Juxtapostion Project



To get here from City tech, you’ll have to leave the school from the Johnson st exit, then across the street and you’ll find yourself on Adams st, and quickly back on Johnson st. You then walk down a block on Johnson st and make a left turn and find yourself towards the west of Cadman Plaza, so you across the street, make a right, and make your way onto Pierrepont st. From there you walk 4 blocks down, and that’s when you’ll reach 70 Pierrepont st, where i took this picture.


This picture is a great example of Juxaposition because it shows two diffrent buildings next to each other. On the left side, you see an old type of brick design, and by looking at the building, you can tell it’s been around for quite some time. And on the right side, you see a more modern look type of building, with a newer look to it.

1 thought on “Juxtapostion Project”

  1. I recognize this juxtaposition–it’s one we talked about on our walk. It’s not off-limits, but can you find something similar yourself? That is, can you add a new location to our expanding campus? We’ve already begun discussing this one–is there anything new that you can address? If not, I encourage you to use this as a model and find another location with its own interesting details.

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