Color Harmony




This was a short little project but it was interesting to say the least. It was just nice to see all the different colors that are within a single thing, whether it’s a picture of a person, place, thing etc…And my image was just a random bottle that I decided to do. Would have love to make it within Illustrator or Photoshop but I am not familiar really at all with those softwares. But still enjoyed the project none the less.… Read More...

Project # 5 : Final Version

  1. Honestly, can not believe how fast this semester has flown by. College has been an interesting experience so far, as this was my first semester attending college I did not really know what to expect but I went through with it. This semester I have learned a variety of things. As it pertains to writing in general, I have learned that the details in a piece of writing really helps the reader understand exactly what the writing is about or what the writer is trying to convey. Without details or with only very little/minor details the reader can be left

Ways of Reflecting (Draft)

Honestly, can not believe how fast this semester has flown by. College has been an interesting experience so far, as this was my first semester attending college I did not really know what to expect but I went through with it. This semester I have learned a variety of things. As it pertains to writing in general, I have learned that the details in a piece of writing really helps the reader understand exactly what the writing is about or what the writer is trying to convey. Without details or with only very little/minor details the reader can be left … Read More...


Erroneous (adjective)

Erroneous [ uhroh-nee-uhs, e-roh– ]

Definition 1: containing error; mistaken; incorrect; wrong:

Definition 2: straying from what is moral, decent, proper, etc.


Sentence: “Rather than fall back on our erroneous belief in the pleasures of solitude, we could reach out to other people.”… Read More...


initiative (noun)

initiative [ini·​tia·​tive | \ i-ˈni-shə-tiv]

Definition: an introductory step


Sentence: “Dr. Epley and Ms. Schroeder found that when one person took the initiative step to speak to another in a waiting room, both people reported having a more positive experience.”… Read More...


Alleviate (verb)

Alleviate (al·​le·​vi·​ate | \ ə-ˈlē-vē-ˌāt)

Definition: to make (something, such as pain or suffering) more bearable.


Sentence: “Simply acknowledging strangers on the street may alleviate their existential angst; and being acknowledge by others might do the same for us.”… Read More...


Oxymoron (noun)

Oxymoron [ ok-si-mawr-on, –mohr– ]

Definition: a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”


Sentence:  “I like gray areas; oxymorons and the feeling of falling backwards.”… Read More...