For my Selfiemotion Collage, these are 3 of the sketches I tried out:

The mood I chose to portray is Fear. To me Fear is mainly expressed by the eyes, but then also followed up by the eyebrows and the mouth. When I feel fear my eyes open up wide and I raise my eyebrows and my mouth stays in a pout. But I know more people would express fear with their mouth open in some sort of stressed way. In my sketches those are the elements that I tried to play around with. In my sketches I wasn’t so successful with the motion and contrast of the different elements.
And this is what I ended up making as my final work and my grayscale:

I think I was able to achieve the fearful look although I know some people might think the expression I created looks more disgusted or surprised. I added different sized and contrasted elements (eyebrows, eyes and mouth) in order to portray a pulsing kind of motion and to represent how when I feel fear I feel shock and even though my eyes widen, my emotional side starts to shrink inside. Thats also why I decided to make the lower part of my chest get smaller as it goes down. I made my grayscale into a collage like my photo with the remaining scraps of my black and white photographs. The whole project was interesting and little tedious to make. But it’s something I had never done before so it was fun. I didn’t want to use other photographs that weren’t of my face, but maybe that could have helped me push out the expression a little bit more.