Strategies for Summarizing

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We had some good conversation in class today about strategies for summarizing effectively. Thank you all for sharing your summaries and writing with the class and for asking important questions.

Here are some of the things we discussed about summary (as well as a few new additions). Please take some time to review them before Thursday’s class, and use them going forward (remember, each blog post you do for this course should incorporate a with a brief summary of the text/s in addition to your analysis/response).

I also encourage you to continue the conversation by posting comments to this post (just hit “reply”) with further strategies (I’d love to hear your thoughts) and questions about summarizing. I’ll be checking in on this discussion over the next few days and am happy to continue this conversation online here to help you become more comfortable with the summarizing work we have done (and will continue to do) this semester.


-The length of the summary will vary depending on the length of the article you are summarizing, but in general, summaries for a short article should be one paragraph that are each neither too undeveloped (e.g., 1-2 sentences) or too over-developed (e.g., 12-15 sentences).

-Since you only have a short space to convey the main points of the article, you should get right into the text’s thesis right away (remember, the thesis is not the general subject–such as technology–but a particular author’s argument about a particular topic or idea). While it may be useful/desirable in other types of writing (creative writing, more informal writing) to start with generalizations and/or questions in order to engage your reader or ease into the topic, in a summary paragraph you want to immediately and clearly state the author and title of the text and the text’s thesis. Doing so in the first sentence of your summary will help you to focus your attention on the task at hand: summarizing the text’s ideas (not bringing in your own ideas and opinions). Remember, a large part of writing effectively and successfully is to consider your purpose and your audience. In this case, your purpose is to convey information, in as straightforward a manner as possible, to readers about the content of a text (what the text says). You are not asked to respond to that content, or evaluate it. You don’t have to worry about grabbing your reader’s attention. Your primary goal is to summarize a text.

-You should only include discussion of the main point (thesis) and essential supporting points of the text. You will not be able to mention every detail or example the author uses. Use active reading to help you identify key words, identify the author’s claims, and locate important supporting points.

Summaries should be concise, which means to-the-point. You only have a short space to convey a lot of information (a pretty difficult task!), so every word you write is precious. If a word or sentence doesn’t help to summarize the text’s main points, then it doesn’t have a place in your summary. Instead of spending time repeating ideas, discussing something generally, or beating around the bush, be direct and clear. State the author’s main ideas and stay grounded in the particulars of the text itself.

-Summaries should be written in the third person (she, he, it, her, him, its, they, them, their), not the first person (I, we, my, our, us, me) or second person (you, yours, yours).

You should not include your own experiences, opinions, ideas, interpretation, analysis, bias, etc. You are not writing a subjective response or giving your point of view/response to the text. Remember that, when writing a summary of a text, your task is to concisely and accurately state the text’s thesis and supporting points. Therefore, your focus should be on an objective discussion of the main ideas of the text you read. Writing in the third person will help you to maintain this objective stance.

-In your summary (and all essays), write about the text in the present tense. Even though the author wrote the article in the past, you still discuss it, always, in the present tense. Some examples are: writes, states, claims, argues, examines, discusses.

You may use quotations from the text, but these quotes should be used sparingly, be short, and be relevant to the point you are discussing. Remember if you use the exact words from the text, you must indicate this by using quotation marks (” “) around the word and to provide a citation for that quote. We’ll discuss citation in greater detail this semester, but for now, remember that we using MLA (Modern Language Association) style. For MLA citations, simply provide the page number in parentheses after the quote. E.g., “Somerville officials hope to create a well-being index that they can track over time” (3).

(When you are discussing more than one text, you will also need to include the author’s last name in the parenthesis, but for this summary, which only is on one article, you can simply provide the page number.)

As always, I’m happy to discuss summarizing with you in more detail during my office hours, so stop by then if you’d like some individualized feedback on your summaries.

A Census Article about “How Happy Are You” And the State of Your Well-being.

The article “How Happy Are You” A Census Wants to Know” by John Tierney is about a Boston suburb, Somerville, Mass. Officials are asking the people of Somerville about their happiness and what they should do to make them feel more happy. They added questions on to their census such as “How satisfied are you with your life in general?” and “Taking everything in account, how satisfied are you with Somerville as a place to live?” These questions added to the census were expected to get back specific answers. In my opinion i do not agree that happiness can be measured. In the article there were also some concerns on whether or not politicians should be promoting happiness or not.

I believe that the officials are making it seems as though one can measure there happiness by how much “green” one has. I do not agree that people could measure there happiness because, they are being blinded by material or environmental things such as “physical settings”. One can have a moment of tranquility and peace when looking at the  physical settings they want to be around, but happiness in my opinion is deeper than that. What happens when you turn around from this “physical setting” and your surroundings, when you wake up at 3 am and you’re laying in bed; Are you happy? So i do not think it should be measured by governments because the government can only do so much, and they can’t measure every single persons complete happiness. That is why i believe happiness is deeper than having “more parks or highways” in ones city. Other than being measured people tend to “promote” happiness. The government tries to promote happiness by giving the people what they want. But even in a world with everything the people want, true happiness is  ones choice.

Things that are important for my well-being would be food on the table, a roof above my head, principles, education, communication, and feeling safe and comfortable. I believe sanitary, hospitals, police and fire departments are important for the well-being of a community. While this is all true well-being and happiness are slightly different. Things that make you feel comfortable and healthy, like food and government agency’s, are all part of ones well-being. And having all of this would make you feel happy at the moment, but true happiness comes from within. Nevertheless Conflicts between individuals and community well-being exist and i believe its normal because people have different opinions and ideas regarding a community well being.

The article “How Happy Are You? A Census Wants to know ” by John Tierney is about how a suburb in Boston , Somerville, Mass. Is trying to track people’s happiness. And they are doing so by adding a couple of question on to their census , including “How satisfied are you with your life in general ? , In general how similar are you to other people you know ?” These questions are somewhat basic but are intended to get some specific answers. Well at least a good feel for what residents of this towns, happiness rate is. This information is meant to benefit the people, officials will take it and see if they can create relationships between the level of happiness and the environment. How much green space there is what can be added what can be taken out?
I don’t believe happiness can be measured , a scale can’t be set so that everyone can be divided into categories. There are levels to it. People can be happy but , their definitions of happy aren’t the same, so they won’t give off the same measure. Everyone has their own individual measure or scale of happiness. Different factors affect everybody . I believe that many people believe happiness can be promoted but in reality that isn’t true. We see commercials on t.v all the time that offer products and behind them are smiling faces, seeming to be content. But happiness is whatever you let it be, it cannot be promoted or advertised. What officials are trying to do in this town is a good idea, but its just a theory that they can measure happiness and control factors to raise it. Government tries to do so much already when it comes to peoples lifestyles, letting them think they can control your happiness is just not realistic. They shouldn’t try to change anything , promote it or measure it.
For my well-being, I believe feeling safe is so important, feeling comfortable, being able to move freely, communication, trust, honesty. As a community I believe it is important to be clean to pick up your garbage, keep the environment healthy. People in your community being healthy having doctors and hospitals as resources. To get along with people, have communication with people around you. Working together. There definitely could be conflicts between the well-being of an individual and the well-being of a community .But I believe there can be a middle ground where you can work around things.

Response to article

After reading the article, “How Happy Are You? A Census Wants to Know” got me thinking as to what truly makes someone happy. I believe everyone views happiness in a different way. They believe if they have a certain life or have certain things they will be happy. I do believe people may see things and believe if they have it they too will be happy but it doesn’t always work that way. A lot of other factors can contribute to someones level or scale of happiness. If they may be in a tough spot with money or their job they may not feel as happy, but if everything is going well for a person their level of happiness will be much higher than someone who is going through bad times. But then again there are some people who have everything and are not happy and only give the illusion of happiness. i truly people everyone has different things that make them happy, we may have similarities of what can make one happy but everyone is different. Living in todays society you have to find your own happiness, I do believe everyone has a chance at it if they believe they do.

Summary/Response to “How Happy Are You? A Census Wants To Know?”

I believe happiness can be measured and promoted to a certain point, obviously you can’t just make a person happy by saying a certain thing to them or by asking a question. Everyone has their own opinion to what happiness means and what to do to make themselves happy. People will be happy if they see change in their community, the government knows what goes on and what people are going through everyday. If they really wanted people to be happy they would just act on it not ask a question on a census. A lot of people don’t even read all the questions through they just skip around or put whatever to get it over with.

Another thing is that honestly only you can make yourself happy because you have your own definition to it and you can change things to better yourself and your life and what you do. The government can only do so much to help a person be happy.


Hello everybody,
My Name is Carina Flores, I am currently 18 years old my birthday just passed in June. I live in bensonhurst , Brooklyn. I’ve been living there for about a year and a half now. My neighborhood is pretty quiet which is why a few of my hobbies include being at home watching Law and order special victims unit, going for walks, ice-cream, reading and dancing. I’ve been in an amateur dance group for about 4 years now, we dance mostly traditional Hispanic dances. Dance is truly my passion.

My nephew & I after once of my dance performances

My nephew & I after once of my dance performances

Over the summer I had a remedial math class at city tech and I worked. From 8:30am to 11:30 am I had class and from 12-5 I worked. I had a big birthday party over the summer , for me and my dad. That was really my biggest highlight. My summer was a little too short.
My god brother graduated from city tech about two years ago, so I had very high expectations of the school. I still do. At first I didn’t think I was going to like going to school here, I thought it was going to be too close for comfort ( I can get there in 40minutes). I also thought I was going to get lost. But after taking my first class here, I like it. It is pretty easy to move around, and my professors that I have met so far, are really nice. During the winter and summer I hope to be able to take a class. I wasn’t to be on track to graduate in the 4 year span. As far as career goals, I was always stuck on being a police officer, but something changed, after seeing everything that goes on in news, I decided I didn’t want to be part of that. I know it’s easy to say well I can be the one to change that but realistically speaking old habits die hard. This is why I’ve decided to be a social worker. I would like to help teens, ideally working in a juvenile detention center or in a correctional facility. Where I feel the most work needs to be done.
My strengths are my ability to describe, and keep my stamina in writing. My weaknesses are not being able to organize my ideas. I like writing because it gives everybody a chance to express themselves. You are able to explore your mind through writing. I have had some use of technology in my senior year of high school everything was digital instead of carrying notebooks and pens we carried around a laptop where we did all kinds of work. I believe happiness is within. You have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy about anything else. Happy meaning feeling good about yourself, feeling content, having the jitters all opposites of being sad. But happiness doesn’t involve just one person it involves everybody. Well to me it does, everyone I want to involve. I am excited to be taking this course, I hope to learn some kills to improve my writing and learn a new perspective on happiness.




Hey guys , my name is Gabriela Velasquez feel free to call me Gaby. I’m 18 years old and i’ll be 19 in december. I have two sisters and one brother I went to high school in jamaica, queens and I live in Far Rockaway. My goals in life is to be a psychologist for children that are hospitalized and help them get through something that may be very confusing for them.  Over the summer all I did was work and spend my free time with my family.

I believe as a writer i’m really good at it , when I get an assignment I put a lot of thought into  and I can for write about anything , what may be my weakness is that I absolutely cannot write when i’m in a classroom for some reason its like my mind is shy and I cant think of anything. I don’t know if its something that I can control and change or if it’s just who I am. What I enjoy about writing is that it’s a way were you can express what you’re feeling or the way you see things.

Happiness, to me, means doing something that you enjoy or being around people or anything that makes you smile and makes you feel good. Being happy can be just you reading a book or listening to a song that you like. My expectations for this course and for the learning community is to able to speak up more and learn how to work with people that  I don’t know and being able to have a conversation. I want to be a better reader and have better understanding so that my writing can improve.

“Lucys Intro”

Hey everyone, my name is Luz Garcia I also go by Lucy. I’m 18 years old and I was born and raised in New York. My birthday is on May 20. I’m a Taurus which I believe describes me a lot. I have 2 younger sisters and a new little brother from my father side, who all live in the Dominican Republic. I also have a little sister from my mothers side who I live with. I went to High School of Graphic Communication Arts in downtown Manhattan. I enjoy playing basketball, drawing, listening to music and having fun, i love to laugh. This summer was different from my other past summers, i was getting ready for college, spending some time with my boyfriend, i attended remedial class for math, and i was babysitting.

This semester i’m planing on focusing on my classes to do very good and learn fast about my career. My first experiences in City Tech were good. Since i attended remedial class in the summer i got use to the ways professors taught their class, so i expect to do well in my classes. My mom and my past experiences have given me the interest for the Human Service field. Majoring in Human Services my career goal is to help kids and teens that have problems in their household, streets and/or school. Many young adults have problems and act out in ways that our city frown upon; and because of that, later in life they have trouble finding jobs because of their past choices. My goal is to help those who are having trouble and give them the second chance they deserve to become successful.

One of my weaknesses is expressing my feelings thoroughly. This weakness affects me as a writer because i have problems expressing all my thoughts on paper and it making sense. Other than that i believe writing about things i find interesting in is my strength. I enjoy free writing because i get to write about something i am interested in and about my opinion on it. Attending H.S.GCA i have gained some knowledge on technology, i know my way around a few programs like Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word etc.

Happiness to me is feeling good about myself in my own skin, and having those i love and care about around and supporting me. Some people may argue that money or material things are important and having these thing make you happy, but i believe true happiness is deeper. Happiness to me would also be finding my own peace of mind and feeling good as a person. I could sit in an empty room but if it’s fulled with people that make me feel good, and that i love then i’m happy.

From this learning community i expect to learn more about society and individual happiness. I also expect to share my ideas and thoughts with everyone. I hope i also get to develop my writing skills more thoroughly in order to express my thoughts into words. Thank you for your time on reading this introduction, i hope you enjoyed it. 🙂



Article: How Happy Are You? A Census Wants to Know Summary/ Response: Ivyz Fuentes

The article “How happy are you? A census wants to know” By John Tierney, is basically about Somerville, Massachusetts  officials wanting to track people’s happiness systematically so they can become the first city in the united states to do so. They want to improve the city’s success, economic growth and promote policies that produce more than just material well-being. The people of Somerville got a new question on their census forms that spring, asking them on a scale of one to ten how happy do they feel at the moment. Psychologist  and economist supported the idea of monitoring the citizens happiness but debated on how to do so and whether happiness is the right thing politicians should be promoting.

I personally don’t agree that happiness can be measured and promoted because in my opinion how happy someone feels about certain things can change overnight. For example, on the city’s census form there were questions like “how happy do you feel right now?” and “how satisfied are you with your life in general?” yes i understand where they are coming from with those question but say someone is having a bad day, why wouldn’t they say they aren’t satisfied with life? For the simple fact that that’s how they’re feeling at the moment but tomorrow come and they’re completely satisfied with everything, their life, things that are happening around them ect… Also, I feel that happiness can’t be measured as a whole but individually because different people have different feelings about certain things. What might make me happy and satisfy me might not do so to the next person and that’s where conflicts between individual and community comes in. There can sometimes be conflict or maybe not, depending on what. It also depends on how strong a community is as a whole because it can go smoothly with every individual agreeing with one another or side ways with certain people agreeing with a situation and some not. For example, in Britain and France they also have been analyzing citizens happiness and I’m guessing certain citizens didn’t agree with some decisions because there were violent riots and protest broke out.

In my opinion If the government is measuring happiness and promoting anything it should be to increase happiness. If it isn’t to do so, then they shouldn’t be measuring anyone’s happiness. That’s like everyone in New York taking a survey about how certain things make us feel or how happy certain things make us and the government isn’t doing anything to change that and to make us happier. At the end of the day the government is going to do what they feel, they shouldn’t ask us what makes us happy or how happy are we about something if it’s obvious that a change needs to be made. That’s like raising taxes and asking how do us citizens feel about it. It honestly doesn’t matter how we feel because either way it’ll remain the same.


How Happy Are You ? A Census Wants to know . Summary/Response. : Katiria Altruz

The article “How happy Are You ? A Census Want to know by John Tierney is about a city named smoverville. It’s a city where they had to fill out a census form so the government can know how happy they are .So this census was based on the question “How happy do you feel right now ?” which the people from somerville had to answered from a scale to 1 to 10.The government want Somerville to be the first city in the U.s to keep records of people’s happiness.Beside promoting things that only can they sell , they want to promote happiness for everyone .But some don’t think that happiness should not be promoted by the politicians like the psychologist and economists because happiness can be right but its not the same as writing it or saying it on a questionnaire.Since more than 7,500 people have mailed back the survey , some of them did not clearly answered the questions on municipal concerns.Most people aren’t satisfied even if the questionnaire  was supposed to help but it didn’t they still trying to find a way to make people happy.

Everyone has something that make them happy so no one knows what truly make someone happy because it can change any moment or anytime.Happiness cannot be measured because they cant go by what the people fell that they want , instead they should see in what they need .Not everyone the same so of course there are going to be people who won’t give their opinion  because everyone thinks differently or do things for themselves .The survey shouldn’t be based on a person mood at the moment because the information that they had might get lower and might not help the people be happy at all .The kind of things that would be important in a well-being is happiness , life satisfaction ,fulfillment , families , and the role of parenting.Its unmeasurable because those things people do for a living and its things that matter most to them.some people don’t want to be part of the community  because they want to do things on their own and work hard for the things that they need and want.Being in a community is a big thing you have to help others and be a part of them.

Happiness cant be promoted because everyone has a different ways of being happy. Happiness cannot be measured because only the person can decided what make them happy and no one else.The government shouldn’t be promoting or measuring happiness because they wouldn’t know what people would want or feel because it takes a lot of effort and time .Happiness cannot be brought or maintain because its like the weather it comes and go . It very unexpected .For others happiness is just having the company of others like family or friends or playing your favorite video game .The kind of things important for your well being is having good company , love from the one who are close to you , good mental state , having a balance diet and living stress free.