Eiffel Tower day! Restful first night with no jetlag was the start to a busy day. Started the day walking to the metro and riding on the train for the first time, in Paris of course. First stop was to de la tour Eiffel or the Eiffel tower. We saw it from many different angles but the best views I believe were from the Palade de Chaillot. From there we were told of the Arc de Triomphe and walk down Champ Elysees also known as NYC’s 5th ave, where we were then dismissed as a class. Some of the girls and I decided to have lunch at Chez Clemente (123 avenue Champs Elysées, 75008 Paris) which was directly on Champ Elysees. There I ordered rillette de pur canard or duck pate as an entree, and truite meunière or trout meunière as a plat. Afterwards Rehana, Nykkeicho and I decided to visit the Obélisque de Luxor in the Place de la Concorde, our tour site. We explored the area a little and noted the statues and locations of noticeable buildings in the area. Feeling drained we decided to all head home for a little get together at Marilyn and Tamar’s room. There we enjoyed dinner and drinks but ended early around 9:30 because we have an early day tomorrow.

Dinner at Marilyn and Tamar’s room