Tag Archives: Research

A View From My Window : Research

It’s 7 in the morning and it’s a perfect opportunity to describe what I see through my window. Obviously, the sun is still rising, but I can’t really see it rise because it’s blocked by the trees and houses. But. At 6 something a.m. , I can see the colors of the sky change within the two hours. The blending of the colors that appear and the outlines of the clouds sometimes. The colors usually look purplish, orange, reddish, yellowish, or a little pink. It’s amazing to witness how the darkness of the sky transforms with popping of gorgeous colors. Anyway, in the same direction of where I can see the sky are the tallest trees on my street. I would say they’re in my neighbor’s backyards, whom are across the street from my house. I’m shocked til this day by how those trees stayed put through the mighty storms throughout the years. Even shocked that they weren’t cut down because of how tall they are and that can lead to danger of them falling on to the houses. But I HOPE that doesn’t happen. EVER.

Today is pretty windy, so, I can watch the branches sway side to side, left to right slowly or wild like. With the sun still rising, I can see the outline around them better and the details of the inside more from the sunlight poking through it. Moving on, I can see the tannish color side wall of my next door neighbor’s house and part of his concrete front yard. The wall has a long on-going parallel lines which it looks like a rectangle from here. I even see one of my across the street neighbors (that’s in the same view of where the trees are). The house is light blueish that has the same triangle and square structure design as the other houses on my street. Plus,  I can clearly see the cable wires cut between the tan and blue house. Sometimes you can spot a squirrel running along the thin wires. I would say i can enjoy staring pass this window at time to time.

View From My Window: Research

The view from my window a lot of things can be seen from here from man built to nature. You’ll see more houses and man built items than open-wide areas around here. Normally, when we are asked how we view things surrounding us we are able to find and point out the objects but not an expression. When viewing from my window looking at the left side of the area there are my neighbors cats all different kinds of breeds strolling around. When coming across the cats I define each one by their color, each cat has a variety colors from light to dark medium colors. Look straight ahead and you’ll see street lights and cars passing along. The street lights might be the same size as others however not the color. That light street had never been painted in years therefore, giving a silver to blue color.

As continuing viewing from my window it shows my neighbor’s houses and their fences.The house that stands out of all my neighbors is this red house it started first with a pink-red. Although, it has been painted by the same color over and over again the red is able to express how important the house value is. In the right section there can been seen parked cars in the streets while in the left side you get to see my neighbor’s dog walking while shaking his little tail. The shape of the dog is able to express how well it is. Seeing some trees and a bit of grass and a few houses. Shapes appear like example the house comes from rectangle, and squares. During the day viewing the old cable street hang making wonders and lastly, also viewing at night how the old light street work. From my window I can see a lot more than just items I see items that built up the world I live in.

View From My Window: Research

Today is a rainy day which is my favorite weather. With a  lot of clouds in the sky make my room feel like hopeless because out of the window, when you look at outside, the first thing jumps into your eyes  is an entire wall. However, this situation makes me dream a lot.

This reminds me an interesting story. I have a friend who lives in a house. This is not proud. The proud thing is, she own a tree! The tree is really huge, like 10m high. Unfortunately, her family try to use every way to cut it down because they’re afraid that the tree will fall in someday. To cut the tree down, I feel like sad about this. If there is a tree    belongs to me, I’ll be really proud of it! But I live in apt that never and ever happen. So I image there is a tree in my view outside the window.

I like the view which is full of things. I switch my position a little bit, I find out that I can see the street, even the building across the street.I feel excited to keep exploring. On the left side, there is a parking lot, several cars park there sometimes. There is a railroad track when I see further.

Those are all the common things that we may see in our daily life, but when I saw them today. They are all like full of lives.  The city is colorful because this elements.






View From My Window: Research

 From my window, its not much to look at, but rather it all depends on the time of day, or even the year to see it at a diffrent perspective. As of now, from  my apartment building on the third floor, the first thing that catches my eye are the huge trees that stand in the middle of the area. since the weather is still warm and sunny, the trees give off a vibrent green glow from the sun giving the area more color and life. The area sadly is usually dull, with just dirt and soil, you barley see any grass grow on it, the only time the ground isn’t boring is when its covered with the orange auitum leaves, or the crisp white snow of the winter. ther area is pretty much sealed off, to the right side of my view is a wide staircase going up to the long, 2 way street thats on the side of my building, and to the left is a parking lot, connected to a publuc park thats on the other side of my building. right infront of my view is another brick building, identical to mine, with windows from diffrent rooms from diffrent apartments you can see into sometimes. the main point of the area by far has to be the single green light post, sitting in the middle of the view. The lightpost has somewhat of an old school look, possibly dating back to the 1900′s, but its the one thing that stands out the most at night, prior to the illuminating lights from the windows of the opposite apartment. its the one thing i adore looking at durring the night. It’s bright, white light gives off a warm, safe kinda feeling when you look at it in the middle of the night, being the only thing that illuminates the dark in that area.

View From My Window: Research

I look outside my window everyday to check the weather. I usually see the same scene over and over again. It hardly ever changes, but sometimes I’d catch a very interesting glimpse of something. Like I would see some birds bathing in the bird bath in front my house or sometimes I would see a cat jump on top the bird bath for a drink. I’d see squirrels run on top the pole wires. Most of the time I see a light blue house connected to a tan house. I see trees and when the breeze blows I’d see the leaves fall to the ground. In front the light blue house has many flowers, but they lack in a variation of colors. The tan house has a barren garden, so there’s not much to see there. Occasionally I would see people partying or parents picking up there kids from daycare. I also have a very good view of the blue sky, and when it’s cloudy I have a nice view of the gray puffy clouds. I believe the view from my window is the best in the house because I have the front window and there aren’t many things blocking my view.