words all human service workers should be diverse in what they do to make sure that they can help each client to the best of their ability.

4.The human services professionals responsibilities to colleagues promote well being for the client by networking. Human service workers can better keep in contact throught networking getting things done at a faster pace. This means that the client is being helped at a faster pace and also the humans service worker can acess help easily through networking.

5.The human services professionals responsibilities to the profession promote Well being to the clients.This helps ensure that each and every client that a human service worker sees is given respect and being treated the way they should be treated, while still doing the job that the clinet is their for you to do.

6.The human services professionals responsibilities to the employers promote Well being to the clients. Humans services are what they are because they are capable of doing certain things that others can not do. But if not then why work as a human service worker if your not going to do your job, which is to help people to the best of your ability. Have the requirements are key to make it in this feild of work.

7.The human services professionals responsibility to self promote Well being to the clients. Human service workers help those in need; those who are not able to help themselves. You should give nothing less but your all into helping clients until you have nothing else to give.

8.The human services professionals responsibilities to educators promote Well being. Especially to the clients because they are the ones that are in the need of help.