Juxtaposition Project

So If you want to get here from city tech, you find your nearest 4 train, Bronx bound, uptown, and travel all the way to 161st Yankee Stadium. Its an hour ride so hang in there. Once you get to 161st, you leave the train station and you’ll be right near the stadium. Head towards the Tunnel right under grand concourse and it will lead you right at the corner of the Family court building which is the building at the right of the picture.

You could really tell the juxtaposition here. The left showcases an old, rusty, untouched part of the street which as you can tell has been there for years and became history. The brown, old building structure. This really contrasts from the building on the right which is much more modern and a completely different building structure and material/color.

1 thought on “Juxtaposition Project”

  1. The colors, textures, uses etc of the two buildings are so different. But the goal of this project was to find your juxtaposition while walking for 15 minutes or so in the area around City Tech. I’m wondering how you can find something similar in the City Tech area. We are right near different court houses, so that might be one way to find something similar. There are also some streets, like Bridge, Gold, and Duffield, that have a similar feel to me. You might walk there today to see what I mean–they’re right near campus.

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