Artist Statement
I am a communication design student at the New York College Of Technology who is looking forward to using education to develop my skills in graphic designing. I use programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to edit images that I find interesting and that can help me inspire or deliver a message to my audience.
In my art, I use images and text to express my thoughts and feelings rather than verbally communicating them. When I combine texts and images, I like to inspire people with my work. I want them to get inspiration from every work I do. I combine images and words to tell a story; the story of my ambitions and how I plan to conquer the world, how I plan on taking as many steps as I need to in order to be successful. I get inspiration from black and white photography because I feel like they tell a different story than images with color. I like to use black and white images with different values, mainly low key values. I have always found black and white photography interesting, but as I explored and learned about different styles of black and white photography such as noir, mid key full scale, high contrast, it became more passionate and inspired and it became a really good way for me to express my feelings through image and text. When I edit images on photoshop, I use grayscale, which are shades of gray and monochromatic images.