I decided to create mountains as well as a sun setting behind the mountains. It was hard to keep the scale that I obtained from the original image but I like the product created.
Hours: 1
First Year Learning Community
I decided to create mountains as well as a sun setting behind the mountains. It was hard to keep the scale that I obtained from the original image but I like the product created.
Hours: 1
Doing this project helped me better understand why we use color and how color can bring are work to life. I learned how to use photoshop and illustrator during the process. I got to say if wasn’t for those programs it would been hard to work with paint, especial gauche. I got to experience what real graphic designers have to go through in order to plan their work and be able to deliver it in hope that it brings meaning and attention to those that see it. This project was pretty cool and going to Cooper Hewitt was cool as well because it was place I never been before.
This project in all honesty, was extremely hard for me. Although I enjoyed learning new concepts and attending the museum, I need to increase my time when using apps like Photoshop and illustrator. The trip was really fun for me I was able to go to a new place, and learn about many other artists that were skilled greatly. Next time I would like to come up with a neater free study, and make an even better composition. Practice is what I need, and I’m happy that I actually attempted to complete this project to the best of my ability.
In this Project, I learned the colors used in a composition and the dominant, sub-dominant, accent, and tint colors would be. What I believe I could have done better is create the waves more realistic and show more black. From what I learned in this project that I could apply in anything project would be knowing what colors are common and be able to make them fit together.
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