Project 5

This semester has been a blast it went by so fast, guess I’m not used to semesters yet. At the beginning college was scary and I was always second guessing myself and my ability or skills to keep up with my fellow classmates. But now that the semester is almost over I look back and see that I had nothing to worry about. Yes some people will be more advanced than me but we are all here to learn,grow, and hoan in on our craft. I have learned so many things that I thought I was never capable of doing, yet alone doing it well. Not just skills in school but I have developed skills in life, I know that I have gained more confidence in my work which then transfers over to my life. Since I have to talk and work with people more so it became normal to me, I’m a custom to it. Also leadership skills I have learned as well, I have a sense taking control of a situation and knowing what to do now. I know before this semester I could not be in that leader role. Have trust in your professors because they have helped me a lot, in the sense of being a critic and knowing what they are talking about of course. I have learned as a student the best advice I can give will be to never procrastinate on your work that is assigned to you. This goes with being responsible because nobody is going to make you pass your classes but yourself. Time maintenance is a big part when your a student because you have to know how much time to do work, study, relax, or working at your job. This is why making a schedule with help keep track on what you have to do and when to do it. Now a lot of students are stressed, but if you manage your work time right I believe you will have nothing to stress about. But if you are stressed, make sure you give yourself sometime to relax, you can listen to music draw, or be with friends and family. Don’t over work yourself.

As a design student I have learned that the thinking process of a project is sometimes longer then the action of the project. It’s pricey to be a design student but is it worth it? Yes it is. Practice is everything always practice your craft. Also as a design student it’s extremely important to get to know your classmates because if some people are doing to same things you are interested in, you can always give feedback on each other’s work so next time your work will be better and you will have a better understanding. But being a critic is not only good for your classmates but good for you because you will have to look carefully at the work and try to see it in a different way so when you start a new project you can implement these different chocies into your work. It’s almost like a give and take situation.

I have learned many things about me as a writer. I found out that my writing style is not formal, it’s more loose almost like an free write. Also many people write differently, some write formal, some do not, some write more poetic. I like to write in a way that is somewhat relatable or easy going vocabulary. But I have also learned that you shouldn’t always write one way, if you write using simple vocabulary then sometimes you should switch it up. It will make you more interesting of a writer. If vocabulary is not your strong suit, don’t worry me neither. But though out my first semester of English we had a glossary blog where you would write a word you do not know or wish to know more if you came across while reading. Then post the word sounded out with the definition and quote of which the word is taken from. Now this helped me with learning new vocabulary words that I never used before. Now knowing these words I can use them in my writing to take it where it hasn’t been before.

So now that my first semester ever in college is wrapping up, I will say I enjoyed it but can’t wait to move forward with my next semester. But I will never forget my first semester ever because I can only get one.

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