While listening to “Formation- Beyonce “, the sound was repetitive and then it switched to a different beat automatically. Afterwards, the sound went back to original beat. The beginning sound was sharp and straight forward , it reminds me of squares because the geometric form and the sharp edges represent the sound . The second sound had a smooth sound and it reminds me of ocean waves. The shapes also represent the beat and the chronological order of the song itself.
In addition to listening to that song, I was listening to “Fade-Kanye West” and “Work-Rihanna”. When switching between these two songs, it was quite difficult since they both give off different emotions and I was able to fill in the previous shapes with different colors based on the emotions that the beat was giving off at that specific moment
Work Time : 30 minutes
Woah… I didn’t know we could use two songs, I like how you challenged yourself