Tag Archives: reflection

Project #2: reflection

After my experience with project number two, i can say my writing skills have developed quite a sum. Although i do feel i could have done some things diffrently in my writing. I noticed  i do have a few problems  getting off topic in some areas, knowing what the topic  should be focused on. I would be on topic in one paragraph, but then soon i would drift off too far into it, I begin to get off topic all together. Another thing that i can see room for improvement is how i word sentences when i talk under a topic. From time to time, i would word sentences to a point where I begin to lose myself and my train of thought. I want my sentences to be able to follow each other in a way that it its both readable and it makes scence. But hopefully, i will learn from my mistakes and be able to carry this knowledge to my other projects, avoiding to make the same mistakes, and to overall improve my writing skills and thought process.

Eng 1101 Project #2: reflection

For this project we had to take a fifteen minute walk around city tech. Once we found areas that were interesting we recorded all the thing we saw, heard, smell our overall experience there. Then think about Colson Whitehead and his ideas about overlapping New Yorks. Figure out the two New Yorks you would want to compare: Natural vs. Man made, Old vs. New, Under construction vs. Newly constructed ….etc.  Then in the essay compare and contrast the two New Yorks and make a reference back to Whitehead and the reading done in class.

This project was a good chance to get a lay of the land around City Tech and get used to the area. It was also a chance to think about how we see New York and how we experience it as compared to someone else’s. What I learned about myself as a writer was that I don’t really go to much into detail and in this project detail is very necessary especially if you want to make the word count. I did like the fact the walking around aspect of this project. It’s definitely different from any English essay I’ve done before.

Overlapping New Yorks (Refelction)

This is the second project we have done so far. The idea of project two is to help us view New York differently. While I spending my time walking around City Tech, I have discovered the city differently than before. We can apply Colson Whitehead’s idea in “City Limits” to help us have better understanding skill while we walking through location we have chosen. Overlapping is happening every single day in New York, and that cause numerous juxtaposition in the city if we are willing to observe.

Juxtapositions in the city intensively carrying out two different styles between old and new. While we are living in New York, we didn’t expect to see there are still old classical revival style buildings in the ordinary street. With my experience, project two helped me to know around City Tech’s location but also with meaningful idea that applied to Whitehead’s idea. We can always see these old buildings differently if we can observe them from a different perspective.

Project#2 Reflection (Mash-up displays)

This project introduced me to an unfamiliar concept that an individual can display the sound of music onto paper. First, we did a class demo where we listened to two different kinds of music. The first was Stegato which is a more loud and rough course music track. The next was Legato which is more monotone and flows more calmly. We then translated what we heard onto Bristol paper in the form of shapes and lines that would depict whether it was stegato or legato. When we created the mash-ups of these pieces, I was able to explore this concept into more depth which allowed me to get creative. Throughout each stage of this project, I felt that there was a significant connection that helped us to gradually understand music more, in a different way. There were aspects f the projects I think I could of done differently such as the inking mash-up. My edges could of been a little more smooth as I was told in the critique. The feedback that I received can only be used to help in my work in the future. Now that I know the specific things I can work on, I can display major improvement for the following projects.

Project#2 Reflection

For project 2, my juxtapositions consists of two different structures that are from two different times of New York. In the picture that was posted, you see an old church building to the right of the shot on Remsen street. In the far distance you will spot a tall silver skyscraper with hundreds of floors. As I stated in my project, this overlap was discovered by an accident. I was simply watching my back and looking up the block. I learned many things from my work in this project. For one, I was able to become more familiar with the environment around City Tech. I wouldn’t normally take a grand tour of the area on my own unless I were to get lost first. However, this project prevented major confusion while at the same time learning more about the city that I am from. I learned that as a writer, I have much improved in conveying my message to readers. With new vocabulary, I can apply greater detail for readers to understand and even imagine for themselves. I understood concepts that Whitehead wanted to convey such as the fact that every individuals New York is different. This means one citizen may  remember city one way, while someone else may be accustomed to an older version of the same city. They may not want to except that things have changed New York will never stop moving forward.

The completion of this project required a significant amount of time for me to complete the task. I spent approximately 2-3 hours a day planning out and refining my work so that it can pinpoint the questions that were asked. From this experience I realized the importance of spending time on your work. The more time and effort dedicated to the work, the greater the quality and depth it will be. For the next project, I will have to put even more time into my work, as if it is something for an interview. And if I don’t think the grade I receive is acceptable for me, I won’t hesitate to go back and correct it.


Project #2 Reflections

Now that you have completed Project #2 for ENG 1101, write a post on your Learning Blog about about what you have written. In your post, write a one-paragraph summary of your project. Next, reflect on what you learned by working on this project–this can be about the area around City Tech, about your specific topic, about yourself as a writer, about the ideas of overlapping New Yorks that Whitehead introduced us to. Be specific. Then, reflect on what you wrote: what are you most proud of, and what do you think still needs work? In terms of the process of working on this project, what was helpful, and what additional support did you wish you had? Finally, estimate how much time you spent on the project, how you spent that time, and what knowledge you take from this experience about your writing habits and time management into your next project.

Choose the categories ENG1101 Project #2 and the tag Reflections, plus any other tags you find appropriate.

Project #2 was due at the start of class on Monday, 10/20. Your reflection is due by Tuesday, 10/21, at 10:00am.

Project #2 Reflection

Project 2 is about sound and vision. We were using our five senses to express our feelings of listening a song. Different songs express different emotions.

The first step, we listened a song and draw our feelings. I feel like this is an interesting way to develop my creative skill. The sound I’ve heard was sent to my mind, then my mind figured the sound and sent a picture to my hands. The pic can be full of curve lines or straight lines or even a monster.  The next step, according to the pic I’ve created to rebuilt the song(s). For this project, I’ve also learned about the Ps and popcorn maker. Even though I still feel confuse about some parts, it still a fantastic learning experience.