Project #2 first draft

Q: What is your motivation in design/to be a design student?

Answer: My motivation is looking at all the good artwork online. All the artwork I see is because someone created it. I want to be able to create something as good as theirs. Also, the animation in cartoons I see. I like watching cartoons so seeing how smooth everything is and how creative people can be with their shows makes me want to do my best in design… Read More...

Curious Artifacts

This is my mind map. These are most of the things that I’m curious about. I wrote down what made me curious and then I went from there.

These are my first sketches. The first one represents technology. It is a Venn diagram and it shows that we have evolved enough in technology to be able to use this diagram. The second one represents people. People drive my curiosity because of the stuff we do everyday and other things. Why do we do the things we want to do and why do we have different eye colors. The last one … Read More...

Project #2 First draft

Q:Do you prefer working by yourself or in a group environment?

I prefer working by myself but if I  have to do a group project, I  don’t mind. Working by myself is better because I get to see what I have to do and I  can concentrate on doing the whole thing rather than just one part. For a group project, sometimes it might be hard seeing what everyone else is working on but also, I think if the whole group keeps in check, we might be able to do the whole project and get a good grade on it. … Read More...


Hierarchy (noun):

a graded or ranked series

“Nontsikelelo Multi on interrogating the Euro-centric design cannon”

It states “It automatically placed a hierarchy among forms, ways, and language. ”

It means that there was a system put on the different forms, ways, and languages. All of them were based on ranks… Read More...


Critical (noun):

•exercising or involving careful judgement or judicious evaluation

In the syllabus, “Ways of seeing: Adventures with Image and Text”, it states, “Use writing as a process of discovery, building habits of critical thinking”

In other words, it means to use your thinking to the best of your abilities.… Read More...