First Year Learning Community

Category: COMD1100 Project #5 (Page 2 of 6)

Color Interactions: Phase 4

Color interactions studies is a very useful and fun project indeed, this project made me  exercising my eyes to see the color and to differentiate colors.  I was very surprised when I was doing the phase one of the project, I learned how important color is to movie, games and all the media in general, as in the movie The Grand Budapest Hotel, colors were used to make the movie feels one whole piece, set of color scheme were used through out the film. All in all, this project inspired me for how to use color properly in future, because colors matters when it comes to delivering the mood to the audience.

Color Interaction:Phase 2

Color Interaction: Phase 4

During this project, I learned that colors can appear differently than they really are when placed next to certain colors. I had some trouble at first with the vocabulary of this project. At times I didn’t notice the change in some colors so I really had to carefully inspect the changes in them. I really enjoyed Phase 3 of the project, I thought it was fun to create a logo for each other.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Color Interaction: Phase 1

I chose this image because the contrast really stood out.  I also really liked this image because of the reflection on the water, both the sky and water seem to combine to make one image, meanwhile the land and trees are really dark.  I thought it was interesting how the sky and water’s colors slowly transformed from a really dark black to a vivid red.



I chose this image because the snake’s colors really stood out to me. I thought it was very interesting how in nature, this snake has two shades of blue and  one of orange. These are complementary colors on the snake itself.  I also thought it was interesting the type of pattern this snake had.

Color Interactions: Phase 4

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3


These color interactions studies have taught me a lot about the ways colors interact with each other and how they can influence what we perceive them as. Phase 2 in this project helped to really open my eyes to how placing two colors together can create the illusion of darkening, lightening, tinting, and even giving a different color an outline. I definitely enjoyed phase 3 of this project, especially with choosing the colors with my partner and making their logo. What interests me the most is how the logo looks like two completely different colors on their respective backgrounds; I really feel like I learned a lot about colors and the way they interact with each other through this project.

Color Interaction:Phase 2

Time Taken: 2Hrs

Color Interaction Pairings: Phase 4

What I learned in this project is the color value and saturation. For instance, the color is the same in a composition but it appears different because of its influence color and the saturation. What I would like to retry again would be Group 4 Shifting Hue and Value, it was very challenging for me to see and make the hue different from one another. For our next project, I would use the color wheel and know the complimentary of each color.

Phase 1: Discover / Phase 2: Define / Phase 3: Develop

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