Tag Archives: wonder

Favorite Image: Wonder Exhibit

This was my favorite image of the “Wonder Exhibit” because it was one the most that stood out the most to me, something very different from the rest. I like that this photograph has something to think about, like why is there a lock there? Did someone’s quarters accidentally fell down ? It is such an interesting photograph that I enjoyed looking at. Overall this photograph has color even though it looks black and white, but you see the yellow from the reflection of the sun . The saturation of this photograph is very low, but it still looks very good, and as a visualizer I think the saturation was suppose to be low to have that sadness affect on the photo. The Green-Wood Cemetery is so big that it will probably take you three days to see everything, but this photograph that stood out the most to me had a great meaning and the photographer has good visualization !

Wonder Exhibit , my favorite photograph that stranded out the most to me

Wonder Exhibit , my favorite photograph that stranded out the most to me
