Apps help but not really.

My thoughts about these happiness apps are a little diverse. In one side I think they are might be good to collect data such as a person’s location where they live, their gender, ethnicity etc. and see how that affects their wellbeing. Meaning, if they have economic stability, enough resources provided by the government and so on. However, I also think that the apps are not enough for a person to reach happiness. Yes, it gives some tips of what can be done to feel better at the moment. Although, it doesn’t give you exact processes that would help you solve the problems that may be affecting your happiness. Here are some thoughts about some of the apps:

“Track your happiness” is the app that makes you take a survey at the beginning asking you about general information about yourself, like gender, ethnicity, age etc. then this app sends you surveys to your email where at the beginning of the day, the middle and at night. In each of these surveys there are about 15 questions that ask you what you are doing, how do you feel, etc. At the end of each survey this app collects the data and graphs it in correlation with your happiness and activities accordingly. I think this app is not so helpful to improve a person’s happiness but more like to collect information of how people’s happiness is affected by their environment and daily activities.

“Happy habits” is an app that you can download to your phone and this app contains a series of activities that you can do to increase your level of happiness at the moment. I first took the survey with 119 questions, which at the end gave me a detailed summary of what are my characteristics as a person and how i could improve in them to be happy. The summary about the characteristics measured them from low, average and high. The characteristics measured were: optimism, illness susceptibility, locus of control, compassion, trusting of others, affiliation, pleasantness, emotional stability, conscientiousness, assertiveness, self-confidence, gratefulness, approval seeking, and playfulness. Mines ended up being sort of accurate I would say, and the advice that they give is realistic. Asides from the test this app contains information that educates people about cognitive psychology, which is the approach the application takes. Moreover, they have meditation techniques and activities that are in fact relaxing and help improve happiness. I have tried meditation before and I can say that after it I would always end up relaxed and feeling fresh in mind and body.

Emotion sense app claimed that they were going to collect data from my phone including my location, texts, calls and more. When I read this, I immediately went back and did not agree to the terms and conditions. I already don’t trust facebook and some other websites that have my private information. I obviously wouldn’t like another app to get this private information from me. I would feel very uncomfortable with someone reading my messages or spying on my calls. Not that I have anything bad or embarrassing to hide but I just like the fact that I can keep some things to myself.

Thoughts and Steps To Improvement

As I walked into class on Tuesday I became nervous because Professor Belli explained to the class last week Thursday that the follow class would be strictly peer review. When it comes to situations like this i doubt myself a bit and my work. Professor Belli gave instructions and told us to find our groups almost half the class wasn’t there but in my head I’m like ” no, I’m not ready just yet”. Dulce wasn’t present yet so it was me and Natasha so i decided to relax, Dulce and Natasha are cool so i knew i’ll receive good feedback and they wouldn’t talk down about my work or not give me enough(not to say my fellow peers wouldn’t do the same). Although, that’s what my initially thoughts were. Peer review started I decided to do Natasha First hen she would start my peer review but Dulce walked in so i was the last do go and the girls didn’t have enough time to fully peer review me. Although, I just had a little less then 15 minutes what i got out of it was good enough for me even though i thought the girls would say my essay was bad and have me change a lot of thing they didn’t. Natasha gave a few suggestions on how to fix things and explain quotes a little more the note she left me was great and very helpful as well as Dulce did. I came into class nervous and left out happy and satisfied the essay wasn’t bad after all just need to be spruced up bit like fixing quotes explaining more and fixing a topic sentence in my third or second body and adding more sentences into my intro. I took ll their advise into consideration and quickly went home to work on it. Excited for the next peer review being able to help others a well as them help me we’re all striving to become better writers.

Chapter 8

1. The clients empowerment model of change effectively impacts a clients well being status because by the humans service worker showing the client that change is possible can help the client make that change. But also helping them along this path of change is a big part of making change happen. Clients need assurance!

2. A community based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients. This is because community based agencies focus on their surroundings. In other words they are not just focusing on one thing but many; being diverse. They help anyone and everyone weather they are young children or homeless. Really no one is turned away.

3. An agency’s organizational chart promotes well being through the chain of command. Each person has a job in the chart. Each person is accountable for those under he or she’s supervision. There is less authority so decision making is more of a shared responsibility.

4. The referral process is utilized in the relation to the client’s well being because when a human service worker is making a referral they think of always the client. For example will the new agency be able to provide the services the client needs or is the client going to be able to travel to the new agency. Basically the client is thought of through the whole process.

5. An informal network can aid in the referral and well being goals. The informal network includes informal workers such as family and friends who provide needed support for the client.

6. Documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well being of the client. This provides a permanent record for the services received by the client. This lets it be known about the client and what are the services that the client requires.

7. Stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well being. This can cause for the human service worker to become the complete opposite of what they should be, for example insensitive and uncaring! This can result in poor performance at work.

8. Professional development activities can impact the well being of the clients. Most importantly is that you must stay being positively engaged and well supported while delivering services. Always support the clients in a positive way.

9. A human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well being of a client. Letting the client learn how to be more independent meaning letting them do things on their own rather then you helping them all the time. This will help the client become more self sufficient.

Human Services & the Well-Being of Individuals/Society(HUS Chapter 1)

Some problems in living include not having enough food, not living in a safe and clean environment, not having appropriate supervision or support from an adult/mentor and etc. These problems can affect the well-being of someone because all these factors and more can come between the people living in the household. It can also affect people emotionally due to the stress of living under these conditions. The stress and bad relationship in the household and between individuals who are experiencing problems affect their well being because it then adds on and they become unhappy. Happiness is a part of well being and as more time goes by without getting help, the problem grows and their unhappiness grows as well.

Human Services aid in the well being of clients by providing understanding and guide in the persons situation. By the human service orientating the individual going through these problems it supports them emotionally and phisically. Human services aids individuals well being also because in the process of getting them help, they will learn about things they did not know about. Though human services are here to help these individuals, its only so much they can do, so its up to those individuals to take the first step in helping themselves by getting help from human services networking in order to improve their well being.                                                                             

Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach to aif the well being of individuals and society is a good way to find a more detailed answer on how to solve the problem. Using this approach a human service proffesional can understand better the situation. With this kind of action being done one can get to the bottom of the situation and fix it from the root. Also this way we can help the individual make the right choice on how to go about in this situation.                 

Social care contributes to the well being of an individual because it provides help for individuals who cant provide or help themselves. It also contributes to society because if social care is helping these individuals it can make society a bit better. Social control contributes to individuals because it helps them move forward from their past mistakes trying to provide for themselves. As social control helps these individuals make a better future for themselves, it also contributes to society because its helping these people stay out of trouble in the streets.           

The relationship between the worker and the client is really important. It is important for the client and the worker to have a good relationship because that way there is an understanding in between. Both can see each others point of view and the worker can  help her as much as she can. If the worker and client don’t have a good relationship then  there is going to be trouble in communicating. It is also important for the client and worker to have a good relationship because that way the client starts trusting the worker and is able to express her feelings and thoughts on her own.        

By supporting and guiding the client, the human servive proffesional performs aid in the well being goals of the client. This is done so by teaching the client how to be self sufficient. Guiding them and letting them choose helps them  learn how to solve their own problems. Also they build up there self esteem and can have a better attitude towards the problem helping them meet their goal.                    

 Being a generalist human service worker aids in the well being of those they serve because they are experts and know how to deal w any of there clients. Because generalist human service workers work with different types of groups, it helps them use different skills in order to help there client.                                 

Professional human service workers  may steer the client to be self sufficient by letting them make their own decision. The client builds up their self esteem and gain confidence. Once this is in place the client starts taking in their responsibility.

Human service delivery system provides Alemeda with social care, social control and rehabilitaion in order to create a path of well  being in her life. They do this by giving her options and letting her change herself for the better. Human services lets her decide what steps she wants to take for her own and Anne well being. They understand her decisions wich makes her feel respected.                                       Evidence based practice knowledge can be utilized by the professional to aid the clients well being by supporting the clients ideas. Also they have experience and the right skills to provide support and encourage the client to do the right thing for their well being.