Project #4

I chose an artist statement because an artist statement answers the questions what, which explains what the artist’s work is, why which goes further into details about the influences and inspirations, and how, which describes the process behind the work. An artist statement is composed of not-too-long sentences that use fancier terms to describe the work, unlike other statements that use regular, straight forward vocabulary. I chose to do an artist statement because I feel like my work would be better described in an artist statement, mainly because it answers the questions what, why and how which makes it more Read More...

Artist Statement

Artist Statement

I am a communication design student at the New York College Of Technology who is looking forward to using education to develop my skills in graphic designing. I use programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to edit images that I find interesting and that can help me inspire or deliver a message to my audience.

In my art, I use images and text to express my thoughts and feelings rather than verbally communicating them. When I combine texts and images, I like to inspire people with my work. I want them to get inspiration from every work Read More...


Inherent (adjective):
in·​her·​ent | \ in-ˈher-Ι™nt

involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit : INTRINSIC

In the article, β€œWhat is a Designer Statement ? (Part3)” by Β Vadim Gurshman, the author states, β€œAs a design candidate in the MCAD MFA program I was asked to write an β€œartist statement” which, as a designer, I found inherently problematic.”

In this sentence, the author uses the word Inherently to convey the point that when artists are asked to write or talk about their designer statements, they get stuck and have no idea how to begin Β … Read More...

Saturation Ranges


I started this project by doing a color wheel on photoshop that was provided to us. I used RGB and CMYK colors on photoshop to complete the regular color wheel. Then, Β working with a partner I planned out a unique Color Wheel using birds with different colors while my classmate Bryan used different types of animals.



This was the second part of the project. We used paint to create a saturated scale using saturated primary colors such as red, blue and yellow. We then created secondary colors by mixing our primary colors. Lastly, we created Desaturated Browns … Read More...


Reservoir (noun)

res·​er·​voir | \ ˈre-zΙ™-ˌvwΓ€r

1.Β a place where something is kept in store: such as

: an artificial lake where water is collected and kept in quantity for use, a part of an apparatus in which a liquid is held or a supply store.

In the article β€œThe Way We Live No: 11:11:01; Lost and Found by Colson Whitehead, the author states, β€œThat Bryant Park used to be a reservoir.”

In this sentence, the author is saying that people think that Bryant Park, New York used to be an area where things, like water and animals, were kept … Read More...


Prodigious (adjective)

pro·​di·​gious | \ prΙ™-ˈdi-jΙ™sΒ 

1.causing amazement or wonder

2.extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree: ENORMOUS.

In the text, β€œA Literary Visitor Strolls In From the Airport” By Charles McGrathdec, the author states, β€œHe used to be a prodigious drinker and drug-taker, famous for late-night altercations, not always coherent public appearances and marathon hours at trendy spots like Groucho Club.”

In this sentence, the author used the word β€œprodigious” to describe the amount of alcohol that Will Self used to consume. Self-consumed a large quantity of alcohol and which made him a prodigious drinker.… Read More...










I chose this piece of art by Asif Mian, an artist from Brooklyn. His work in sculpture, drawing and video is the exploration into violence, social genomics and morality. When I saw this piece of art, I immediately thought it was a really good piece pf art. It was really interesting to me because basketball is something that’s really important to me and I found it interesting that a Muslim player protested in 1997 and got suspended for protesting. This case is similar to Colin Kaepernick, an NFL player who kneeled during … Read More...