
Premise (noun)

  • something assumed or taken for granted

In the reading, “How better photos can help you document, and shape, your neighborhood” the author, Patrick Sisson said: “It’s premised on the notion summarized by a quote from Jonathan Raban, that, “the city as we imagined it, the soft city of illusion, myth, aspiration, nightmare, is as real, maybe more real than the hard city we can locate on maps.””

In other words, Patrick Sisson is trying to refer to a quote from Jonathan Raban who once said the city meaning New York could be a nice place based on … Read More...

idea for hw due 10/17

I’m the person willing to discover and explore an area before doing research on it ,because you get a different and natural feel when you discover something on your own without any background knowledge. An area I went to discover is Brooklyn bridge park, very nice and large area that’s next to the water. I have not yet done research on it , but soon when I will , it would change my view based of information i might receive.


“Reading Lucy”

Focused freewrite: Think about a time when you became engrossed in or even obsessed with something you were learning, studying, or experiencing. What did you do to feed and develop that interest, and what was the result?

“Reading Lucy” by Jennifer Egan

  • How is Egan’s research experience an example of what we just wrote about?
  • How is “Reading Lucy” a research essay? how is it different than what we would expect from a research essay?
  • What kind of research is included, and how do we experience it?
  • What does Egan learn about Lucy that makes her feel like they are

My hand portrait


The dark value sets a mysterious mood it has a light source that creates almost a highlight like however it still looks dark and heavy. As for the broad value it has dark and light tones that set a dramatic mood of the hand holding a glass bottle which creates highlights and shadows. The light value has a joyful mood in which shows a hand holding a paint brush and it the only dark tones are the ones from the actual paint.… Read More...