Discover– The song that I chose was Eastside by Ken Valor. I chose this song because it was made by a classmate and one of the first people that I became friends with in college. I did not know he was so talented and the song became one of my favorites songs at the moment.
Define– These are my refined sketches. I ended up choosing 2 of my 6 refined sketches to do the final design. I used different sizes and rotated the sketches so that they could match the beat of the song.
Develop– My final piece is made up of the 2 designs that I chose. I used the sharp sketches to represent the beat that plays throughout the song. And I used a big portion with a design that I later repeated multiple times. The bigger sketch represents the beat at the beginning of the song which is a soft sound that sounds like a piano. I used the same sketch repeated around the bristol sheet to represent the beat that plays throughout the verses of the song.
Deliver-Doing this project was very fun because this was something new for me. I never tried to visualize sound and now that I got a chance to do it, it is a cool thing to do. The project got harder as I advanced from my discover part to the developing part which was the inking and making the final design. I got some positive feedback from my classmates. Some of my classmates liked the patterns I chose because it fits the song. I also got constructive feedback during the critique in class, I was told to shade the designs where I wanted people to focus, I was also told to rotate and move some of my sketches around which I took into consideration and I fixed it after class.
I think it’s really cool how you made the patterns continue into the inverse version of it. Keep up the good work!