Category Archives: Coursework


This semester for me had its ups and downs. I was a little behind in the beginning and soon caught up, then I fell behind again and was always turning in things late. I liked the projects overall because they were interesting- not dull and boring where you just do research at home, write an essay and turn it in. There was some exploration and adventure for these assignments which I’m glad for because it made it more fun. I think my writing skills have improved in the past 4 months however I could do better with my procrastination level. College is time consuming because of the work but this class made it fun and I was able to do some of the work with my friends outside of school. I think I need to work on my vocabulary words more because I want a wider range of vocabulary and I’ve been slacking with that this semester, mainly focusing on the assignments. Overall the work was fair and our peer mentor was helpful throughout the semester and I can say I will use what I learned in the next semesters I have left here and in real life.

Gallery Catalogue Entry Final

Garfield Crumbie

Fahrenheit 451 Text

This artwork is designed to introduce a new concept into an original piece of work that people would have never thought of. It ignites a new form of art that can cause a viewer to have to think, and break down what they just read. Art pieces that are generally known as “Humuments” are where this work originated from, as it conveys its own unique message. This message is brought forth and detailed by using the correct colors. The saturation, value,or even tone of the colors can either take away or add significance to a piece.

My art piece in particular comes from the well known novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Specifically from the first page, I skimmed the paragraphs for words that I could place together to create a new sentence. I had to decide if I wanted my sentence to carry out the same message from the novel, or if it should take a different direction. After 5-10 minutes of selecting the right words, I found that it depicted a similar mood as the text it came from. The end result states, ” It was his head burning down, and the fireflies in the furnace died and grinned- Later, that smile never went away- he walked one inch along the Earth as he felt the air there, and detected the temperature rise ten degrees”. This sentence structure has a flow that is broken, but it still makes sense. The slight descriptive language is just enough to help the reader picture the scene.

In order to select the right color for this piece, I had to determine which color would best represent the message that is being conveyed. In the piece, there are numerous references to heat, which can portray a dark mood for readers. Specific words such as “burning”, “furnace” or “rise ten degrees”, let me know to search for colors that have high energy. The colors that immediately came to mind was red, yellow, and orange. Generally, these are the colors you see in fire or anything that involves heat, which can give off high amounts of energy. I chose to adjust these colors by using Adobe Illustrator and making a color palette as a guide for my process. This is the most interesting part of the art piece because it was engaging by allowing me to experiment with multiple colors. During the process of searching for the correct color, I discovered colors that were new to me and depicted what seemed like an illusion. I decreased saturation, and increased value so that I can have the appropriate tone. After this portion of the art piece was complete, I was left with the main colors red, red-orange, and yellow-orange.

Figuring out how to apply these colors to the actual art piece was another experiment within its self. I printed out multiple copies of the texts to do test runs on in order to see which one turns out the best. I decided to make an illusion by outlining the words of the page so that it seems as if the text is coming off the page. I used jagged edge lines to help it look more appealing to the reader. This technique is commonly used in comic book art to depict a shock or explosion which gives a boost to the readers imagination. The color palette served the purpose of indicating the dominant colors of the piece as it gradually decreases to colors that are used less. The main concept of this art work is to emphasize the mood of the text by highlighting key words that give it such a mood. And now, as you can see, the end result depicts a new scene for readers, and it holds a similar concept to that of the original text.


Reflection (Aesthetic Mapping)

For project 4, I expected it to be challenging to find a unique route because downtown Brooklyn is an area that seems to have more buildings than trees (in my opinion). However, it was a fun experience even though I would’ve preferred to do it in the spring or summer- where nature is more recognized because of the bloomed flowers/trees. I didn’t try to make my walk too long and I didn’t spend too much time in the park because it was something lie 20-30 degrees outside and I was so cold to the point where tears were coming out my eyes. I don’t think I would have went to take the walk that day if I didn’t have my friend with me because I HATE the cold. But living in Brooklyn, I don’t think I’ve ever been to Cadman Plaza Park and seeing Cadman Plaza Park in the evening was a pretty sight. I spent the most part of this project writing the Pitch since it doesn’t take me 5 minutes to write 700-900 words about my walk. I didn’t remember a lot of the street names so I had to rely on google and google maps to include in my pitch. I didn’t really get any feedback from any peers so I just did some research online about the history of the parks and added that to the Pitch. It wasn’t much but I think I excelled at capturing the right pictures to show what I saw on the walk specifically. I also think I needed to work on what were some more of the sounds and smells on my walk because I didn’t really focus on that.  But like the article said, this walk can ease stress. For me, that’s just what it did for a while.


Behest - noun


1: an authoritative order

2: an urgent prompting e.g. <called at the behest of my friends>


I was reading a New York Times article on penalty against CIA computer search and encountered this word behest, I had no idea what it meant so I looked it up. Behest is an authoritative order in this case, the behest of John O. Brennan. So it was the authoritative order of John O. Brennan.


Malware - noun

software designed to interfere with a computer’s normal functioning

1: software designed to interfere with a computer’s normal functioning


I encountered this word in a New York Times article on the North Korea cyber attack on Sony, the attack sent Malware which damaged Sony’s computers and also stole information. I did not know what this was, but I’ve learned in Latin previously the root Mal meaning bad and taking a part from software, so I assumed it meant bad product or data or whatever, and it turns out I am correct.


Debilitated - verb

to make (someone or something) weak : to reduce the strength of (someone or something)

1: to impair the strength of


I encountered this word in a New York Times article on the North Korea cyber attack on Sony, the attack had Debilitated Sony’s computers. From the context clues I could figure out the definition something around the lines of stopped them from working, so I looked up the actual definition after and it meant to weaken something such as the computers.

Project 1 revised

My name is Dongmin Lin. I am 18 years old. Currently I am a freshmen enrolling in the New York City College of Technology. I came from China, and Chinese is my first language. This September is the turning point of my life, because I went to the college. It is a new environment to me; it felt so unfamiliar to here. Although that I like here a lot. I never ever attend a school that is so far from where I live. I live in flushing, and I barley take the subway, Miss direction often lead me to get lost. I like children very much, I am a girl with a target, and I am also chasing my dream. I like stuff that is made by hand, such as knit scarf, cross-stitch. My passionate is about crafting, cutting papers and making small and delicate objects. I am also very patient. In the next five thru ten years I can imagine my self-sitting in a studio working with my good friends and colleagues. My design aesthetics are simple and easy also with some delicate detail in it. When I come to a new place I would be very shy, but I sincerely hope that everyone in our class can become good friend. I am an optimistic person.

My avatar is a photo of myself. My best friend took the photo. And it was taken on the way to school during last winter’s morning. This image is very meaningful to me. At the time, I lived with my best friend. My friend and I were in same class together. We nearly spend all our times together. My friend enjoys taking photos for me, and she helped me to record my life. We ate corns for breakfast every morning because we think eating corns can lose weight. You can me with black under eye bags because I don’t get much sleep, especially now I have college.

When people look at my avatar they might think I am a very active girl. Actually they are really misunderstood. I am very shy when I communicate with someone that I am not familiar with. Then you might think I like to eat corn. However, that is not what it seems. Actually I do not like to eat corn now. The reason I said this before is because it was that that time of the year, I was on my diet, and that’s why am ate corn everyday. You rarely see me with make up. However, I like makeup. Makeup can make me feel very confident and it makes me feel like am a new person. However, I want to arrive early and be on morning in class, and that’s why you don’t see me with the pretty makeup on in school.

My profile will convey my character, interest and my goal. You may think it’s very hard to communicate with me. But actually it is not. I want to upload this photo because I was a lovely and cheerful girl when you really know me. To be honest I like to make friend, and cherish every friend of mine. You may notice the hat and scarf in my avatar. Yes that is my favorite color, wind red. And the beanie and scarf have taken me a long time to weave. I know there will be countless mistakes before succeed, but I it wont hesitate me to stop trying. So I do not like to easily give up the things I am interesting in, even though it is difficult. But still, I will not lose my passion for advertising design. One of my goals is to graduate within four years. I know if I want to master the skill of English will not be easy. But I believe there will always have pay will have harvest.