Human Services Chapter 1

1- Describe problems in living and how individuals experience these problems in terms of their sense of well-being.

Problems in living include malnutrition, poor to no housing and no opportunities for development. With these issues on the rise individuals have a poor sense of well-being. There are people who have no idea on how to help themselves and about the help that is available to them. They face economic struggles as well as poor living conditions and little to no education.

2-Describe how can human service networking aid in the well-being of clients.

As a human service professional networking aids the client’s well-being by providing the proper help and guidance. As a human service professional your services can be limited but through networking and teaming you can find someone who can surpass your limitations and help the client. In areas in which you aren’t able to help with.

3-Describe how utilizing an interdisciplinary approach within the work of a human service professional can aid to the well-being of a client/society.

By using an interdisciplinary approach to aid a client/society you as a professional can put yourself in their situation and have a better idea of what they’re facing. By analyzing their behavior, society and culture you have a better understanding of why they face certain problems or have handled them the way they have. By doing so you can analyze and aid the individual properly to come up with an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.


4-Describe how social care, social control and rehabilitation contributes to the well-being of an individual? Society?

These three distinct functions of human services contributes to the well-being of an individual as well as society. With these three function it is easier to identify the type of help that an individual needs. Although all three function can occur in one individual. In society these functions serve as a way to help and guide people that fall under these categories and establish a treatment plan.

5-Describe how the relationship between the worker and client can be an integral part in the well-being of a client.

The relationship between a human service professional and a client is essential. Without a relationship both parties wouldn’t be able to accomplish their goals, whether to help or to be helped. An understanding or trust must be established between the worker and the client in order to have a productive session or talk. If the client doesn’t feel trust with the worker then lies and excuses may get in the way of progress and make the process difficult and truly pointless.

6-Describe the clinical/professional job tasks the human service professional performs in aiding the well-being goals of the client.

When aiding a client to accomplish his or her goals a human service professional must approach their clients and have an in depth conversation about his or her life. They must identify the issues that are preventing them in achieving well-being and offer their clients options to come out of their deficit.


7-Describe how being a generalist human service worker aids in the well-being of those they serve.

A generalist human service worker oversees and is in charge of all the processes their clients go through. They possess every fundamental skill in the field and specialize in group treatment. This benefits the client because they only have to interact with one human service professional that they’ve come to know and trust.

8-Describe how the clinical/professional may steer the client to be self-sufficient

When it comes to helping client become self-sufficient a human service professional gives the client tools in order to build up their self-esteem. Once they gain self-esteem they are able to help themselves. They become independent, financially, and gain control of their lives.     .

9-Describe how the human service delivery system provides Almeada with social care, social control, and rehabilitation in order to create a path of well-being in her life.

While Almeada was pregnant with baby Anne she was receiving social care from Ms. LaRosa. Almeada was unable to take care of herself and her parents. She wasn’t receiving the proper prenatal care and wasn’t attending school. Ms LaRosa was aiding Almeada with tools to continue her education while she was pregnant as well as after baby Anne was born. in addition to working with Alameda and her education Ms LaRosa would also take Almeada to a local clinic to receive prenatal care. Once Almeada moved to a new neighborhood and lost contact with Ms. LaRosa. Almeada needed help once again and received social control. Almeada had failed to use the tools and options Ms. LaRosa had previously given her and was now in a desperate situation. Almeada once again reached out to Ms.LaRosa and was able to provide her with a solution as to who could help her in her new neighborhood. Once Ms. LaRosa connected Almeada with Hernando Alvarez Almeada received rehabilitation. She slowly become more confident and worked on her life and baby Anne’s.

10-Describe how evidence based practice knowledge can be utilized by the professional to aid in the clients well-being.

When a professional uses evidence based practice knowledge they have somewhat of a guideline or reassurance to their service plan. They have an understanding of research on their case and are able to provide accurate toolkits in order to assure a client’s well-being.

Chapter 1 Discussion Questions

1. Describe problems in living and how individuals experience these problems in terms of their sense of well-being.

Problems in living can include where someone lives (their environment), their job, education, children, etc… All these things can contribute to someone’s well-being by affecting where they live if it’s a safe area or not, if the education they received will allow them to have a well paying job, and also if they are a young parent, a single parent or just a parent in general can affect their well-being.

2. Describe how can human services networking aid in the well-being of clients.

Human services networking can aid in the well-being of clients by allowing them to see what’s happening in the world and can increase communication.

3. Describe how utilizing on interdisciplinary approach within the work of a human service professional can aid to the well-being of a client/society.

Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach within the work of a human service professional can aid to the well-being of a client/society because it involves the three disciplines which are psychology, sociology and anthropology which allows a human service worker to better understand their client and their own personal needs as to why they may do something or think a certain way.

4. Describe how social care, social control and rehabilitation contributes to the well-being of an individual? Society?

Social care, social control and rehabilitation contributes to the well-being of an individual because each are ways a client is helped and the services that are required for them.

5. Describe how the relationship between the worker and client can be an integral part in the well-being of client.

The relationship between the worker and client can be an integral part in the well-being of a client because it allows a relationship to be formed by using skills such as listening, observation, and assessment of their client.

6. Describe the clinical/ professional job/tasks the human service professional performs in aiding the well-being goals of the client.

Clinical/professional job tasks the human service professional performs in aiding the well-being goals of the client are to ask questions about the client and what’s happening in their life to more understand your client. Help clients develop certain skills to increase their intellectual, emotional and behavioral options. Performing the teacher role to empower the client to solve future problems independently.

7. Describe how being a generalist human service worker aids in the well-being of those they serve.

Being a generalist human service worker aids in the well-being of those they serve because they have a certain set of skills which means they performs all the duties expected of that member of the particular profession.

8. Describe how the clinical/ professional may steer the client to be self-sufficient.

The client may be steered to be self-sufficient by providing these clients with what they need and they will eventually be able to contribute financially to meeting their own basic needs even if they still require assistance.

9. Describe how the human service delivery system provides Alameda with social care, social control and rehabilitation in order to create a path of well-being in her life.

The human service delivery system provides Alameda with social care, social control and rehabilitation in order to create a path of well-being in her life because so many are engaged in service with her, so case management responsibilities is one way to deliver multiple services in a more effective and efficient manner.

10. Describe how evidence based practice knowledge can be utilized by the professional to aid in the clients well-being.

Evidence based practice knowledge can be utilized by the professional to aid in the clients well-being by making sure the programs, policies or interventions that their client will be following will be effective for their client.

HUS Chapter 1

1.    Some problems in living are people being talked about in the media. For example people who have physical or mental issues and those who are victims of crime and abuse etc. These people are sometimes humiliated on TV, basically being exposed for who they are and what they have done. Their well-being can and will be affected because they might not be happy or as comfortable in their life as they were once before.

2.     “human services addresses problems in living, with a focus on both the individual or group and the situation or event” Ways that humans services can aid in the aid of the well being of the clients is by not by trying to fix them, but why helping them help themselves. The point is that you cant help someone that doesn’t want to be helped because then in the end you are just wasting theirs and your time.

3.     Utilizing and interdisciplinary approach within the work of a human services professional can aid to the well being of a client/society by helping the client in all the ways that they may need help. Human service workers learn how to understand the client better which leads to the client coming out better then the way they came in. You cant help someone if your don’t understand them or know their feelings. Understanding is key.

4.      Social care, social control and rehabilitation contributes to the well being of an individual. Social care helps those who need it and have no one else to turn to. Social care is something that is given to people who want it but necessarily don’t need it but don’t want to help themselves so they seek it from somewhere else. Rehabilitation helps people who have previously have a problem and are still working on fixing it so that they don’t relive the situation again.

5.  The relationship between the worker and the client can be an integral part in the well- being of an client, because the relationship you form with your client can determine weather or not they trust you or not. If they do they will allow you to help them and they will tell you everything you need to know so that you can. But if the client does not trust you then you will get nowhere because the client feels no need to tell you anything.

6.     The clinical/professional job tasks the human services professional performs in aiding the well-being of the client is that the worker makes the client feel in a safe place using a trick that in the end the client feels that the worker helped them a lot and made the problems go away when really the client helped themselves. They just needed to realize they needed the help.

7.     Being a generalist human service worker aids in the well–being of those they serve because they are able to do many different things not just one thing. Meaning that they can work with more then one type of person, they can work with many. Having this can better help the client since the worker knows more or less what they are going through.

8.     The clinical/professional may steer the client to be self-sufficient because they have learned to help themselves and not have to depend on other people to help them. They are able to do things on their own. They have more self esteem and confidence and believe in themselves more then they have before.

9.     The human services delivery system provides alameda with social care, social control, and rehabilitation in order to create a path of well-being in her life. They gave her many opportunities to help herself. For example they offered programs to her. Since she had a child they tried to help her with that and see what were the best things that would best help the child. They refused to let her relapse into a world where she once was so they helped her as much as they could.

10.     Evidence based practice knowledge can be utilized by the professional to aid in the clients well being is that they try to give them options and support so that they may better the life that they have. They don’t want there client to go back to where they once were in life because then everything would have been for nothing.






Chapter 1: Questions on well-being

  1. Describe problems in living and how individuals experience these problems in terms of their sense of well-being.

Problems in living is when a person doesn’t have the ability to provide a healthy lifestyle for themselves. Problems in living occurs to people of different types of age including people that have mental disabilities, people who have moved to a new environment such as immigrants. People that have been through traumatizing situations for example people that have been abused, people that have been in war, people that have deathly illness, and many more. Individuals experience these problems by not being able to get out the negative situations or environments they are in. If someone lives in an environment where everyone consumes drugs that person is prone to consume drugs too.

  1. Describe problems in living and how individuals experience these problems in terms of their sense of well-being.

Human Services networking aid in the well-being of clients because organizations that have the same goal of helping people come together with Human Services. This helps provide the well-being of clients because the organizations work together and are able to come up and discover better solutions for the clients.

  1. Describe how utilizing an interdisciplinary approach within the work of a human service professional can aid to the well-being of a client/society.

Sociology, psychology, and anthropology are the interdisciplinary studied by Human Service professionals to aid the well-being of the client and/or society. Sociology is the study of the societies such as the race, or economic statues and how it affects the people that live in the society. Psychology is the study of how the human mind works and behaves. Anthropology is the study of cultures and their development. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach within the work of Human Services professionals can aid to the well-being of both the client and society because it helps to further understand the background of the client. Therefore, understanding the client more will help the Human Service professional help them more efficiently.

  1. Describe how social care, social control and rehabilitation contributes to the well-being of an individual? Society?

Social care contributes to the well-being of the individual because it helps the people that don’t have the ability to take care of themselves. Social car will go for young children, very old people, and people with disabilities. Social control is when people that are able to take care of themselves fail to do so. Social control helps people that have broken the laws or have shown inappropriate behavior. Rehabilitation is when someone was once functioning properly and taking care of themselves, but now is not able to take care of themselves. For example if someone suffered an accident and can’t take care of themselves now rehabilitation will help that person go back to functioning before the accident.

  1. Describe how the relationship between the worker and client can be an integral part in the well-being of a client.

The relationship between the worker and client is an important part in the well-being of the client because the client will trust the worker more and feel more comfortable. Once the client feels comfortable talking to the worker, the worker will be able to help the client out more to reach the clients goals.

  1. Describe the clinical/professional job tasks the human service professional performs in aiding the well-being goal(s) of the client.

The job tasks human services professionals perform in aiding for the well-being of the client are self-sufficiency for the client could make their own decisions. Social care to help people who can’t take care of themselves. Social control for the people that have broken the law and behave inappropriate. Rehabilitation for the people that suffered a period of time and weren’t able to take care of themselves and need to go back to the way they were before. Human service professionals also have to learn about the clients environment to be able to understand the client and build a relationship.

  1. Describe how being a generalist human service worker aids in the well-being of those they serve.

Being a generalist human service worker means to interview the client, find out what the client needs help in, diagnosis, give them therapy and follow up with them. Generalist use the micro system which is the people that are involved with the client’s life. They also use the macro system which is the environment the client lives in. Generalist human service works aid in the well-being of the clients because they analyze them and make a treatment plan and follow up with them.

  1. Describe how the clinical/professional may steer the client to be self-sufficient.

The clinical/professional steers the client to be self-sufficient by giving them the power of making their own decisions and assume the consequences of the decisions they have made. They also give the client help of making their own decisions for they could soon take control of their life.

  1. Describe how the human service delivery system provides Alameda with social care, social control, and rehabilitation in order to create a path of well-being in her life.

Alameda has had a tough life since a young girl. Barbara LaRosa, human service professional helped Alameda with social care, social control, and rehabilitation. Alameda was provided with social care by being offered to continue going to school and finish her education. She didn’t have a social control because she didn’t break any laws. Ms. LaRosa offered Alameda rehabilitation after Anne’s birth, but Alameda didn’t take it and went back to work right away.

10. Describe how evidence based practice knowledge can be utilized                                     by the professional to aid in the client’s well-being.

Evidence based practice knowledge can be utilized by the professional to aid in the client’s well-being by encouraging the client to make their own decisions and be self sufficient. For the client could live a better and healthier lifestyle in the future.

Human Services & the Well-Being of Individuals/Society(HUS Chapter 1)

Some problems in living include not having enough food, not living in a safe and clean environment, not having appropriate supervision or support from an adult/mentor and etc. These problems can affect the well-being of someone because all these factors and more can come between the people living in the household. It can also affect people emotionally due to the stress of living under these conditions. The stress and bad relationship in the household and between individuals who are experiencing problems affect their well being because it then adds on and they become unhappy. Happiness is a part of well being and as more time goes by without getting help, the problem grows and their unhappiness grows as well.

Human Services aid in the well being of clients by providing understanding and guide in the persons situation. By the human service orientating the individual going through these problems it supports them emotionally and phisically. Human services aids individuals well being also because in the process of getting them help, they will learn about things they did not know about. Though human services are here to help these individuals, its only so much they can do, so its up to those individuals to take the first step in helping themselves by getting help from human services networking in order to improve their well being.                                                                             

Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach to aif the well being of individuals and society is a good way to find a more detailed answer on how to solve the problem. Using this approach a human service proffesional can understand better the situation. With this kind of action being done one can get to the bottom of the situation and fix it from the root. Also this way we can help the individual make the right choice on how to go about in this situation.                 

Social care contributes to the well being of an individual because it provides help for individuals who cant provide or help themselves. It also contributes to society because if social care is helping these individuals it can make society a bit better. Social control contributes to individuals because it helps them move forward from their past mistakes trying to provide for themselves. As social control helps these individuals make a better future for themselves, it also contributes to society because its helping these people stay out of trouble in the streets.           

The relationship between the worker and the client is really important. It is important for the client and the worker to have a good relationship because that way there is an understanding in between. Both can see each others point of view and the worker can  help her as much as she can. If the worker and client don’t have a good relationship then  there is going to be trouble in communicating. It is also important for the client and worker to have a good relationship because that way the client starts trusting the worker and is able to express her feelings and thoughts on her own.        

By supporting and guiding the client, the human servive proffesional performs aid in the well being goals of the client. This is done so by teaching the client how to be self sufficient. Guiding them and letting them choose helps them  learn how to solve their own problems. Also they build up there self esteem and can have a better attitude towards the problem helping them meet their goal.                    

 Being a generalist human service worker aids in the well being of those they serve because they are experts and know how to deal w any of there clients. Because generalist human service workers work with different types of groups, it helps them use different skills in order to help there client.                                 

Professional human service workers  may steer the client to be self sufficient by letting them make their own decision. The client builds up their self esteem and gain confidence. Once this is in place the client starts taking in their responsibility.

Human service delivery system provides Alemeda with social care, social control and rehabilitaion in order to create a path of well  being in her life. They do this by giving her options and letting her change herself for the better. Human services lets her decide what steps she wants to take for her own and Anne well being. They understand her decisions wich makes her feel respected.                                       Evidence based practice knowledge can be utilized by the professional to aid the clients well being by supporting the clients ideas. Also they have experience and the right skills to provide support and encourage the client to do the right thing for their well being.


How Human Services Workers Improve An Individual Well-Being

Human services workers strive to meet the needs of people. Focusing on preventing problems as well as fixing. Human service professional have the skills and conducted several different disciplines to improve individuals, families, and communities. Throughout people encounter problems people aren’t always capable of meeting their own needs so they seek assistance. Often human services pair up with organizations and agencies so that their client is provided with good quality service which makes a difference in their lives and overall well- being. Human service workers educate their clients and motivate them resulting in the client feeling better about themselves often clients tend to have low self-esteem and feel hopeless. Professional support and giving clients opportunity to take control of their lives and be more self-sufficient, being independent can better the clients self-esteem. When an individual i able to provide themselves with basic needs such  as food, clothing, and shelter their taking control.The interaction between the helper and the client is always professional and very important for the clients well- being and recovery in being a better person evolving in life. The helper must know how the client feels emotionally asking questions frequently and building on it to come up with a solution

How to help the clients well-being

  1. Describe problems in living and how the individuals experience these problems in terms of their sense of well-being.

Problems that individual experience might be not finding a job, avoiding bad habits and peer pressured. Also problems like moving to a new country or a natural disaster happening. The way the individuals respond to these problems in living is giving up or having a hard time to accept something that happened. They also feel like if everyone else doesn’t like something or does something they should as well.

  1. Describe how can human services networking aid in the well-being of clients.

Human services networking can aid in the well-being of the clients because through television everything is being globally talked. Human services will still provide a way for people to seek help. Such as still having schools, religious organizations, and recreation centers to do this. But with Electronic communication this will spread and aid in the well-being of clients.

  1. Describe how utilizing an interdisciplinary approach within the work of a human service professional can aid to the well-being of a client/society.

Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach can aid to the well-being of a client because you get a better understanding of where the clients are coming from. You get full knowledge of individuals and full understanding to the relationship between each individual or family.

  1. Describe how social care, social control and rehabilitation contributes to the well being of an individual? Society?

Social care will help those who cannot help themselves. They will give a service to these people to assist them with their problems. Social control is services given to those who don’t really need help but also have failed to help themselves or violate society’s rules. Rehabilitation is fixing a problem a client once had.

  1. Describe how the relationship between the worker and client can be an integral part in the well-being of a client.

This can be an integral part in the well-being of a client because you create a relationship to learn how to guide the client. You try to help the needs of the client as much as you can. You try and give the client a sense of trustworthiness that you want to help them achieve their goals.

  1. Describe the clinical/professional job tasks the human service professional performs in aiding the well-being goal(s) of the client.

The human service professionals make the client feel capable of change by treating them as human beings who think and act. They use a teaching role to make the clients solve their own problems in life. Human service professionals teach the clients to recognize when things around them change and to learn that, that can be changed. The human service professional plays an educator role to teach important things to the client that will stay in his or her life forever.

  1. Describe how being a generalist human service worker aids in the well-being of those they serve.

Being a generalist aids in the well-being of others because they can work with different groups of people. They have different skills to be able to work with different job functions. With the skills these generalist have they are able to understand how this could fit for the client and agency goals.

  1. Describe how the clinical/professional may steer the client to be self-sufficient.

When an individual is self-sufficient he or she will strengthen their self-esteem. Professionals enable the clients to become self-sufficient into making their own decisions and take responsibility for their own actions. They become encouraged to take control of their lives if they are able to. They than believe that they can make the changes necessary to be self-sufficient.

  1. Describe how the human service delivery system provides Alameda with social care, social control, and rehabilitation in order to create a path of well-being in her life.

Human service delivery provided Alameda with social care, social control and rehabilitation by giving her opportunities to fix herself. They encouraged her to try and join a program in school to help her onto the right path in life. They gave her options for herself and her newborn baby into how to really care for the child and what should be the right thing to do. They wanted to give her options to not fall back into the wrong path once again.

10.  Describe how evidence based practice knowledge can be utilized by the professional to aid in the client’s well-being.

They give as much support to try and help the individuals or groups. They want to change the way individuals see themselves so they help them be self-sufficient taking control over their own lives and making the best out of it.





The Composition of Well-being & Happiness

1. The problems in living and how individuals experience these problems by human service develops the needs of individuals in order for them to have a better life for themselves. Individuals who can’t help themselves whether it has to do with people or society, elderly, people who are sick, homeless people those people are people who doesn’t have much ability or mental capabilities/physical is why human service assistance is there in order to help them.
2. For the well being for clients human services networking in the well being help clients by assisting individuals with problem in living, helping them and interacting with them and also helping the modern world as well because they can help to.
3. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach within the work of a human service profession aid to the well being of a client/society by being concerned for individuals who aren’t always able to meet their own needs, utilizing an interdisciplinary approach to a client or society is guiding and leading them in the right direction or the right steps.
4. Social care, social control, and rehabilitation contributes to the well being of an individual because that is something to assist them in order to help them and have a better life. Within society to persuade others is to help one another and having remorse for others in need of help, everyone needs a helping hand at some point in their lives.
5. The relationship between the worker and the client can be an integral part in the well being of client because they may seem as if the worker is more than a worker and would try to get information out of them because they’re giving their own information to the worker. In order to let the client know why they are here the worker has to let them know what is right and what is wrong.
6. The clinical/professional job that a human service performs in order to aid the well being of a client is interacting, engaging, supporting, assisting, guiding the client to help them lead in a better direction and getting them to understand why they’re in their situation in the first place and making a change within themselves.
7. Being a generalist human service worker aid in the well being of the ones they serve by having concern and having more social care, social control to help clients have a better living.
8. The clinical/professional may steer the client to be self sufficient because as a human service worker and their professional skill, they are the ones who are in control and are concern for the client’s well being. The client may be self sufficient because of what the worker has done for them. The worker cares and concern for the client and to only direct them in a better direction, the client is control of the actions and movement.
9. Human service delivery systems provides Alameda with social care, social control, and rehabilitation in order to create path of well being in her life by directing attention on her problems of living. Human service delivery systems focuses on and recognize her situation by not being able to take care of her child, and working a job with minimum wage pay and not having the ability to finish school. In order to change her future, human service systems wants her to make a better life for her and her daughter.
10. Evidence based practice knowledge can be utilized by the profession to aid clients well being , by responding to the needs of clients, and helping them change their lifestyle and making them more happy about themselves .

Can you buy happiness ?

In the article “How to buy happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton, they speak about different ways a person can buy happiness. An example that they used was imagining to wake up with $1 million dollars and being able to spend all on yourself but what were you really gaining out of that? Just because you had all that money and the first thing a person would think to do is spend it on themselves doesn’t necessarily mean that they are happy. What they did was do a little experiment and handing out Starbucks gift cards to people and telling them to share it with another person of just giving their gift to another person and realizing how happy that made them instead of just keeping to themselves and not being happy at all. With this research they showed that you can find happiness by giving a gift to someone or sharing something with a person and sharing an experience with someone rather than alone. You can have all the money in the world but if you’re alone what good does that do for you? Wouldn’t sharing and giving something to a person and seeing them how happy you made them make you happy ?

I agree with this article, just because you may have a lot of money doesn’t mean that you are happy. Helping people and knowing that  you made someone smile and sharing the same experience with someone can make both you and that person happy. You can buy happiness by sharing it with others because it won’t make you happy as an individual if you just do things for yourself.


Money, Happiness, and “the American Dream”

After reading “How to Buy Happiness: by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norman i came to comprehend their opinion on happiness, money and “the american dream”. The article states “how we use are money may matter as much or more than how much of it we’ve got”. This statement is true, if you think about it, alot of people believe and say money makes you happy or money buys you happiness but in reality it does not. Its more like what we choose to do with the money that’s what makes us happy. The articles says “a growing body of reaserch shows that the mere whiff of money draws out our selfish sides”. This is true in many occasions, many people have betrayed their close friends and family for just a couple of bucks. With just a bit of money coming towards them many people become selfish without noticing. In addition if you notice as soon as one gets paid we want to spoil ourselves with material things. As i read the article i asked my friend what she would do with one million dollars and with no hesitation she replied “move out”. This as addition to evidence from the article shows that when we have money we think about our wants confusing them with what we need, we dont think about what we could do for others as our first priority. My friend like many other people want the “american dream” of buying there own land or house, but we dont care to see that the land or house will only be temprary happiness. The article states “Dozens of studies show that people get more happiness from buying experiences than from buying material things”. The article supports this by saying that these experiences “makes us who we are” and i suppor it by saying that sharing wonderful experiences  that we can later remember is way much better than buying something that can break. As you see the diffrence is alot, material happiness is only temporary while experiences can last a life time. Many people want to live ” the american dream” and buy a house with luxurius things but even the wealthiest man with the ideal house can not be as happy as a regular citezen renting an apartment. The difference is enjoying money or things with others will make you happier than wasting your money on things you would enjoy more yourself.