Project 3: Completed

Part 1: I am not someone who likes taking pictures at all. I’m just not really a photo person. But for this project we had to take dramatic self portraits. And out of the 3 different pictures I took, I chose this one because I felt since part of my face was cut out of frame and I used the (rule of 3rds), with also the shadow in the background it added a dramatic affect.

Part 2: The Painting was not easy but it wasn’t hard at the same time. It was interesting to see how well I could paint the portrait considering i haven’t painted in years (prior to that day). My painting could have had more detail in the face. But I had run out of paint and I also found it a tad bit challenging thing to get the right shade of grey I wanted for the painting.

Part 3:

The GIF creation was probably the most challenging part of this entire project for me because I had never used photoshop before. And with photoshop if your a first time user the interface is gonna take a lot of getting used to. But after about 1-2 hours I manage to get it all done.

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