City Limits : Colson Whitehead

City Limits – Calson Whitehead

After reading Calson’s introduction to his book , “City Limits”, it opened my eyes to a different view of New York . He is right about the old New York and how it changed through time . Sometimes we don’t realize when we were younger what was around us and now it’s something’s different . His introduction describes about New York City and how it changed , what was in one location and now today is something else . We don’t sometimes have that chance to say goodbye to our old New York . What do I mean by “our old New York ? “. Like he said, someone’s New York could be different from mine , but it’s what was before then what is there now . Is our laundrymat that we had to put quarters inside , now they are inside buildings or you use a card . Or the carshop right across the street is now a Burger King . Through time we don’t see it much , and we can’t say goodbye . New things happen everyday to New York City and we don’t see it until one day we walk pass by through and remember what was there before it . With this , I found my New York , I go there all the time , and it started by just a picture I took . Through time it changed , but saying goodbye wasn’t an option .

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