First Year Learning Community

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Saturation Studies: Phase 3

Band Name: decaying vision

work time: 1 hour


Midterm Grade Post

During my half of the semester in COMD1101 class I’ve learned to use Photoshop and techniques on it. And different brides of shapes and values being shown in color and around us in our daily lives.

Things I should work on would be doing and being on time with my work. I should be more organized as a designer and neat in how I hand in my work and present it.

High-Key & Low-Key: Phase 1






In this picture we can see the light coming straight to the object. Then you could also see the shadow of the object. In the back of the object the light seems to be dimming out. You can deffinetly see from what side the light is coming from.20161019_122704_burst01

This picture shows the light standing out. Around the light although you can see the shadow and contrast of darkness. Towards the top and bottom there is a dark highlight of light. You can see where the light source is coming from. The light and the dark come together to make shadow appear most.

Saturation Studies: Phase 4

This Project Was very fun and different. In this Project it was fun to be creative on our color wheels and on the Swiss band poster. The only part of this project that was difficult was the color the 3 different color shades. It was difficult to understand and properly Paint it on Bristol paper. I didn’t understand the differences in the begging of the project and I did more paintings because I didn’t understand. I stared to understand and with the feedback that I got from my peers I improved my paintings and redid all of them. Overall I enjoyed this project and I wish we had more teacher demos of the color differences.

Saturation Studies: Phase 1Saturation Studies: Phase 2Saturation Studies: Phase 3

Saturation Studies: Phase 3


This is my band Soft Ice poster in Swiss.


Value added portraits: phase 4

phase 1

phase 2

phase 3

Doing this project helped me understand the meaning behind photography, I wasn’t aware of the two types of ways that pictures(low-key and high-key) can be taken. It was pretty interesting and once we understood the concept of broad and narrow range, the next step was to experiment with gouache. Painting is something I have no experience in but it helped put my skills to the test. Everyday I learn something knew and unlock abilities that I thought I didn’t have. Doing this project was very helpful.

Value added portraits: phase 3

Narrow Range


time spent: 2 hrs

saturation study: phase 2

Muted  colors                                                                                                   Prismatic colors

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