My reflection on drafting and revising Essay 1

The drafting process of this essay has been really hard for me. This is because my ideas about the topic of happiness are complex. Therefore, what I needed most help with is how to structure and combine those ideas into one argument that will be discussed in my essay. After revising my peer’s essays I feel like I now have an idea of how to go back to my essay and check for my main argument. I have noticed what is it that I am writing most about in my essay, however I still need to look for a way to write it and make it clear to the readers.

When my peers gave me feedback about my essay they suggested to explain what is the paradox that I am referring to in my introduction. Also, to not get off track from the point I am trying to make in each paragraph. I understand what they mean because I noticed that I was getting to my point of the paragraph until the last sentence. However, I need to change that because the topic sentence is the one that needs to point out what the main idea of the paragraph is. My peers also gave me feedback on some minor grammatical errors and format details. Details such as quoting the articles and not changing the font, have a one-inch margin, and my last name and page number at the top of each page of my essay. The group feedback was very helpful because I had the chance to see others essay’s and have an outside view of how the assignment should and should not be done.

The meeting I had with Professor Belli has also helped me to think what are the changes that I need in my essay. I am going to re-read my essay, identify my main ideas in each paragraph and re- do my thesis. Also, I am going to take out a paragraph that may not be of good use for my argument. I am also going to try to re-phrase my last sentence of each paragraph and place it as topic sentences. Moreover, I need to stop summarizing an article and put more of my analysis. For the other use of an article in my essay, I need to include more evidence from the article in order to make my point in the paragraph.

Once I finish revising my essay and fixing the things I just mentioned, I am going to give my essay to a college friend of mine so he could tell me what he thinks and if he knows what my argument is in the whole essay. Hopefully he will also point out any other error I may have. I will also check if my essay follows the required format that has been assigned to this and further essays. Last but not least, I am going to make a bibliography because I didn’t do one due to a misunderstanding I had previously. Hopefully, my final essay meets all the requirements of the assignment.

Chapter 2

  • Describe the techniques and solutions used to aid in the well-being of clients who were in distress.

The techniques and solutions that were used in the middle ages were not the best for clients who were in distress. The solutions and techniques used to be chaining, beating, starving, and bleeding. Then, the king used to take care of their land and possessions. It wasn’t until Hippocrates used the scientific approach to explain the distress of clients. Churches were the institutions who were in charged of giving guidance and even helping the poor.

  • Describe the evolution of human well-being services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals and society.

The human services provided in the middle ages were very basic and not well developed. The churches who guided the people with problems, had “professionals” who were only working under the beliefs of the church. Not a scientific approach as we do today. In the present day is better to approach clients in a scientific way because its more objective. All individuals have different beliefs, therefore they need to be respected and should not be limited to receive certain services. Hence, society has become more enlightened with different sets of ideas.

  • Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans.

The mission of Obama- Care is to provide all Americans with accessible health care. Which means that all Americans will be able to afford to receive treatment and care for a low cost. It would be of great help for people who don’t have the resources to have access to health care. However, this would mean to increase taxes, which is why its a very debated topic.

  • Describe how social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society.

A person who believed in individualism, believed that the success in an individual’s life was the complete responsibility of the individual’s characteristics. Therefore, the well being of an individual depended all on them. Laissez-faire was a philosophy that was based on the concept that the government should have little intervention in the economy. Believing in this philosophy meant that the individual had no right to any human service. Social Darwinism was a mix of both of the previous philosophies mentioned. It consisted of survival of the fittest. Individuals who could adapt to whatever the conditions were of the society they will survive.  However, those who couldn’t and would seek help, would not help in the progress of improvement.

Describe how the mental health movement promoted the well-being of clients/society.

The mental health movement promoted well being in clients and society by encouraging improvement of education and treatment. The aim of the mental health movement was to improve the services provided to clients with mental illnesses. Therefore, the Mental Health Association was made for the protection of the client which was one of the biggest encouragements. Furthermore, education on causes, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment was further developed by the Mental Health association. Which helped the well-being of the clients by providing them with better services.

Describe how the human service movement promoted the well-being of clients/society.

Many years ago, mental health workers had many responsibilities. As time passed by these responsibilities were being divided into new roles for different and new positions for the field. Since time has passed by, new information has been acquired in the mental health field and therefore it has been implemented.

  • Describe how entitlement benefits(Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare) promote the wellbeing of individuals/society.

Medicaid aids citizens by providing states with funds for their health care. Medicare provides health insurance for people over 65 years of age. Welfare helps the poor and unemployed. All of this entitlements promote the wellbeing of individuals and society in their own way.

  • Describe how legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society.

The Medicare Prescription Drug Act and many others were passed in the 21st century and has improved the wellbeing of individuals and society. Moreover, this legislation has provided more diverse services to clients according to their beliefs. Therefore, the wellbeing of individuals has been addressed more carefully throughout time. A big improvement made since the middle ages.


Introduction of Essay Draft 1

Happiness is a paradox in today’s society. The concept of happiness has been altered throughout time. In our current society, individuals have the belief that accumulating wealth will help them achieve happiness. However, the article “The scientific pursuit of happiness: How To Buy Happiness” by Sonja Lyubomirsky and the Op-Ed “How to buy happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton, infer that there has been a misconception of how happiness is achieved. Individuals have adopted this concept through changes in society, the main one is due to the use of money. Therefore, money has altered the view of individuals on how they should achieve happiness.


Chapter 8 Working Within A System

Describe how the client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a client’s well-being status? Include what the professional would do to implement the model in the counseling session.

A professional helps the client’s well being by empowering them with a model for change. This is because the client is receiving the appropriate attention that he/she requires either from the professional or other agencies that they have been referred to. When clients receive adequate care they start developing self-sufficiency, and they can potentially solve their own problems. The professional will implement the model in counseling session by asking series of appropriate questions to the client in order to understand what his/her needs are. Then, the professional will analyze all of the client’s response and figure out what resources the client needs.

Describe how a community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients.

The agency’s mission and goals allow the human service professional to have a clear understanding of how to help the client. When the human service professional knows the goals of the agency, he/she will have a set of policies and procedures to be guided by. Since the organizational climate is influenced by policies and procedures, the human service professional will perform its best in order to help the client. Therefore, the client will receive better established counseling, which will help his/her well-being.

Describe how an agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command.

An organizational chart helps to balance the authority within the chain of command. Therefore, if the authority is balanced between offices, departments and human services professionals then everyone is able to provide the clients with better assistance. It might be better when there is a flatter chain of command because the level of decision making is even among the agency. This balance of authority clearly promotes well-being.

Describe how the referral process is utilized in relation to the client’s well-being.

A human service professional uses the referral process when he/she  cannot give the needed service or think that other professional will be of better help for the client. However, the professional needs to think first about what are the problems the client has and what other professional or agency can help with these problems. This is so the client is being given the adequate care. Moreover, the services that are going to be provided for the client need to be geographically available for them so they can constantly be there when is needed. Also, the clients need to be well informed of why they are being referred so they are able to follow up with the other professional or agency. Furthermore, the other professional or agency need to know information about the client so they can plan how to help. After making the referral, the professional must follow up with the client in order for the client to trust that the professional truly cares and therefore they will have more confidence in the system.

Describe how an informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals.

Formal and informal networks are essential for the human service professional. The formal network includes public or private human service agencies, schools, churches, local government agencies and so on. Informal networks are formed by the professional’s family, friends, professional colleagues, and so on. When a human service professional needs to make a referral about a client to other agency, an informal network would be of great help. The professional might have a good relationship with a professional from the other agency and due to this good relationship, the other professional might be willing to speed up the help for the client. Therefore with informal networks the human service professional can improve their service quality for the client.

Describe how documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client.

There is a lot of paperwork that needs to be done by a human service professional. The paperwork includes social history, intake interview, and medical, educational and mental health records. However, all the paperwork helps the professional to be organized with its clients. When a professional is going over the paperwork of the client, he/she is analyzing what the client needs and what resources are available for them. Therefore, when paperwork is done there is more careful thought of how to help the client: which is how the well- being of the client improves.

Describe how stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well being.

A human service professional could experience stress and burnout when they have been working for constantly long shifts. When this happens, the professional looses interest for the job, is less psychological involved with the client, and is deep self-concerned. Also, some physical changes may occur such as frequent colds, stomach pain, back pain and so on. In the result of this change, the client is affected by not receiving enough care for their problems. The tolerance and acceptance that the client requires for his/her problems, is gone due to the burnout or stress from the professional. The client might start to have even more negative feelings than he/she already had because he/she is not receiving adequate therapy. The trust that the professional needed to gain from the client will be gone, because the client will lose hope in receiving care.

Describe how professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker. Describe how it also impacts service delivery to the client.

As a human service professional it is essential to always keep learning. There is always change in the community or new methods of counseling that need to be learned. Therefore, professionals need to keep updating themselves with this new information by going to workshops, conferences or doing their masters and more. If professionals constantly participate in developmental activities, then they will become more competent and have more qualifications. Moreover, the service delivery to the client will be more effective due to the appropriate knowledge acquired by the professional.

Describe how a human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client.

There are various ways for a human service worker to utilize client empowerment as a tool for their well being of the client.  The worker can support the client by helping them to develop their own agenda, support structure and plan for change. Also, reaching out to other professionals in order to help certain needs of the client that they can’t help with. The client will eventually feel better about themselves, will trust the system, and as time goes by they will be good off by themselves.

Class Notes 9/18/14


Ethics: moral code on what we should and shouldn’t do.

Norms: standards of society.

Explicit: direct.

Disparate: (adj) different.

Allusion: (noun) make a reference to something else.

Delusion: believing in things that don’t have basis in reality.

Illusion: seeing something is not there.

Elude: to evade, escape.

Patriotism: to love and support your country.

Collective: (adj) together.

Counter intuitive: is not what you expect.

Content: Satisfied.

Authoritarian: favoring authority.

Dogmatic: to think what you do is the right thing.

Intolerant: can’t stand other’s beliefs or views.

After a brief talk on how to improve our class notes by Professor Belli, we first talked about what we discussed in our Human Services class on wednesday. Anna proceeded to explain that we talked about scenarios when we use our human services ethics in order to deal with clients. Followed by this, Professor Belli asked the class if we started to see connections between our human services class and english. Arlene mentioned that we are learning how we can make others and ourselves happy. Furthermore, Marie asked an interesting question “ how do you know your soul is happy?” which Professor Belli responded by making a connection to Socrates who thinks that soul and body are separate. Therefore, there are different means on how to make your soul happy, contrasted to Maslow’s belief in basic needs for happiness of the body.

When the previous discussion finished we continued to talk about the Mayoral Victory speech of Bill De Blasio. Kelsey mentioned that De Blasio uses pathos when he talks about the tragedy of 9/11 in minute 9:15. He uses this tragedy in order to show the public that he has sympathy for the community and the city. Continuously, Professor Belli explained that pathos can be manipulative because they strike the emotions of people.

Moreover, we talked about “The tale of two cities” that De Blasio was referring to. By this statement, De Blasio was referring to the fact that there are a big group of poor people and a small group of rich ones. He mentions that he doesn’t want anyone to be left behind. Hence, Jacob made an inference from De Blasio’s speech: people should stop thinking about themselves and instead unify the community. Therefore, we concluded that De Blasio was promoting patriotism to the audience.

Furthermore, we went back in the video where De Blasio’s daughter Chiara speaks before his father. We concluded that she was using ethos when she spoke because she was appealing to the character of his father. Her words can be considered extremely credible due to the fact that she is De Blasio’s daughter. Since she talks from first experience, the audience can believe that what De Blasio is promising will be true. After this, Professor Belli showed us one more example where De Blasio uses ethos through his son Dante for his campaign. It was a commercial where Dante appears as a 15 year old boy who lives in Brooklyn, this video focused in appealing to De Blasio’s character by mentioning his goals for the community. Hence, Dante’s skin color, age, and place where he appears to live appeal to the audience De Blasio is targeting: the credibility of the commercial is very high.

Followed by this, we continued to talk about Joe Lhota’s speech. Brandon mentioned the difference of how De Blasio and Lhota talk about the Stop & Frisk program. De Blasio wants it to be removed due to the racial profiling that has been occurring, and Lhota wants to keep supporting it because it has supposedly decreased the crime rate by 75%. We wrapped up the discussion about the speeches and proceeded to talk a little about the article “ Why Conservatives Are Happier Than Liberals” by Arthur C. Brooks. We started to talk about how the article is counter intuitive because it mentions that conservatives are happier than liberals. The conclusion of this statement is because conservatives who are married and religious tend to be more happy according to statistics. Moreover, the class concluded that since conservatives are narrow minded it keeps them happier or at least content because they don’t wonder about many other possibilities or perspectives there are in life.

There is NO homework. Except, to review the article and be prepared for next class. However, Professor Belli said to keep an eye on the homework schedule this week just in case.

I hope this is not too much to read, I tried to make it as simple as possible… if anyone has any questions don’t hesitate to ask me through message in openlab ! 🙂

Chapter 9 Ethics

1. Describe how the Human Services Code of Ethics initiates, guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being.

The Human Services Code of Ethics are instructions and rules a professional must follow in order to keep a stable and respectful relationship with the client. A professional must have autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity, and veracity. If a professional has this, it is more likely that he/she can maintain a good relationship with the client because they will feel safe and helped. A professional’s and a client’s well being will be constant if these rules are followed.

2. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being.

Part of the responsibilities of a human service professional is that he/she needs to gain the trust of the client and  protect them from physical or economic harms. Therefore, a client with this attention will be able to gain self-sufficiency and gain the skills they need in order to solve their living problems. This is how the client’s well-being will improve.

3. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promote well-being.

As human service professionals, they have the responsibility to communicate to their superiors and authorities about a client who might be of danger to a third person or the community. Also, as professionals they are required to be accepting and more open minded of diverse cultures. Therefore, professionals help to keep away danger from communities and they provide help  for other people from different cultures. Well-being is being promoted through these various ways of help.

4. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professionals are able to talk about the situations of their clients among themselves because of the relative confidentiality. This can be very helpful to the professionals since they are able to hear more suggestions regarding on how to help the client. Therefore, the client is going to be more benefited due to the various opinions shared from different colleagues of the professional who is helping him/her.

5. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well-being for the client.

A human service professional needs to make sure he/she is providing help to the client within their knowledge and continuously update themselves with new material regarding their profession. Therefore, a client can be assured that he/she will be provided with adequate help regarding their certain living problem.

6. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to employers promotes well-being for the client.

A human services professional is encharged of guaranteeing the effectiveness of the agency they are working for, and when a problem occurs it is their responsibility to know how to solve it properly. Therefore, the client is going to be assured with effective services that will improve their well-being.

7. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to self promotes well-being for the client.

All the good qualities that a professional must posses are: accountability, own values, respect, empathy, cultural background, and genuineness. When a professional has these qualities, it is more likely that the client will be able to trust more easily and therefore feel more comfortable. Moreover, a human services professional commits to learn the rest of their lives about the new problems that society will face throughout time. Hence, professionals will have updated information and will be able to provide adequate help for their clients.

8. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to educators promotes well-being for the client.

A human services educator must allow their students to express their opinions, provide them with his/her own experiences, although the educators should not impose their own moral views on them. If an educator provides with the right material to their students, then the students will be likely to become good professionals. Therefore, the clients will receive the best possible assistance that they need.

9. Describe the four stages of ethical decision making. Indicate how it strives to promote well-being to the client/society.

The first stage to ethical decision making is to identify the problem, which may require to seek for extra information about the situation. The second stage is to consult with different experts or colleagues, this requires a professional to ask for different opinions regarding the situation which might help. The third stage is identify and explore options, which will require brainstorming on what the outcomes will be from each option. The last stage is to make a choice and act, in this last stage it is required to look at back at the process and revise if it is the right thing to do.  Without the stages of decision making, it would be almost impossible to make the best choice to help the client. The process of decision making helps the professionals to think through all of the options available for the client. Therefore, thanks to this process professionals are able to take their best decision and help improve the well-being of the clients.

Vision speeches with different methods but same purpose

The mayoral victory speeches in 2013 from Bill De Blasio and Joe Lhota, address different points of views on how to improve the wellbeing of distinct groups of New Yorkers. Before the speech of Bill De Blasio took place, his daughter Chiara gave her own speech praising her father as an ideal candidate. Later, De Blasio mentions the tragedy of 9/11 to remind the audience that if New Yorkers were united and generous back when this happened then they should also act the same way today (9:15). He continues his speech by stating the major problems that there has been: half of the Americans being near the line of poverty, police making racial profiling, and fear in families of their children not having a good education. Moreover, De Blasio continues to imply that since “We are New Yorkers” (15:45) they deserve changes. Hence, he starts to make his proposals about the solutions to these problems. De Blasio states that New Yorkers who are more wealthy should pay more taxes and therefore those taxes would go towards the education of children. Furthermore, he explains that “Stop and Frisk era” (16:38) is not providing safety to communities and should be removed.

The group of New Yorkers that De Blasio is supporting are people of less resources. Therefore his target are communities where there is a lack of education and economic wealth. The candidate wants to promote generosity between communities in order for these to improve. De Blasio’s daughter’s speech was a way of using ethos in his favor. She described how dedicated his father is after 18 years of being an activist and a public servant, then continues to praise deeply his career and persona. He uses pathos when he talks about the tragedy of 9/11, allowing his audience to notice his sympathy for others. Furthermore, he uses logos when he starts making statements of how hospitals have been replaced with luxury condos. He makes his audience think deeply of how drastic the public resources are being altered. I think that De Blasio’s vision of happiness for New Yorkers, specifically for the poor, is that they all have equality among the rest of the people with different social status. Meaning, that everyone will have education, proper safety, and fair wealth.

In Joe Lhota’s victory speech he starts by claiming that New York City is the city of opportunity.  He continues to talk about the progress that there has been such as: communities being improved in their constructions, and the decrease on the crime rates. Moreover, Lhota states that he supports the NYPD Stop and frisk: and encourages everyone else to support it as well. Furthermore, he mentions that he has a plan that will cut specific taxes in order for entrepreneurs to create successful businesses (9:30).  Also, fines and fees will be applied to strengthen the already existent small businesses. Lhota continues to explain that he believes all kids should receive great education, teachers should receive better training, and kids should not be educated simply by tests. He finishes his speech stating that New York City will be where all dreams come true.

Joe Lhota supports people of middle class.  His goal is to build on what the people of the middle class have. Improve living conditions, education system, and keep supporting the NYPD.  Lhota used logos when he talked about the NYPD stop and frisk: he made people think how it has shown results by decreasing crime rates.  He used pathos when he talked of himself being criticized for not being politically correct when he talks about his changes: made people have empathy for him.  Last but not least he uses ethos when he says that anyone who knows him, knows he is honest and open to the communities. By this he is assuring to the public that his reputation can be and should be trusted.

I think that both of these candidates have the same ideas on how to improve the wellbeing of New Yorkers. However, what differences them is the group who they are trying to help improve their wellbeing. Both of them target at education, living, and economy in a different approach: according to their groups. Bill De Blasio wants to help poor people to MEET their basic needs. Joe Lhota wants  to IMPROVE the needs of the middle class.

Back up evidence for “Money can’t buy happiness”

According to the article How Of Happiness, The Scientific Pursuit of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky, how we spend our money and not how much we have of it has a deeper impact in a person’s happiness. The author gives an example of the statement above by talking about the results she obtained when she spoke to an Ivy League educated plastic surgeon. She mentions that the person worked long hours in order to obtain a significant amount of money, and he has expensive objects such as sport cars and yachts. However, as time passed by the surgeon lacked motivation for his job. Lyubomirsky states that according to research, the relationship between income and well-being is significant but not as strong as it is presumed to be.

Later on in the article, it is stated that to some extent people who are wealthier are happier since they are able to have better access to nutrition, health care, security and control. However, the author explains that when wealthy people were asked about their “moment-to moment happiness” they resulted to be less likely to have experienced a joyful moment in the past day. Followed by this, the author continues to explain that she has found that humans are more likely to adapt easier to positive changes than negative ones. Therefore, happiness is not in how much money a person has, but it matters how money is being spent. The author proceeds to talk about how experiences have a greater effect in our happiness than buying material things. This is due to the fact that people get used to positive changes faster, which means that by buying a material thing you will get used to is presence quickly therefore you lose the happy feeling at a faster pace. Rather than buying something material, is better to share an experience with someone because each time you remember the experience you will feel the joy you experienced at the moment.

Furthermore, the author continues to explain that spending money on others is also a way to make you happy. She gives an example where a University of British Colombia study gave a survey to a group of employees before and after they received a financial windfall. The results were that it didn’t matter what the size of the bonus was but, people who spent the bonus in charities or buying something for others were more happy. The author proceeds to explain that when people give to others they are more likely to forget about our own problems and the problems the world is facing. People feel like they are helping the world’s issues when they give to others. Flowingly, the author mentions that reports show that people who are about to die wish they could have done something as mentioned above so they could have been happier.  The author finally re- estates that it doesn’t matter how much money we have but how we are spending it throughout our lives.

I think that this article re-enforced the evidence from the last article “How to buy happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton. I found it interesting what Sonja Lyubomirsky says about how we adapt faster to positive changes than negative ones and it’s why material things only makes us temporarily happy. I agree with this and I also think that it is true that we feel happier when we buy something for others. On Tuesday it was my mother’s birthday and I decided that I was going to go shopping with her and buy her clothes then have dinner with her and the rest of our family. The reaction of my mom towards my present to her made me very happy because she told me she was very grateful for everything. We also had a great time shopping and having dinner together, so I will definitely remember this experience forever and it will indeed cause me joy all the time I remember it.

Life experiences vs. Material things

According to the article “How to buy happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton, a person can be more happy depending on how they spend their money and not how much they have. The authors start by asking a question whether what would a person do with a million dollars. Followed by this, they state that research shows that the first response people think to this question are about satisfying their wants with material objects. Moreover, the authors continue to explain that it’s been proven scientifically that buying material things will not guarantee your happiness. According to the authors’ ongoing research, they guarantee that one can be happier by sharing experiences with their relatives or loved ones. Doing some activities such as trips, special meals and concerts can make an individual much happier than buying material things. This is proven by the authors’ experiment where they gave away Starbucks gift cards in a university campus. There were three experimental groups; people who bought something for themselves, people who gave away their gift cards, and people who used the gift card to buy something for someone else and shared the moment with them. The conclusion of this experiment was that the third group reported to be happier than the others. The authors conclude the article by restating that people can be happy spending their money wisely on experiences rather than the ultimate house of their dreams.

I completely agree with the authors’ opinion. It is better to spend money on experiences that we will remember the rest of our lives, rather than material things that might only last for a few years. I am actually glad there is research to prove this thesis. I think we should spread more awareness in our communities, about how we are defining the concept of happiness. Hence, now in these days we have become more dependent on material things for our happiness; such as having a cellphone, clothes of the season, and so on.



Summary/ Analysis of the article “How Happy Are You? A Census Wants to Know” by John Tierney

The article “How Happy Are You? A Census Wants to Know” by John Tierney, reveals how a small town called Somerville is providing a slight different content in the new census. The census sent to the citizens in Somerville was altered with a new question ” On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy do you feel right now?” The census was altered due to the advocacy by psychologists and economists, however “… without debate over how to do it and whether happiness is even the right thing for politicians to be promoting.”(Pg1) I think happiness can be promoted and it is promoted in many ways. Social media is used as a tool of promotion about happiness because it makes you believe that you need certain things in order to be happy such as; having the latest and most expensive car, money, good looks, and so on. The government already influences the happiness of the citizens by making decisions that will affect the community by lowering or raising taxes, therefore it is already promoting happiness to society.

The census has turned out to have various reactions from the citizens of Somerville. The author mentions that “… one man gave himself only a 6…” explaining that he is not satisfied with his height and that he wishes he could know Quechua fluently. Meanwhile, other residents “… felt flattered by the city’s attention.” I think everyone has a different meaning of happiness; therefore it would be very complicated for the government to be able to measure it. It depends a lot on the people if it could be measured, just like Connor Brennan said “ Of course, any survey like this is going to depend on the mood of the person at that moment.” (Pg2) However, if it is necessary to have a measurement of happiness in order to improve the community then by all means they should come up with an efficient method to do so. There are methods that could be similarly used such as the one Jetpac startup uses which is analyzing pictures of instagram to determine how happy the community is (click here for the article). Hence, if the government would measure the happiness of communities then it will have to think about all of the resources that it needs in order to do well. It’s just a matter of observing what the community is interested in, just like in Somerville where they are trying to improve the parks and bike paths. Resources such as efficient healthcare, education, and protection systems are important as well for the well-being of the community.

However, it can never be accurate to make every single person happy because as I mentioned earlier, everyone has different meanings of happiness and it would cause more conflict to satisfy all of them. For my well being I would say that as long as I can help my family and other people either economic or emotional wise, it fulfills my meaning of happiness. I also think that even though we all have a different meaning of happiness, we all share at least some general ideas of it such as being economically and socially stable. Therefore happiness could be measured if it’s for the purpose of improving the community, and it can be promoted but it doesn’t mean everyone will agree with it.