
Writ (noun)

  • the power and authority of the issuer of such a written order usually used with run


In the essay, “Why Collaborate?” the author states: “Successful collaborations are like democracy writ small. Members of a civil society expert to have individuals freedom and opportunities but in order to exercise and protect these rights they need to participate in a larger system.”

In other words, having a successful collaboration is like having power but in a smaller way.

Ellen Lupton’s point is members have their own freedom and opportunities. However, if they want to succeed they … Read More...


arbitrary: (adjective) having or showing a tendency to force one’s will on others without any regards to fairness or necessity.


In “Why Collaborate” Ellen Lupton states: “I have enjoyed voluntary, informal collaborations with my friends, but i have resented being forced into arbitrary, mismatched teams in the name of social correctness”

In other words, Ellen Lupton is saying that she doesn’t like working in groups with people that don’t have the same creative mindset as her.

Lupton’s point is that, you’re better off working alone, because working in a group with people who don’t view the project the same … Read More...


Coherence  verb

  • the quality or state of cohering: such as
    systematic or logical connection or consistency


“Grading Guidelines for ENG 1101 and ENG 1121” A:, Content:, Line 2 (08/27/19)

“The paper is written with coherence and clarity; it develops connections among texts or the student’s own ideas, and summarizes events, ideas, or sources only to advance the argument not to provide filler .”

The author is stating to the reader that their writing should be clear and legible and also connect to the main idea that they are writing about .… Read More...


Exigency  (noun)

  • that which is required in a particular situation


Learning Outcomes ENG 1101” #1, Line 2 [8/29/19]

Identify and evaluate exigencies, purposes, claims, supporting evidence, and underlying assumptions in a variety of texts, genres, and media.

The author wants to convey a sense of importance that grabs our attention when we come across certain themes within an assortment of texts and media. They want us to be able to find and understand what we can take from a text or media.



Synthesizing  verb

  • to combine or produce by synthesis


“Learning Outcomes ENG1101 ” #3 Line 5  (08/27/19)

“Demonstrate research skills through attribution and citation gathering, evaluating , and synthesizing both primary and secondary sources .”

The author is addressing that the reader should be able to gain certain skills when doing research such as citation , evaluating and synthesizing primary and secondary sources which is like taking both points of views and combining them to see it  in a different way.

