Category Archives: ENG1101 Project #2

Project #2: Whitehead’s quotes

I chose this subject in particular because it pinpoints two completely different time periods of New York and brings them together into one frame. From the image that I captured, I was able to see where we were as a city (before my time), and how much things have changed as well as how far we have come. Over the course of the years the city has changed drastically, but the streets  still hold the history of what came before. Colson Whitehead supports my concept in what he says in his passage. He states, ” Our streets are like calenders containing who we were and who will be next”. In this case, the “we” depicted in this quote represents the path or destiny of the city. In this passage, Whitehead conveys the message that the streets of the city record everything that has happened and endures what will result from this as the new New York begins to emerge. My juxtaposition fits the concept that Whitehead wants to bring across. Knowing that the church building in my photo frame is of the old New York, this represents who “we” once were, as Whitehead stated. However, the photo also depicts Remsen street which is a one-point perspective leading to a single vanishing point. And at the end of this vanishing point Is the sky scraper which symbolizes what we know as the presnt day New York.

Whitehead also further explains the concept of the overlap between the two cities. In the last paragraph of his passage he says, ” What follows is my city. Making this a guide book, with handy color-coded maps and miniscule fine print you should read very closely so you won’t be surprised. It contains your neighborhoods. Or doesn’t. We overlap. Or don’t. Maybe you’ve walked these avenues, maybe it’s all Jersey to you. I’m not sure what to say. Except that probably we’re neighbors. That we walk past each other everyday,and never knew it until now”. I found this intriguing because it explains that the different New Yorks are like a ” guide book” and the new New York is the latest city to be built onto what came before. He seems to be undecided at whether these New Yorks overlap or not. But the reality is that these overlaps will always be around as long as New York begins to evolve. Therefore, this quote supports what my juxtaposition represents.

Overall, my juxtaposition depicts the proper overlap between the two New Yorks. As time progresses new overlaps will always be created. Whitehead says that we must not fight the inevitable because nothing is meant to last forever. These eight million New Yorks he mentions will never be the same as the one I know or even the one my neighbor knows. But when we look back at the city we have grown to love, we can always spot a particular aspect  that we can reminisce from our own New York.


Project 2: Location description

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I consider my location unique because I found it in the most unexpected place. Some may even say it was a planned mistake. I framed the picture from the intersection of Clinton and Remsen street. I had to physically stand in the road in order to get the shot of my juxtaposition. When someone first looks at the picture, they may not see the juxtaposition immediately which gives me more of a reason to explain. This juxtaposition entails an old church building and a skyscraper in the distance. In my opinion this is one of the best examples that display two different New Yorks. On the right side of the picture, the old New York is displayed as a catholic church building. It has a pointed roof and pin point black fences that circle around the property. From what I saw, the primary material of this building are large, brownish cement bricks. In the present day time, these kind of materials are no longer used in the process of construction. Based on the detail and build of the structure I determined that it was from an old New York. It’s old fashioned design may even hold its own significant story of the past. With this in mind, I was able to see how the present day New York was built around the structure along with how it has fit in as the years past.

In the distance, I spotted the second part of my juxtaposition. This consists of a silver sky scraper that stands out above most of the other buildings. This structure had a sleek glassy design that glistens in the sun. At first sight, I felt a futuristic vibe from the building. In the picture frame it is slightly covered by the trees at the side. However, this is the best angle I could acquire without disrupting traffic. When I observing this juxtaposition, I realized a sense of symbolism. The old church building that is closer to me symbolizes the past. It  represents the old age of the city as we know it. After following the road to its vantage point, one can see the skyscraper right at the end. I believe this could symbolize the path from the “Old New York” up into the ” present New York”.

Thinking about comparisons

Introduction: what you’re writing about, what you’re arguing (thesis statement)


How are the two New Yorks similar?

How are they different?

OR: block format

one point of view: one New York

the other point of view: the other New York

comparison of the two NYs

OR: point-by-point

point one: each NY

point two: each NY

point three: each NY


City Limits : Colson Whitehead

City Limits – Calson Whitehead

After reading Calson’s introduction to his book , “City Limits”, it opened my eyes to a different view of New York . He is right about the old New York and how it changed through time . Sometimes we don’t realize when we were younger what was around us and now it’s something’s different . His introduction describes about New York City and how it changed , what was in one location and now today is something else . We don’t sometimes have that chance to say goodbye to our old New York . What do I mean by “our old New York ? “. Like he said, someone’s New York could be different from mine , but it’s what was before then what is there now . Is our laundrymat that we had to put quarters inside , now they are inside buildings or you use a card . Or the carshop right across the street is now a Burger King . Through time we don’t see it much , and we can’t say goodbye . New things happen everyday to New York City and we don’t see it until one day we walk pass by through and remember what was there before it . With this , I found my New York , I go there all the time , and it started by just a picture I took . Through time it changed , but saying goodbye wasn’t an option .

City Limits summary

“City Limits” summary


In “City Limits” the author talks a lot about how everyone has their own personal New York. He talks about how someone who just got here and sees the met life building while he still remember it as the Pan-Am building. He then goes on to explain that both of them are both right and wrong. He’s lived here for years so his New York is different from someone just moved here.


Another theme is a feeling of loss after one of your favorite hangouts (haunts) is replaced by something new. He says that the change must have happened over and he’s right sometimes it feels that way. He also says that when that happens you wish you could go back and say goodbye to that restaurant or deli or pharmacy.


Project #2 Research: Location

For my project I went with a group of fellow classmates around the City Tech area. Our initial objective was to explore around the DUMBO area but in the interest of time we decided to head to Court St instead. As we passed by the court houses I saw the divide of Fulton St and Court St and how different both of these areas are and what experiences I have with each of them. It made me reflect back to Colson Whitehead’s “City Limits” where he talks about everyone having a different life in New York City and how the area affects those lives. I began thinking of the ‘New Yorks” that the people of Fulton St experience and the ones that the ones on Court St do. From observation and a familiarity with the streets, Fulton St has more small businesses, fast food restaurants and a couple shopping areas. Court Street has more upper middle class stores and business people, as well as hipsters due to the Cobble Hill neighborhood being a few blocks down. The contrast of these streets made me think of the socio-economic differences between the two areas.IMG_4398

Project 2 Research: Location

I think everyone is familiar with this place. The Brooklyn Bridge which starts from Jay St, ends in Chambers St. About 5989 feet long and 85 feet in width. It takes about 45mins walking through the bridge. I only walked through this bridge three times. The first time was in the first month I came to New York City. Everything was strange, for me that was just a bridge. The second time was in my first summer in NYC. That was a volunteer project. The third time was more meaningful for me. That was on the first day of my college life. I walked with my parents.
When I stood on the bridge, my view was much wider. The sky is blue and close to me. The wind blows gently from the Easter River. Everything at that moment was just like in a picture. Under the tower of the Bridge, I was looking towards Manhattan, lots of grand buildings, cars looked like very tiny, people were like ants, but the only feeling I have is peaceful.
The Brooklyn Bridge is an important part of New York City. The Bridge was built in 1867 and opened to the public in 1883. At first it was used to connect two different countries, not the two boroughs like today. Time flies, the Brooklyn Bridge not only becomes one of the famous landmarks of New York City, but also be shot in various TV programs to represent the New York City.

The Brooklyn Bridge


Overlapping New Yorks (Describing Location)

I choose my final destination in DeKalb Avenue, because this is the last stop before I went into college. I never do any walking at Brooklyn Downtown before, only by car, so I didn’t know any significant location for me. While I walking through from City Tech to DeKalb Avenue, I didn’t expect there are many stores around this location. In addition, there are always cars and buses passing through that make the street kind of noisy. There are many people sitting or walking through the course that I’m walking, and I didn’t except either. During the walking, I have discovered many juxtapositions. There are many new modern buildings stick next to the old classical buildings. While some stores inside looks fresh and new, however, they are built inside of these old classical buildings. When I continue walking through my course, I discover that is very special old classical building, and this building call “The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn”. In addition, I continue discovering behind this bank, some workers are constructing a new building for “Chase Bank”. I believe this is the symbol of overlapping, because this place is being replacing by the new building. In addition, that can also be the symbol of juxtaposition, because while there is an old classical structure, workers are constructing a new modern buildings. I did not know the relationship between “Chase Bank” and “The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn”, but I do want to predict that “The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn” will soon be part of “Chase Bank”. A flag or banner of “Chase Bank” will be put on top of it. I believe I will still remember this bank, even if one day its name has been changed to “Chase Bank“.



Project #2: Location

My location was about a 15 minute walk from city tech. Once you exit from the main building on Jay Street take a left, then I walked along Adam Street and crossed around the food store Shake Shack and walked into Cadman Plaza Park. I eventually ended up at Court street, although I did make a circle and took the longer way there. On Court street is where I saw a juxtaposition of two New Yorks. On one side there was the NY Supreme Court area and if you walk further down there’s several stores which kind of reminds me of walking in Manhattan. I can also see how the area down the block with all of the stores could have been many different New York’s for some people. Those stores must have changed a lot of times.

Sketch of the walk path

Sketch of the walk path

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Project 2

My Trip after school on my way home. Well my location is pretty far but for most of the time my location is either at home or at work. Where i work is probably a few miles away maybe like 3-4 miles away. As I leave school i walk out of the main entrance where almost everyone enters City Tech. Then I walk to the right where i believe is the court building pass jay street and walk pass the food stand and keep walking straight pass the Starbucks, pass the art store and keep walking straight and skip the train and just keep walking all the way straight until you reach Fulton mall. Where there’s a lot of stores. You see another Starbucks, i think a models, and right before you see those stores right when your walking towards Jay street and Fulton mall there’s a pizza shop right on the corner. From the pizza shop i make a turn on my right and walk down pearl street,  then walk like two blocks until you get to Boerum PL. Then make a left on Boerum PL and cross the street and stay on the left side. When i see a building with a painting on it that looks sort of like a map that shows the stops means im going the right way even though i wont get lost because i always walk that way.  So i keep walking along Boerum Pl and i see building that is under construction and it is the New York Transit Authority and in front of it is a bus stop its the B62 bus.  SO i keep walking straight like 3 block past this like daycare playground where i see little kids sometimes. On the last block before i make another turn there’s this really wide building i think that’s connect to another building. Its on Boerum PL and Atlantic Ave. So as i reach the end of Boerum PL and see Atlantic Ave i make another turn to the left and stay on the same side where the really wide building is at and its the Brooklyn Detention Complex. And right across the street from it there constructing another building. I walk the block till i reach the other end of the building and i now arrive to Smith street and Atlantic avenue. i cross the street where there’s a hotel and FedEx Office and cross the street so i can be on the opposite side of the FedEx office and walk just few steps and wait for the bus at the buss top that’s in front of  house and on the bottom is a science lab where little kids go and on the other side of the steps to the door of the house is a restaurant. Meanwhile i wait for the bus to get to work i just stand there waiting and watch the chaos of the traffic. once my bus arrives i get on and the bus goes all of Atlantic Ave and makes a turn on to 5th ave and i get off on Union street and 5th ave and walk to my job. which is not so far from my the bus stop i just walk a little.