Project #4

Animals Color wheel


Tint colors
Color Wheel


Project 5

In this project, I learned a lot of colors and who there are many different tints and shades of color. Throughout the started of studying color I liked how we painted and made different colors from three primary colors. The final product was pretty interesting to do because we were able to choose between cool and warm colors.

Saturation Ranges





I enjoyed experimenting with saturation ranges and seeing how one color could transition into another. I had trouble with my Saturation scales making it look sloppy, since I didn’t taper my guide tape when I went to paint it would seep through. I think my atmospheric landscape turned out decent, seeing how the darkest purple showed the closer the object and the lightest purple showed the further the object.

Saturation Ranges


I started this project by doing a color wheel on photoshop that was provided to us. I used RGB and CMYK colors on photoshop to complete the regular color wheel. Then,  working with a partner I planned out a unique Color Wheel using birds with different colors while my classmate Bryan used different types of animals.



This was the second part of the project. We used paint to create a saturated scale using saturated primary colors such as red, blue and yellow. We then created secondary colors by mixing our primary colors. Lastly, we created Desaturated Browns / Chromatic “Grays” and Muted Colors by mixing complementary colors. The second step of this part was to create a monochromatic value scales using Saturated colors, Desaturated Colors, and Muted Colors.


This is the final step of project 4 where I used different values of green and blue to paint a landscape. I was confused and I did not follow the right pattern. The value did not change as it was required to.












This project was very confusing and frustrating. I did not quite understand the concept of using value to create a landscape. Now that I finished the project I wish I did a better job painting the landscape and following directions.