Field Trip response by Victor Chen

The field trip was loads of fun, and with the bright sun shining through the clouds was great. It was my first time walking the bridge, and I didn’t expect how dangerous it could be. The bikers seem like they run on no brakes but it wasn’t to bad. We took a field trip to the Brooklyn Bridge to meet new students from the other section and my own. Who ever came up with that idea; good job. I know part of the bridge was under construction and I wanted to know what their planning to do. In all this was a good experience and a fun activity for class credit.

Block: City Tech block: 320 ft/78 sec

Brooklyn Bridge: 3,232.8 Ft/788sec

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Field Trip Response By Diana Guaman

The trip was a great experience for me and everyone else. As I was walking the Brooklyn Bridge I realize many interesting things. Such as the amount of people and tourists walking in the Bridge. Also, the Brooklyn Bridge provides a nice view of Manhattan. However, the Bridge is not only a good place to visit it can also help people to exercise just by walking the entire bridge.

I think the purpose of this field trip to the Brooklyn Bridge was to be able to analyze ourselves how long it really takes to walk the Bridge without doing any research. Also, having this trip was great opportunity because we were able to interact with other students from a different class. Clearly, I think this trip was a great idea because I learn interesting things.

City Tech Block: 2mins. 30 sec.= 150 sec.

Brooklyn Bridge: 25 mins. 4 sec. = 1,504 sec.

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Brooklyn Bridge

Field Trip Response by Omar Gani

This is Omar. I had so much enjoyed in Brooklyn Bridge and it is wonderful system that people and cars could travel by bridge. We all together walked throw the bridge and we got little tired. I think we should go visit the bridge together again. I also did have lot of friends together and most fun about the trip was we meet together from other classes.

I think the trip was interesting and helpful for math problem. from Brooklyn Bridge we could see lots of things and also we could see Manhattan Bridge. I like everything about bridge and nice weather was we are having.

Brooklyn Bride result




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Field Trip response by Walter Sol Jr

The trip…overall it was a great experience. It gave me the chance to walk the Brooklyn Bridge for the first time ever.This bridge definitely had some of the nicest views. It was a great exercise for students I guess. Anything beats staying inside a classroom for an hour and 15mins.

Some that stood out would have to be the construction work on that bridge. It takes a lot of maintenance work just to keep that bridge up and running. I think that took away a tad from the whole view on that bridge. I still don’t get why it was mandatory to show up to this class trip if I could of easily googled the distance. I’m pretty sure there are some curious minds out there that did the math for us out there. lol but again, anything beats staying in a classroom and doing real math work. =)

City Tech Block: 2mins 40sec = 170sec

Brooklyn Bridge: 17mins 10sec= 1,030sec




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Field Trip Response- Tanya Vukosavljevic

I had a good time walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, the weather was just great.  One down fall was that they were doing construction, so you couldn’t see some from the side view in the beginning. But after that the view was a great. I Saw a lot of interesting things. I think it’s was a good idea having a field trip. It was a hand on activity, which made me understand more. I thought it would be a longer walk but for me it was pretty fast. I enjoyed it.

Block: 1 minute 56 seconds = 116 seconds

Wooden plank of bridge: 13 minutes 59 seconds = 839 seconds

116/839 sec. = 320 ft/ x

116x = 268480

x = 2314.482759


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Field Trip response by Nicholas Wilmoth

Me on the Brooklyn Bridge

I really enjoyed the Brooklyn Bridge trip. Having just moved to New York a short while ago, this was my very first time on the bridge. It was a good experience for me in more ways then just one. It is a historical bridge, so just walking over was fun to me. But getting the chance to meet new faces and actually getting class credit for doing so was a very nice extra. There was not anything about the trip that I disliked.

My best guess on why this trip was taken is, that by walking the bridge and timing how long it took we were able to apply mathematics to something that could be considered ‘everyday life’. Obviously, I will not be walking the Brooklyn Bridge every day, but what was practiced on this assignment can be used in other places as well. Also I think it was understood that, by mixing the two classes the way they were, it was a great way for people to become acquainted with others. Overall, this was an awesome project for me.

City Tech block: 320 ft/85 sec

Brooklyn Bridge: 3,177.4 ft/844 sec

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Field trip response- Zy-Tasia Gaines

I felt the trip was a great idea to give the class
especially students like myself who don’t excel in the subject a visual hands
on project that will contribute to their grade. I had fun on the bridge I was
happy it didn’t rain and the project that was giving to find other people with specific
qualities also made it interesting and difficult to be anti-social. I walk the
bridge regularly but being in a group you’re not as in much of a rush and I was
actually able to enjoy the bridge and notice a lot more scenery then I usually
would alone.
The overpriced ices helped cool many people down I
walked with Shawn and heather. It felt great to get out of the class room and exercise.
It usually takes me about 8 min to get fully across but during the trip it was

Bridge-14min 23sec =863sec

Block-1min 19sec =79sec

79 x
863 = 276160 320              x              79



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Field Trip Response by Rebecca Kogan

The field trip to the Brooklyn Bridge was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed the beautiful view from the bridge, especially since the weather was great. Everyone was taking pictures of the water and the view of the city, not just for the project but for themselves. My friends Eda and Nathan, both of whom I decided to pair up with to make calculations and time the bridge walked around with me and soaked up the scenery. Many people were selling flavored ices and soda which really helped cool us down. I didn’t realize that walking the wooden plank of the Brooklyn Bridge would only take approximately fifteen minutes to walk. I liked that we got some exercise and had some fresh air instead of sitting in a classroom. It was a great break from school.

It was a little difficult to walk at a constant speed because of others walking the bridge and bike riders who got in the way at times. It was hard not to stop or speed up to walk around people. I didn’t like how crowded the bridge was. I believe this field trip was a good idea because it helped us calculate proportions and know how to use them properly. It exemplified how math can be used in everyday life and not just during math class. Overall, I hope to have more field trips like this because they make math a lot more interesting.

City Tech Block: 1 minute and 26 seconds – 86seconds
Broooklyn Bridge: 15 minutes and 42 seconds – 946seconds
(86/320) = (942/x) -Cross multiply
86x = 301,440 – Divide
x = 3,505.116279

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Field Trip response by Eda Ocello

The Brooklyn Bridge field trip was a very entertaining project for me. I loved the
view that you get of the water and the city. I never actually realized how
tight the lanes for the bikers and walkers are. Every time you had to move over
to let someone through on the walking side of the bridge, you also had to be careful
of the bikers on the opposite side of you; so after a while this got very
annoying and I got tired of people yelling at me when I was in their way.

I thought this was a good idea for our math class because it teaches us
proportions and how you can use the time and measurements of one item, to find
the measurements of the other item. After doing the work to estimate my closest
measurement to the bridge I found it very interesting how we used the block of
our school to find the whole length of the wooded Brooklyn bridge. And on top
of that, it didn’t take much effort and I had I beautiful, fun filled walk.

City Tech Block: 1min and 26 seconds = 86seconds

Broooklyn Bridge: 15min and 42 seconds = 946seconds

(86/320)=(942/x) -Cross multiply

86x=301,440 -Divide


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Algebra Textbook purchase

This is a reminder that beginning week 3, we will be working in the algebra textbook and online homework system. You may purchase the bundle custom edition in the bookstore. The publisher has also provided a way to purchase the textbook bundle directly for $65 plus shipping. Either way, it is quite a deal, as it includes the algebra and trig textbooks (MAT 1175 and MAT 1275) plus the online homework code for 2 semesters.

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