


in my opinion this was the funniest easiest and shorts project we have ever had. I wish we would have done more projects like this. Every thing was straight forward and easy to understand.
Ways of Seeing – FYLC Fall 2019
First Year Learning Community
I really love your project, pokemon is my childhood. I like the way how you included multiple pokemons. I also like how your color palettes matches the color of the pokemon.
I like the painting you did because the colors are pretty similar to the colors you see from the palette you did from the image you used. It was a good choice for using the pokemons as your reference into panting them due to their color.
I agree that this was one of the best projects! I think the palette you chose is unique and creative, especially when you chose to do the Pokemon that pretty much go with it.
I really liked how your color palette has the same colors you used like for your Pokémon composition. You did a great job on the painting.