Project #5 Final

A unique and eye-opening experience was the first semester of college in city tech. I didn’t realize that the way the classes were structured to socialize with friends would be so different from high school. I just wanted to go to college because you want someone like me to start their own life. The English community class has made it easier for us as students to make friends. Everything in life at the moment couldn’t be any easier and with everything I do, how I feel happier every day. I like the class in graphic design and concepts because it gives me new ideas and ways in which I can become more innovative. Honestly the one thing I didn’t like is that I had a morning class that starts at 8 in the morning which is really early and tiring.


I do feel that college is going to be good for the next 3 years and i believe that even do its going to be hard it also going to be easy. These reasons why I feel like this semester has really taught me what my future will become and how it will change everyday. The Glossaries was helpful to identify and learn the vocabulary throughout each reading. I didn’t at first contribute to the glossary but later on I got to understand why it’s so helpful. The addition of the glossary was different because not all classes have that in system. Through learning and understanding the words used in the glossary, I was able to adapt and use the vocabulary and gain a better understanding of the concepts through our readings. In addition to the meanings, glossaries was useful to provide words in context that we can reuse in other projects


I want to be hands-on with animal protection and save animals from extinction, so I have chosen this field. This ties in with my love for animals because I want to be and artist that helps make a cause more helpful and impacts society more. I see world issues today as an everyday new becomes something that happens that doesn’t affect us. As Picasso said, “I could draw like Raphael or Michelangelo when I was their age, but learning to draw like them took me a lifetime” is quite real. Picasso was a magnificent and talented artist and craftsman similar to old masters. Picasso says it’s going to take a lifetime to be like the greats and you should adapt it into your own style.


In this English class were able to start and write a statement about our art work. My creative work involves drawing, painting, graphic design, sculpture, and project design. I assume that these insights into art are being pursued in order to find one’s potential, and I hope that my work can affect others. These sketches are both symbolic and abstract, static and fluid at the same time. The sketches express important qualities found in my work’s eyes. This really helped me to be ready for the future and prepared to create one toward the finals years college. When my first day of the history class I wasn’t sure that I wanted to study about painting because I thought it was only about the history and background of the era. That is, until I got more into the idea of why the painter paint what he painted. Because a great painter like monet and Matisse like to paint expressionist style of art. This class left me with a good feeling and expression and would like to take another art history class. The english class helped me understand how to use different language in other projects.

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