Project 5 Final

My first semester as a first year has been smooth. I feel like I learned more about me as a design student, artist, and writer. I also feel like I improved as a student. As a design student, at this school, I learned a lot more about different design styles. In graphic design principles 1, I learned more about colors and paint, like how they can be saturated and desaturated. I feel like I was re-introduced to painting as I haven’t done it in such a long time, probably since kindergarten. This graphic design class also helped me learn more … Read More...

Ways of Reflecting draft

My first semester as a first year has been smooth. I feel like I learned more about me as a design student, artist, and writer. I also feel like I improved as a student. As a design student, at this school, I learned a lot more about different design styles. In graphic design principles 1, I learned more about colors and paint, like how they can be saturated and desaturated. I feel like I was re-introduced to painting as I haven’t done it in such a long time, probably since kindergarten. This graphic design class also helped me learn more … Read More...

Mission statement (part 4)

A mission statement is a short statement of why an organization exists, what the overall goal is, and identifying the goal of its operations or values. It usually is straight to the point and is much shorter than other statements. A mission statement can surprise, inspire, and transform your business. When making one, the goal has to be realistic and attainable. A great mission statement can guide and lead a company from the bottom all the way to the top

I chose a mission statement because I think it best fits me. It can be short and simple and to … Read More...

Mission Statement (part 3)

A mission statement is a short statement of why an organization exists, what the overall goal is, and identifying the goal of its operations or values. It usually is straight to the point and is much shorter than other statements. A mission statement can surprise, inspire, and transform your business. When making one, the goal has to be realistic and attainable. A great mission statement can guide and lead a company from the bottom all the way to the top

My mission statement is that I want to find a style I’m good with expand on it. It could be … Read More...

Project 4 completed


For the first part of this project, we had to learn about the color wheel, like what ROYGBV is, and what primary and secondary colors are. The color wheel I made is made up of primary and secondary colors.



This is one of the saturation scales I had to do. It’s primary colors and secondary colors.

This is another saturation scale. It involves tint, which is adding white to a color to make it lighter


This is the atmospheric landscape I created. I created it by using tint, and adding white to purple to make it … Read More...

Project #3 completed

Lots of things have a history behind them, whether it’s as small as a rock or as big as a skyscraper, they all have history. Even though the people there have changed, the buildings still stand tall, having lots of history to back them up. The roads were built back in who knows what time, the stores were built awhile ago too. Sometimes buildings get torn down and replaced with new ones but in this juxtaposition, this building still stands to this day.

To get to my juxtaposition form city tech, you would walk down adams street towards johnson st. … Read More...

Value portraits


In the first part of this project, I took hand portraits and edited them to have this gray look to it


I had to take a picture of myself that captures the lighting so that I’m able to posterize it in photoshop. After posterizing it, I had to trace the image on tracing paper. Then I had to trace it lightly on Bristol. After tracing it lightly, I painted it using the colors black, gray, and white

frame of animation

Animated gif: Value portrait transformation


This project was a hard project to do. One thing that was really hard was … Read More...



Marked to the highest degree by grandeur, excellence, brilliance or competence

In “Reading Lucy” by Jennifer Egan, the author says, “When it came to life in the navy yard around the job, Lucy was superb. “I just learned of a wonderful way to lose friends and get a lot of laughs or do you already know the funnel trick?” she wrote in an undated letter.

This means that Lucy was excellent at her job at the navy yard, she knows how to do it well… Read More...