
Malnourished (adjective)

  • supplied with less than the minimum or an unbalanced amount of the nutrients or foods essential for sound health and growth: marked by malnutrition

In “Today’s design Grads Are More Woke Than Ever-and It’s Looking Great” Emily Gosling states: “The children there, as was later revealed, were mistreated, malnourished, and buried in unconsecrated ground.”

In other words, Gosling’s point is many of these kids they were being treated unfairly by their unmarried mothers.



Ramification (noun):

  •  A related or derived subject, problem, outgrowth; consequence; implication


 “Learning outcomes ENG 1101-English Composition I 4 Hours, 3 Credits” 5; Demonstrate the social and ethical responsibilities and consequences of writing.

 “Recognize that first-year writing includes academic, workplace, and civic contexts, all of which require careful deliberation concerning the ethical and social ramifications concerning fairness, inclusivity, and respect for diversity.”

 In other words, students should carefully think about the consequences and implications that words could have because they could be offending other students; therefore, students should carefully write and revise their work for public audiences.Read More...


Critical (noun):

•exercising or involving careful judgement or judicious evaluation

In the syllabus, “Ways of seeing: Adventures with Image and Text”, it states, “Use writing as a process of discovery, building habits of critical thinking”

In other words, it means to use your thinking to the best of your abilities.… Read More...

Curator & Contemporary

Curator (noun) – one who has the care and superintendence of something.(especially: one in charge of a museum, zoo, or other place of exhibit)


Contemporary (adjective)- happening,existing, living, or coming into being at the same period of time (synonyms: modern, current)


Ellen Lupton wrote “Why Collaborate” and in the brief introduction given about her before the article starts, it states “Ellen Lupton is curator of  contemporary design at Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in New York City and Director of the Graphic Design MFA program at Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore.”

In other words …