- Shifting Value With Color
- Shifting Hue, Not Value
- Shifting Hue and Value
- Chromatic Grays
Time Taken: 2Hrs
First Year Learning Community
Time Taken: 2Hrs
What I learned in this project is the color value and saturation. For instance, the color is the same in a composition but it appears different because of its influence color and the saturation. What I would like to retry again would be Group 4 Shifting Hue and Value, it was very challenging for me to see and make the hue different from one another. For our next project, I would use the color wheel and know the complimentary of each color.
Time spent:1 hr
While learning about color perception I learned that there are many different ways our eyes perceive color. We all see color color differently and we also perceive color differently because of the way they are placed together,mixed, their saturation, and even the amount of light that reflects off of it. I chose a tropical fish and a bluejay to show different and beautiful ways color can interact with each other in nature because how unique it can be.
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