How to buy happiness by Elizabeth Dunn and Micahael Norton

In “How to buy happiness “by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton states how money doesn’t necessarily bring happiness, it can bring you happiness at the moment and once the money is gone you are back to your old self again. Dunn and Norton discusses how when having money, instead of spending it on materialistic things, you should use your money on things that you can remember such as doing something for another person, traveling , trips, concerts something that you can remember overtime, not doing something because you have the money and then it doesn’t mean anything later on to you. They believe that using your money matters, rather than how much you have.

Dunn and Norton studies showed that people are happier from buying experiences than from buying materialistic things. Which I believe is right because for example if someone mom has cancer and she doesn’t have that much time to live. They should want to spend as much quality time with her, rather than watching television. Although that may be memories, but going on a adventure and doing something they can always reminisce about can bring more happiness to them because, they’re thinking about the time and experience , rather than spending money on medicine and how much it cost.

Studies showed that if doing things for other people brings more happiness, then Dunn and Norton tested students at a university campus by giving out star bucks gift cards to students. They tested a experimental group, the group that gave their card to someone else, and the group that bought someone else something. Then the control group that just bought themselves something, results showed that the group that did something for someone were more happy because instead of thinking of themselves, it brought more happiness to do something for someone rather than yourself and doing something that required spending less money brought more happiness then spending more.

Lastly how we use our money does affect us much more then how much we have. Dunn and Norton suggested that you should use your money on experiences and not for yourself because money is the root of all evil, and doesn’t always have to be spending on useless necessities. It can be used to have something to remember for yourself and others that can lead to more happiness.


Hello, my name is Indira Raimundi! I am Puerto Rican, Greek and Italian. I am 17 years old and majoring in Human Services. I live in the Bronx but do everything in Manhattan which is how it’s been my whole life. I enjoy going to the gym, watching tv (specefically Netflix), doing my nails, taking pictures and overall trying to make someone smile everyday if I can. When I can make someone happy it bring me joy. Oh, and I LOVE food, can’t forget that. Chipotle is life, just saying. I am a very laid back person, I perfer to stay home then do anything else. For instance on the weekend I will usually not do anything except go to the gym and get things done that need to be done. I’m not the type to party all the time but I do love going to them. I’ve always been a hard worker with school and jobs that I have had. I try to do everything to my best ability. Overall I believe I am a very trustworthy, funny, nice, chill person. Thanks for listening!

Introducing Me! ^.^

Hello everyone! My name is Anna Coulibaly. I’m a 18 year old freshman. I was born in Italy, and I’m a world traveler! I’ve been in over 50 countries. I speak five different languages fluently (Italian, French, English, Wolof, and Fulany). I graduated from Manhattan International High School. I’m really friendly and I love meeting new people. I love learning especially from people and different cultures. I’m an NYPD explorer and I can’t wait to join the National Cost Guard, of course after I’ve earned my degree in school. I love writing and drawing. I’m really hoping to do great in class. ^.^



Hi everyone, my name is Kelsey Melendez and just like all of you I am majoring in human services. Eventually after I finish my 4 years at city tech I expect that I will go into grad school so that I can be qualified to become a psychiatrist. At first I told myself that I wanted to be in this career to help people but now that I think about it my job won’t be to help be it will be to listen to them and let them figure out how to help themselves. Although at first I thought I want to be a psychologist, but then I thought they aren’t doctors. So I decided to switch up a bit and go into being a psychiatrist.

This is all new to me. Just a few months ago I was at the top living the senior life. But now it feels like I’m starting all over again when in reality I’m just beginning my journey. I have a feeling it’s goin. To be a great year

p.s I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you in my human services class!

My introduction

Hello everyone,

Im Arlene Adams and I am a 26 yr old freshman, majoring in Human Services. I can be very sociable at times and other times I can be the exact opposite. Which is very intriguing to myself as well. I know I have a purpose in life and that is to help others. So somewhere in these next few years of college I plan on learning things about myself that will allow me to better assist others. I find it so ironic that the people who offers help are mainly the ones who need it.” that’s me, all the way!”. I want to be the voice of reason for someone.

I’m a single mother to two beautiful girls ages 8 and 6. a very trying and challenging, job in itself. I plan on starting an organization that targets that demographic, of young single mothers. There is just so much that I want to do and I’m just happy that I’ve made the first step, which is attending college. Each day is a challenge for me but I know that it will all be worth it!

introduction to my life

Hello everyone I’m a little late but my name is Jacob Garcia. I am 19 years old and I don’t really speak nor write well so bear with me. I’m majoring in human services just like all of you. after college I hope to become a firefighter. I am currently working two jobs after school so I’m very busy person. I was a varsity AA baseball captain for my high school team but could not peruse my dream to play college ball due to injury, and financial difficulties. This summer I drove down to Florida with my brother and had a blast! I love the out doors , cooking , and eating most of all!

There are many things I wish I could change about me and do better in. first I had an accident years back an now I stutter really bad. I  wish I could be able to focus more on my schooling but I cant. I have a bad temper and wish I could be more relaxed. I feel that my human service courses will help me as a person with my problems and that may help me further understand others. I want to leave college being not just a high performer but a top performer… for those of you who don’t know a high performer does really great and only cares about making themselves better, but a top performer will master something and use that to encourage others and teach others to do it better. so what do I want to be when I leave college?… I want to become a top performer.

Peer Mentor Fall 2014

Hello students,

My name is Natalie Joefield and I will be your Peer Mentor for Fall 2014. I am a student just as you are in the Human Service major finishing up on my last year. I intend to further my studies to the graduate level in order to pursue my profession towards youth counseling/advocacy. I am very delighted and excited to experience being a peer mentor. I am very eager to meet each of you all and inform you about all the great things New York City College of Technology aka City Tech has to offer. My role is to be as much as a guide for you all towards your first year in college. I am willing to share as many experiences and information I have encountered throughout City Tech with you all. I am also intrigued to hear many different questions and thoughts about your first year as college freshman. However, I would love to go on about so much more, but I will make an end. I don’t want to let you all know too much, in fact I want to have the chance to broaden different thoughts when I come to the class. Lastly, I will say it is my pleasure to have the opportunity to work with you all and your professors.

Thank You In Advance!

P.S. See you all soon!

Hey Everyone!

Hello everyone my name is Tinika c Welsh, and I am 21 years old. My birthday is February 25,1993 (team Pisces lol). I was born in the beautiful of Grenada and grew up in Brooklyn. I attended Thomas Jefferson H.S and graduated in 2011. I’ve been a cheerleader for 4 years and a coach for 2 years. I love to sing ,dance and play sports. I have 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister. I’m very social and outspoken. I am a huge people person and very nice when you get to know me. As many of you probably noticed I smile all day long :-). I’m always happy and excited and eager to learn. my dream is to one day become a great psychologist and to help young adults become something in life. I love to travel and throughout my life I want to visit every continent in this world. I hope that we all have fun in this class and pass with HIGH GRADES!!!!

Census on towns happiness

After reading this article “How Happy Are You? A census wants to know” I realized one thing, it is extremely difficult to capture exactly what someone’s happiness is as a whole. Officials in Somerville, Massachusetts wanted to find out a little bit more about their peoples well being so they created and sent out a census. after receiving answers back from more than 7,500 people they realized that everyone’s happiness are different. One question that was asked was “how satisfied are you with your life in general?” and one man’s response was ‘I would like to be three inches taller and speak Quechua fluently.” Peoples happiness can stem from many things. One man’s response really stated a true fact and he said that a survey such as this all has to deal with the person and the mood that their in. The officials then realized that most peoples happiness depends the situation in which they are in. So after this census they came to a realization that in order to improve happiness u have to improve the peoples areas of interests and surroundings.

Strategies for Summarizing

*Click here to download this post as a PDF (and print it out)

We had some good conversation in class today about strategies for summarizing effectively. Thank you all for sharing your summaries and writing with the class and for asking important questions.

Here are some of the things we discussed about summary (as well as a few new additions). Please take some time to review them before Thursday’s class, and use them going forward (remember, each blog post you do for this course should incorporate a with a brief summary of the text/s in addition to your analysis/response).

I also encourage you to continue the conversation by posting comments to this post (just hit “reply”) with further strategies (I’d love to hear your thoughts) and questions about summarizing. I’ll be checking in on this discussion over the next few days and am happy to continue this conversation online here to help you become more comfortable with the summarizing work we have done (and will continue to do) this semester.


-The length of the summary will vary depending on the length of the article you are summarizing, but in general, summaries for a short article should be one paragraph that are each neither too undeveloped (e.g., 1-2 sentences) or too over-developed (e.g., 12-15 sentences).

-Since you only have a short space to convey the main points of the article, you should get right into the text’s thesis right away (remember, the thesis is not the general subject–such as technology–but a particular author’s argument about a particular topic or idea). While it may be useful/desirable in other types of writing (creative writing, more informal writing) to start with generalizations and/or questions in order to engage your reader or ease into the topic, in a summary paragraph you want to immediately and clearly state the author and title of the text and the text’s thesis. Doing so in the first sentence of your summary will help you to focus your attention on the task at hand: summarizing the text’s ideas (not bringing in your own ideas and opinions). Remember, a large part of writing effectively and successfully is to consider your purpose and your audience. In this case, your purpose is to convey information, in as straightforward a manner as possible, to readers about the content of a text (what the text says). You are not asked to respond to that content, or evaluate it. You don’t have to worry about grabbing your reader’s attention. Your primary goal is to summarize a text.

-You should only include discussion of the main point (thesis) and essential supporting points of the text. You will not be able to mention every detail or example the author uses. Use active reading to help you identify key words, identify the author’s claims, and locate important supporting points.

Summaries should be concise, which means to-the-point. You only have a short space to convey a lot of information (a pretty difficult task!), so every word you write is precious. If a word or sentence doesn’t help to summarize the text’s main points, then it doesn’t have a place in your summary. Instead of spending time repeating ideas, discussing something generally, or beating around the bush, be direct and clear. State the author’s main ideas and stay grounded in the particulars of the text itself.

-Summaries should be written in the third person (she, he, it, her, him, its, they, them, their), not the first person (I, we, my, our, us, me) or second person (you, yours, yours).

You should not include your own experiences, opinions, ideas, interpretation, analysis, bias, etc. You are not writing a subjective response or giving your point of view/response to the text. Remember that, when writing a summary of a text, your task is to concisely and accurately state the text’s thesis and supporting points. Therefore, your focus should be on an objective discussion of the main ideas of the text you read. Writing in the third person will help you to maintain this objective stance.

-In your summary (and all essays), write about the text in the present tense. Even though the author wrote the article in the past, you still discuss it, always, in the present tense. Some examples are: writes, states, claims, argues, examines, discusses.

You may use quotations from the text, but these quotes should be used sparingly, be short, and be relevant to the point you are discussing. Remember if you use the exact words from the text, you must indicate this by using quotation marks (” “) around the word and to provide a citation for that quote. We’ll discuss citation in greater detail this semester, but for now, remember that we using MLA (Modern Language Association) style. For MLA citations, simply provide the page number in parentheses after the quote. E.g., “Somerville officials hope to create a well-being index that they can track over time” (3).

(When you are discussing more than one text, you will also need to include the author’s last name in the parenthesis, but for this summary, which only is on one article, you can simply provide the page number.)

As always, I’m happy to discuss summarizing with you in more detail during my office hours, so stop by then if you’d like some individualized feedback on your summaries.