project 3

To arrive at my location, it’s only 1 to 2 minute walk depending on what city tech exit you come out of. If you were to come out of City Tech through the Tillary street entrance make a right and go down and another right then go down the block half way. And if you were to come out of the Adams street you can either make a left and at the corner make another left and walk down the block. Or you can make a right and at the corner make another right, go down the block then make another right then go down the block half way. But if you were to come out of the Jay street entrance you are right where you are suppose to be. My juxtaposition is the new city tech building at 285 Jay St and the brown and red Jacobs building across the street from it.

According to merriam-webster juxtaposition “the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side often to compare or contrast or to create an interesting effect”

   Walking to my juxtaposition was short, boring, and common. I wish I would have picked another area around the school or could have picked another area altogether to show more of a difference. However this is not such a bad juxaposition. You can compare and contrast many things between this two buildings. For example the height. The new City Tech building is like three times the size (taller) than the brown and red building. Not to mention the age difference. The city tech building finished contruction in 2016 and the red building has been there for as long as I can remember. But the major difference I can see between these two buildings are the structures. For example the red buildin is made up of all bricks and has small glass windows. While the city tech building is made up of all glass including windows and doors.  What if there is another hurricane like sandy is the new city tech building going to hold up the like the red building or break apart because it is glass? This makes me think that newer isn’t always better if it can’t survive harsh conditions.

In my opinion the City Tech building seems more delicate, because it is made out of class which is very fragile, compared to the Jacobs building that seems sturdy because it is made out of bricks. Yet visually the City Tech building is more appealing because you get a glimpse fo students at work.

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