I found the hardest part of the project was painting but overall I enjoyed learning and understanding new aspects of art. One thing I would work on is practicing my definition of colors better.
Ways of Seeing – FYLC Fall 2019
First Year Learning Community
Define : Saturation Scales
Develop : Painting
Overall, I enjoyed experimenting with the different colors of paint and attempting to blend them into one another in order to create a new shade. For me, the most difficult part of this project was getting the colors of the sky to blend together seamlessly. Also, I rushed to get this project done which is why it’s not my neatest nor most appealing work. It definitely didn’t come out how I wanted it to, but I had fun working on it.
What do you need to do to finish the semester in all of your classes? What advice do you need? What advice do you have to offer your classmates?
What’s left?
Review statements made for Project #4.
Possible outline for Part 4:
Intro: this is what statement I chose because xyz
Next: and what one feature is
Next: This is what I did
Next: This is another feature
Next: this is what I did
Intro: this is what statement I chose because xyz
I wrote about x:
X is a feature of the format
I used y
Y is a feature of the format
I expressed z
Z is a feature of the format
Post Part 3 and Part 4 separately, using tags to differentiate
12/5: finish Part 4 of Project #4, submit all parts by the end of the day on 12/5
Practice final exam: vote=no practice final
12/12 Field trip: should we go? if so, to which, the Brooklyn Museum or the Brooklyn Public Library? Other options?
Something I learned form this project is that when I procrastinate it only causes me pain and street. Something I could have done better is take my time to cut out the layers better to make it more realistic but it still came out pretty good. Based off what I learned from this project one thing I would like to take with me to my next project is patience. If you are behind or don’t understand what you are doing, stop ask my teacher for help or stay after class for extra help.
discover : i was making the colorwheel to understand the colors that complement eachother
define: I made color boxes of chromatic colors . i would mix some colors to make the color more muted gradually.
Deliver: finally cutting out pieces of different values of blue then putting them together creating the collage you can see how it gradually gets from dark to light
For the first part of this project, we had to learn about the color wheel, like what ROYGBV is, and what primary and secondary colors are. The color wheel I made is made up of primary and secondary colors.
This is one of the saturation scales I had to do. It’s primary colors and secondary colors.
This is another saturation scale. It involves tint, which is adding white to a color to make it lighter
This is the atmospheric landscape I created. I created it by using tint, and adding white to purple to make it lighter