Project #4

I chose this format because I thought it was interesting and I want to know more details about this format/statement. Manifesto focuses on a group of people sharing a common perspective or a form of social and political philosophy. A manifesto is similar to an artist, design, vision, and mission statement. It is really all about you and your own style. Manifesto talks mostly about art, literature, or politics. It is a set of ideas where artists share their opinion, objective, and their point of view with one another.

My manifesto mainly involves in art. A manifesto statement is really all about you. The word manifesto comes from the Latin word known as manifestus. A manifesto can address any topic(s). It mostly talks about art, literature, or politics. Manifesto mainly is a set of ideas where artists share their opinions, objective, and their point of view and focus on a group of people sharing a common perspective or a form of social and political philosophy. 

Art is “the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects” (Merriam-Webster). This definition of art doesn’t necessarily have to be self-drawn, painted, sculptured, and etc. In fact, it can be other more things that involve creating art. Creating something that you like and that’s meaningful to you. My creative statement is what makes me unique to others. I want to create something simple and also artistic in a way.

Why is manifesto different than any other statements out there? “…manifestos are often embraced by creative and political types, but you don’t have to be a writer, artist, or revolutionary to draw up your own personal manifesto” (HuffPost 2014). I said in the very beginning manifesto is mainly about you and your own creative style. You don’t necessarily have to be an artist or even a writer to write your own manifesto. To me the word manifesto sounds really complicated however, it is really simple. Writing a manifesto statement contains 5 simple steps you need to follow. First thing’s first you need to get inspired by your surroundings. What do I mean by the phrase get inspired? First things first, when writing your own manifesto you need to do research first so this way others won’t accuse you of plagiarism. Plagiarizing or copying other’s words really does lose the purpose of what your manifesto really is about or going to be about. Secondly, it is always important to take some notes. Always create simple notes and use those notes you’ve created to make your own manifesto. Third, write a rough draft. Writing a manifesto statement can be long but it can also be short, either way, it works fine. Next, put it away then proofread. After all the hard work, you have to rest and then proofread so it can be perfect just as you imagined. Last but not least, just live it at the end. After all, do you believe art is a feeling? “We create art because we need to react; react in anger, react in fear, react in love, adoration, peace, joy, healing, puzzlement, and complexity” (smartmore 2018). I agree with this person because art comes in many ways. Everything we see is like art based on emotions. One of my favorite art is called The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. The artwork itself is calming. It gives me a really good vibe. 

Starry Night – Vincent Van Gogh


Sources used: 

Alexandra Franzen, 9 Nov. 2017, “How to Write a Manifesto.”

“Art Manifestos and Their Applications in Contemporary Design.” Smashing Magazine, 21 Feb. 2010,

HuffPost, “How To Write Your Manifesto In 5 Steps.”, 10 Sept. 2014,

Jeanette LeBlanc, “Write Your Manifesto by Jeanette LeBlanc.”

Merriam-webster, definition of art.
Munro, André. “Manifesto.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 25 Nov. 2019,

Swarthmore College, “Sample Manifestos by Swarthmore Students.” Arts & Social Change, 26 Sept. 2018,

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