Group Project Assignments

Thanks to all those who submitted project ideas — we have done our best to keep your groups together, while matching you up with students from the other section. Β Those who did not submit ideas have been assigned to groups (your names appear in all caps). There were 3 groups from Prof. Halleck’s section that had 3 students in them. To have a balanced set of groups, one student from each of these groups was selected to be part of another group (your names have an asterisk[*] in front of them). Our apologies for the rearrangement. Prof Halleck welcomes any discussion/criticism of this action either in person or via email (please do not use the openlab).

TO DO: Β You should find your group below and contact the other members of your group. Β If your project is marked “Approved”, you should start working on it. Β If it is marked “Pending” then you should carefully read the suggestions, discuss them with your group, and ONE group member should post an update in the “Group Project Ideas” discussion thread that expands your project idea to include the suggestions.

This project is worth a large portion of your grade, and it will take a significant amount of effort and time to complete. Β You should get started immediately, and plan to devote some time to working on it each week. Β The next deadline is Nov. 1. Details will follow as to what exactly is expected.


GROUP #: 1
MEMBERS: almuthanna A. (Halleck), victor C. (Reitz), Joshua W.
(Reitz), Daniel A. (Halleck)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: how the pro’s build stable structure such as bridges, and try using the given information to build a bridge with toothpicks, while testing how much it can hold. (in pounds)
STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT: toothpick bridge
GROUP #: 2
MEMBERS: Kweisi C. (Halleck), Chante M. (Halleck), WILMER B.
(Reitz), JESSE M. (Reitz)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Calculate the total number AND TOTAL WEIGHT of people and cars that pass the bridge each day
STATUS: approved (if you accept the changes IN ALL CAPS)
HANDS ON COMPONENT: Photo collage of pedestrian and auto traffic, obtained through ferry ride AS WELL AS VISIT TO PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY.Β  ?suggestion: collage should incorporate the data you collect / produce on people and cars
GROUP #: 3
MEMBERS: Kiana G. (Reitz), walter S. (Reitz), BRIDJET A.
(Halleck), TISHA S. (Halleck), LIXENIA V. (Halleck)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: who built the Brooklyn Bridge
STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT: models of different kinds of bridges
MATH, PHYSICS OR OTHER SCIENCE COMPONENT: why suspension bridge chosen
GROUP #: 4
MEMBERS: Nahim M. (Reitz), Andrea R. (Reitz), SHAVON B.
(Halleck), ABREU J. (Halleck)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: How much pink paint would be needed to paint the surface of each wooden plank of the Brooklyn Bridge and how long( time wise) , would it take to do this. ( Pink, in honor of Breast Cancer).
STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT: photoshopped depiction of planked portion of bridge with suggested modification
GROUP #: 5
MEMBERS: Krista E. (Reitz), Tanya V. (Reitz), SOPHY N.
(Halleck), KEVIN G. (Halleck)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: How long did it take to build the Brooklyn Bridge and how many people were involved?
STATUS: pending
HANDS ON COMPONENT: ?suggestion: visit to a construction project such as trade center 1 and investigation of numbers and kinds of workers and/or a visit to Brooklyn Historical Society (City Tech has a special arrangement).
MATH, PHYSICS OR OTHER SCIENCE COMPONENT: ?suggestion:Β  the role of machinery in the evolution of jobs over time.
GROUP #: 6
MEMBERS: Zytasia G. (Reitz), heather M. (Reitz), EDENS B.
(Halleck), ORNELLA C. (Halleck)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Compare travel time and distance in using the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges to commute to CityTech.
STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT: 3D model of bridge (mixed materials including cardboard and photos)
MATH, PHYSICS OR OTHER SCIENCE COMPONENT: distance, time, speed, efficiency
GROUP #: 7
MEMBERS: horacio M. (Reitz), john P. (Reitz), ZAVIAN W.
(Halleck), JUSTEN G. (Halleck)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: How much weight can the bridge take till it reaches its limit using different variables. Examples of variables: cars, people, and trains
STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT: Make a poster illustrating various vehicles and their weights.Β  Suggestion1: it would be nice to have a picture of just how many people/cars/trucks/trains it would take to reach the maximum weight of the bridge.Β  Suggestion2:Β  If someone in your group can draw, it would be much better to have the poster be drawn by hand (or on computer),Β  rrather than using images found on the internet or elsewhere.
MATH, PHYSICS OR OTHER SCIENCE COMPONENT: ?suggestion: proportions, forces present in a bridge
GROUP #: 8
MEMBERS: Eda O. (Halleck), Rebecca K. (Halleck), NICHOLAS W.
(Reitz), CAROLINA M. (Reitz)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Relative time to complete actual bridge versus model.Β  Compare each stage of the bulding process.
STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT: Build a model bridge, documenting progress with photos and data.
GROUP #: 9
MEMBERS: Brandon R. (Reitz), cindy S. (Reitz), JONATHAN G.
(Halleck), ALEXANDE E. (Halleck)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: How many people does it take to fill out the Brooklyn Bridge by laying down? (Using the survey we took of everyones height in the class.)
STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT: Make a simple model of the bridge (or part of the bridge) out of cardboard with toy soldiers to represent people.Β  Suggestion: You must scale your model to match the size of the toy soldiers – it will be important to obtain the soldiers first, and plan your bridge model based on their size.
MATH, PHYSICS OR OTHER SCIENCE COMPONENT: proportion, surface area, packing
GROUP #: 10
MEMBERS: romel P. (Reitz), jonathan R. (Reitz), ANDREA S.
(Halleck), OLIVIA S. (Halleck)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: the amount of time it wll take for an object that falls from the bridge to reach the water.
STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT:Β  find a building where you can safely drop a nonlethal object (say a tennis ball) with one person dropping the object and the other watching from ground with stop watch. Perhaps you can perform the experiment from various stories in your building. Based on your experiment and the height of the bridge, predict how long it would take on the bridge.
MATH, PHYSICS OR OTHER SCIENCE COMPONENT: gravity, free fall, time vs distance graph
GROUP #: 11
MEMBERS: Fredrick H. (Halleck), Eliyahu S. (Halleck), RAHSHAWN B.
(Reitz), OMAR G. (Reitz)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: How many people (cars, trains, bikes, and walking) use the bridge daily, weekly, monthly, yearly? How has that number changed since the bridge first opened?
STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT: Slide show of the bridge at various stages of its life, highlighting different types of transportation.Β  NOTE: You will need to give appropriate credit for any pictures you use from the internet or other sources.Β  The research librarian in the library might be a good source for help in finding pictures.
MATH, PHYSICS OR OTHER SCIENCE COMPONENT: efficiency of various modes of transportation, traffic congestion
GROUP #: 12
MEMBERS: Abad L. (Halleck), Jorge S. (Halleck), PAOLO E.
(Reitz), ALEX Z. (Reitz)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: research how the bridge is built and its structure and attempt to build one out of toothpics
STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT: will build a model bridge with filing folders or straws
MATH, PHYSICS OR OTHER SCIENCE COMPONENT: sequencing of construction, physics of partially built bridges
GROUP #: 13
MEMBERS: Jose B. (Reitz), Gretchen V. (Reitz), SOHANA H.
(Halleck), *Hibba A. (Halleck)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Comparison between the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges in height, length, and width (and WEIGHT)
STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT: Simple but proportionate models of both bridges, allowing comparison of dimensions.
GROUP #: 14
MEMBERS: Candice W. (Halleck), Bibi U. (Halleck), TAMIKA C.
(Reitz), KATARZYNA S. (Reitz), BENJAMIN F.Β  (Reitz)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Create a brochure on the significant aspects of the Brooklyn Bridge incorporating the mathematical aspects that were used to construct and build the bridge, as well as its history.Β  Interview several people (possibilities include: engineer, tourist, historian) to obtain information.
STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT: Brochure highlighting historical, engineering, and other features of the bridge.
GROUP #: 15
MEMBERS: Ana V. (Reitz), yudi W. (Reitz), GABRIEL D.
(Reitz), ERIC L. (Halleck), *Sandy W. (Halleck)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project on brooklyn: the different trains that can take us to school.Β  Compare trip to/from school for each group member, including length of trip, type of transportation, etc.Β  Create a posted illustrating this, with photos and data.
STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT: poster showing routes travelled by various group members to school
MATH, PHYSICS OR OTHER SCIENCE COMPONENT: efficiency of various modes of transportation, traffic congestion
GROUP #: 16
MEMBERS: Lucy A. (Reitz), Man Chung A. (Reitz), Nathan C.
(Halleck), Nicole W. (Halleck)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Topic: Compare Brooklyn Bridge and Mahhatant Bridge
1. Distance by (walk/ bike/ drive)
2.Distance between the river and the bridge long it took to finish building these two bridge.
STATUS: pending
HANDS ON COMPONENT: ?suggestion: since one group will already do a physical comparison, how about if you compare the labor and technology that were used in their construction. For hands on activity, you could build a model of one important machine used in construction for each of the bridges.
MATH, PHYSICS OR OTHER SCIENCE COMPONENT: ? basic physics of levers as well as more advanced machines
GROUP #: 17
MEMBERS: Diana G. (Halleck), aubrina H. (Halleck), GEORGE D.
(Reitz), MICHAEL J. ()
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Compare the Brooklyn Bridge with Williamsburg Bridge.
Research how long it took to built both bridges and what kind of materials were used.

STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT: take pictures of interesting parts from both Bridges.Β  Suggestion:Β  Pictures should directly illustrate the design and materials discussed in your research. Create a slideshow or poster from your pictures.Β  Some pictures could include your group members to give a sense of scale.
MATH, PHYSICS OR OTHER SCIENCE COMPONENT: Comparison of different materials (and designs), discussing benefits and drawbacks of each bridge.

GROUP #: 18
MEMBERS: Shakirah G. (Halleck), Chyna H. (Halleck), DIEGO G.
(Reitz), SYLVESTER T. (Reitz)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: walk the wooden planks of the bridge.
We have 2 project ideas just in case on doesn’t fly through. Both ideas are based on research of the relationship of The Promenade that is parallel to the Hudson River. Idea one is to find the trigonometric relationship of the promenade to the bridge from a viewpoint and idea 2 is a seasonal idea: to find how many Christmas reefs and Christmas reefs will be needed to line the Brooklyn Bridge and Promenade if each reef is 25 feet apart and each Christmas light is 3 feet apart.
STATUS: approved
HANDS ON COMPONENT: lighting, functional vs decorative. Investigate what functional and decorative lighting exists on the bridge, all year round and seasonal. Make a model of the bridge, in particular with the lighting. Propose your own lighting scheme, both year round and seasonal.
MATH, PHYSICS OR OTHER SCIENCE COMPONENT: Tthe power usage and cost of functional and decorative lighting. How many tons of CO2 are poured into the atmosphere each year to generate the needed electricity?



26 Responses to Group Project Assignments

  1. ana15 says:

    oh boy .. so not looking foward to this >:O !

  2. Jonas Reitz says:

    @ana15: I, on the other hand, am super looking forward to seeing what the groups can come up with in the next six weeks or so. Can’t wait to see your final projects!

  3. we are goin to do the suggestion you came up with which is similar to our idea.

  4. zhik says:

    can group 12 build a model of the bridge out of regular wood to try to get it to look exactly like the actual bridge but in wood.

  5. perez92 says:

    Group 7 : we were thinking about making a poster containing vehicles and their weights , since we are doing about the bridge’s maximum weight i thought diagrams and pictures could be the best way to describe the topic.

  6. perez92 says:

    Group 7 : we were thinking about making a poster containing vehicles and their weights , since we are doing about the bridge’s maximum weight i thought diagrams and pictures could be the best way to describe the topic

  7. tanyavuko says:

    Group #5
    None of my group member responded back.
    What do I do?

    • Jonas Reitz says:

      Hi Tanya,

      Sorry you’ve had trouble! Send me an email with the details — when did you try to contact them, what phone numbers or emails did you use, and so on — and I’ll look into it.

      Mr. Reitz

  8. eliyahoo says:

    group 11
    math: efficiency of various modes of transportation, traffic congestion
    hands on: find pictures of the bridges at various stages of its life and make a slide show

  9. Zytasia Gaines : Group #6
    Project discription: To The city and Back via Both bidges
    Hands on: Building a model aereal view of walk (Mixed materials) ^^^^^^^
    Math Science Component: Figuring out the time it takes to get from City Tech to Manhattan via BK bridge, From Bk Bridge to Mant Bridge the Back to city tech via mant bridge and how many feet/miles

  10. Andrea Sukhu says:

    My groups project is simply measuring the time and distance it takes for an object to fall from the bridge to reach the water. Since we cannot actually complete the assignment using the actual bridge and water itself, we decided to replace the bridge by using a high story building, and water by using the ground floor. The object we decided to use to drop off the building will a be tennis ball. We will also be using a stop watch, most likely from our phones, or ipods to measure the time in distance it takes for the tennis ball to reach the ground. The assignment offcourse is based on a math/science experiment as we all know. The math porprtion of our project will be measuring the time it will take for the tennis ball to drop and hit the floor, as well as a graph based on the time and distance it takes. We will plot the graph by calculating the time converted to distance. For instance, if the tennis ball takes exactly two minutes to hit the floor by 44ft, then it will take four minutes to hit the floor when the building is 88ft. The science porportion of this experiment is the gravity of the tennis ball as it is being dropped.

    My part of the group project so far was researching the history of the Brooklyn Bridge. It’s important to have a good background of the Brooklyn Bridge so that when presenting, we will have good background information to introduce our topic. We also each had a part in our “trial and error” report. At first, we tested the experiment out by using a pen as our object and the levels of floors in our school building to measure the distance. After trying this, we realized that it didnt make sense because we didnt know the exact length of the ground floor to the different floors of the building in the atrium. We only knew the time of how far it took to hit the floor. When we do the project, each of us will be split into two groups since theres four members in our group. Romel and I will go up to the building and drop the tennis ball, while Olivia and Romel concentrate on the time it takes for the ball to land on the floor. This assignment seems interesting so far, not to mention that Galileo did our experiment which makes it even more exciting to do it.

  11. candice W says:

    Candice Wright
    Group #14
    Professor Halleck

    PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construct a short video or slideshow on the significant aspects of the Brooklyn Bridge incorporating the mathematical aspects that were used to construct and build the bridge, as well as its history, and why it is such an attraction to tourists.
    HANDS ON COMPONENT: Create a brochure of the brooklyn bridge for future toursits

  12. john8ramroop says:

    Im Jonathan Ramroop and a member of group 10. Our experiment is where going to calculate the time it would take for a tennis ball to fall from the brooklyn bridge. Since we are unable to do that, we are going to drop the tennis ball from a building or high rise. After that step is complete we are then going to take the time that it would drop from the bulding and convert it, and get the time that it would take to drop from the brooklyn bridge. We basically have all the materials that we are going to need such as a stopwatch, and a tennis ball. In terms of location as to my knowledge is undecided, but will be determined soon. This projects component of mathematics would deal with the conversions in times, lengths, and distances that we would have to convert. The science component would have to deal with the gravitational attraction endured by the tennis ball. It is the natural force of taht governs all falling or accelerating objects on the earth. So far in this project I’ve contributed recording the times in or first experiment. It was a failure since we did it on the city tech ground floor with a pen, however we’ve grown from that experiance. What I will contribute later on in this project is recording the times again, this time with a ball and in a particularly better setting for this sort of experiment. I will also definitly help with the mathematics part of this experiment as well. So far the projects been going rather smooth. I like all 3 of my group members, actually glad I ended up meeting them. Even if its under these horrible circumstances. Just kidding. But for real though. lol

  13. Tisha Stewart
    Professor Halleck
    Group #3

    My project is who built the Brooklyn Bridge. Which is the history behind he bridge.Who thought of it, who created it, how they built it and their reasons for doing so. The hands on component is the models of different bridges and a little information on the history of those bridges also. The science part of the project is why was suspension bridges chosen and how it fits in. What i plan to contribute is all the research in the project. Including the history, the people who took part, and the reasons.

  14. bassmanj says:

    Joshua Wills
    Professor Reitz
    Group #1
    The purpose of my group’s project is to construct a model of the Brooklyn bridge using popsicle sticks. We will find a way to determine how much weight we can actually put on this model. We will incorporate many mathematical and science components. We have to use proportions to measure how we will make the model. We will have to use height length and area to determine how to construct a life size version of the bridge. Our hands on component will be my groups version of the Brooklyn bridge to determine how much mass and weight can be held on this bridge. The scientific part of our project will have to do with the mass the bridge can hold in physics mass is a big subject. Mass is the amount of space that an object takes up, which causes it to have weight in an area with gravity. Mass can also refer to a collection of similar things, such as people or objects.

  15. zhik says:

    group 12
    Project description: build a model of the bridge out of straws.
    hands on: straw model
    math involved: actual measurements of the bridge transferred into a proper scale to build a accurate and clean model of the bridge.

  16. zhik says:

    group 12
    Project description: build a model of the bridge out of toothpicks.
    hands on: toothpick model
    math involved: actual measurements of the bridge transferred into a proper scale to build a accurate and clean model of the bridge.

  17. bibi says:

    Group 14:
    Bibi Uddin
    Professor Halleck
    The purpose of our group project is to explore the brooklyn bridge and its significant aspects by interviewing a wide variety of people associated with the creation of the bridge and its history; with this we will explore the mathematical aspects of the bridge as well as interviewing workers and creating a slideshow based upon the bridge. In addition we will be making a brouchure for torists to visit the brooklyn bridge and see its historical backround as well as highlighting its significant aspects.

  18. Nicholas Wilmoth
    Professor Reitz
    Group 8

    For this group project, my group has chosen to compare the time it took to build the actual Brooklyn Bridge, to the amount of time it would take to construct an actual model-sized replica of the bridge. I think this is an interesting project idea, and it should be just as interesting to see how we go about completing this task. The supposed hands on component would be the building of the model bridge, and then documenting progress through pictures and recorded data. All of this should be timed, of course. The math and science component is proportions and estimation. We can estimate the outcome of the model bridge and data based off of information collected from the actual Brooklyn Bridge, and then use proportions to compare the two in the end.

    Now basically, nothing has been accomplished so far in this group at all. I take the responsibility, along with the others. I have just recently gotten in contact with the two from Professor Halleck’s class, so at least we have each other’s contact information now. Tomorrow’s class will be nice, because then we can finally meet up. I still do not really understand why we have to combine the two classes for this, but it is what it is. I am sure I will contribute to this group in the only way I can imagine, and that would be with the actual construction of the model. But until we meet up, it is unclear what direction exactly we will take with this. Again, it should be interesting.

  19. justfg05 says:

    Justen Garner
    Professor Helleck
    Group 7

    My group project is to measure how much weight the Brooklyn Bridge can take before it collapses. We must take into consideration of all the variables like the weight of the cars, trains, people in the vehicles, and people on the bridge. With these many variables in our project it would be a little difficult to get an accurate weight that will break the bridge. The hands part of group 7’s project is to create a poster showing the bridge and the various car’s weight. We must show how much weight that each variable would contribute to the bridge collasping. The math component of this project we will have to set-up a proportion to measure the force present in the bridge and the amount of force that will break the bridge. My job in the project is to meausre the weight in the people on the bridge that are not in vehilces. So, far I am claculating the weight of an average man and woman who crosses the bridge daily. Once, I have claculated the average weight of people i have to add that weight to the weight of all the cars and trains.

  20. zhik says:

    Group 12 updated mock up
    Members: Alex Z. Paolo.
    Me and paolo will be building a properly scaled model of the Brooklyn Bridge and will be showing the proper steps on how to do so. Paolo will focus on the powerpoint while i focus on building the model although Paolo will contribute to the building. We will split the cost of materials.

  21. john8ramroop says:

    Group 10
    Jonathan Ramroop
    Progress Report 2
    November 19, 2011

    Group 10 has decided to calculate the time it would take for a tennis ball to fall from the brooklyn bridge. We shall be doing this by obtaining the actual lengths and height of the bridge. Then we are going to drop a tennis ball from a building or high rise and using a stop watch we are going to measure and calculate the times it takes to hit the bottem. The next step would be taking the time it would drop from the building or high rise and then convert it into the amount of time it would take for it to drop to the bottem of the brooklyn bridge. On thursday when our groups actually met up during class hours, we configured a lot. Firstly we listed all the things we have done, such as actually configuring a project to do, to our trial and error experiment, and we have gotten the history and measurements of the brooklyn bridge. It was actually impressive that four random strangers were able to compile all this data in such a little time. What we have also done, which is probably most important is we actually got a place where we can perform the experiment. We’ve decided on doing it at Andrea’s home, off her balcony. So far project is looking successful. Progression is being made.

  22. justfg05 says:

    Justen Garner
    Professor Helleck
    Group 7

    On this past thursday me and my group finally got together to discussed the parts that each person will contribute to the project. So far, we have figured out that the Brooklyn Bridge can with stand about 18,700 tons of force. In our meeting we accomplished which way we were going to olve this problem. First, each person in the group has to figure out the weight of each variable. I have to find out the weight of an average male and female that crosses the bridge. Their were only like a few changes in the group that were made on Thursday.

    The work that still needs to be done are the slides and the hands on compenent which is making a poster of the Brooklyn Bridge that will have many variables on it. I wil be contributing a couple of slides on the variables. My slides will be on the average weight of people out of the cars and the weight of the car when people are in it. The math part of our project is trying to use a proportion to solve how much weight would do we need to collaspe the bridge. I am thinking that if we had an enormous amount of weight that is over 18,700 tons the bridge should break. Well, last Thursday was the first time that me and my group work together and we all got along. To be honest I still haven’t a clue why aour professors are making us do a project on the brooklyn bridge.

  23. tanyavuko says:

    Group #5
    It says it is still pending.

    DESCRIPTION: How long did it take to build the Brooklyn Bridge and how many people were involved?

    -If the total length of the Bridge (5,989 feet) and 60 workers are able to complete 2.5% length per week. How many workers did it take to complete the Bridge in 13 years?

    -If it cost $40,000 to build 2.5% of the Bridge, What is the total cost?

    HANDS ON COMPONENT: Slides of the Brooklyn’s Bridge history.(Research)

    MATH, PHYSICS OR OTHER SCIENCE COMPONENT: Figure out the role of machinery in the evolution of jobs over time. Example if the Bridge was built all over again today with advanced machinery, it would be finished sooner and it would require less amount of people to work. Research on how the Brooklyn Bridge was built then and how are bridges built now.

  24. Jonas Reitz says:

    Hi Tanya,
    Yes, we have not updated this page recently and so your project still reads “pending” — but have no fear, your project idea is approved! You guys can work on it without fear.
    Take care,
    Mr. Reitz

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