My Favorite Place in NYC



It is very difficult to pick simply one place to be called my “favorite” place in New York City. Many people may pick a fancy place, an exotic place, park, busy areas but I would not say that any of those places are my favorite place. To say that something is my favorite place is very significant. It is a very important title to give to one specific thing. Anyhow, my favorite place is my friends house.

I chose my friends house as my favorite place for a variety of reasons. I mainly enjoy being there because it is always a full house. There is no boredom over there.

I am an only child living with just my mother. We do not live with any family members or even have any pets living with us. To get out and go to a full house with a pet it a complete 180 degree turn from my original lifestyle. It is a great escape from a tedious household. However, it is a huge benefit because when I get tired of the full house concept, I can always go home.

My friends house is a great place to be. If I want to be social or try to work on anything, someone is always there to help or advise me. There is a variety of things everyone can put in. It is a wide range of opinions which can be very helpful. It has a little of everything simple yet enjoyable. The little things in life makes me happy.

There are so many things to do over there at my friends house. Even though simply hanging out with one friend in the house all day may sound boring or to “be bored together” to me, it is not. It is all of the little moments that takes place.

The little moments and memories shared are the most amazing happiest feelings in the world. To know that you can escape and get away to a completely different environment and always go back to your original environment is to me, the happiest place in the world.

It is somewhat difficult to constantly adapt to that kind of environment when compared to the type of environment I was brought up in. To constantly shift is not difficult after a period of time after getting used to it.

Even though I ultimately prefer my peace and quiet environment. I do enjoy all of the moments shared. I enjoy all of the memories created that will last forever. All of those moments created over a long period of time at my friends house will always make me happy when I look back at it. It is truly my favorite place away from home in New York City.

Favorite Place in NYC

Happiness Archive #2: summary/response to “How to buy Happiness”

The importance of how we use our money can contribute to our happiness opposed to how much of it we have. In the article the author starts by introducing the idea of discovering a $1 million under our mattress, and the contemplation on what would be done with the money. The mere fact that the first thing that would come to mind would be ” what that money can do for US?” is a sign that money can bring out the selfish side. Thinking about all the material things to purchase often fails to give us complete satisfaction, “HAPPINESS”. Wherein changing how we spend the money can leave a more lasting affect of happiness. Research shows that “homeowners were no happier than renters on average”. Before reading this article, this would have been something I’d disagree with, but the points shown has given me a new perspective.

We spend most of our time working so hard to live “comfortably” or “lavishly” that we in fact forget to actually “LIVE”. Saving up with no social life isn’t such a good idea because there is an importance of social contact for improving our well being. Studies also show that there is more happiness in the experience than in the material things. the value of experience tends to grow with our memories of them. Experiences come with more benefit because, more than likely we tend to do them with others. Connecting both the experience with the socializing wherein measuring to a more fulfillment of happiness.

Another way is in fact doing for others. Experiments show that doing for others can also result in your own happiness. Actually combining the experience and giving can increase happiness. The experiment with the gift cards showed that people were more happy with the idea of giving and partaking at the same time, which made it a shared experience. So switching spending to the experience can leave a longer lasting valued affect!!!

How much money do you need to buy happiness?

In Los Angeles Times Elizabeth Dunn and Norton wrote an opinion piece titled “How to buy Happiness” published May 19,2013. Dunn and Norton gave an example of finding a million dollars under your mattress. What will most people do with that much money? Research shows that money brings out the selfish side of a person. Making us think what we could do with that money for ourselves. For instance, buying a new car, a new cellphone, or a new T.V. Studies have shown that materialistic goods don’t bring lasting happiness. You don’t need a million dollars to buy happiness. Just by spending as little as $5 can bring you more happiness then spending $500 in materialistic goods. It all has to do with how and in what the money is being spent. Many people still associate the American dream with buying a house. A new research shows that buying a house doesn’t really have an impact in happiness. Women that are homeowners in the United States didn’t show to be any happier then those who rent. A research in Germany showed that people who moved to a better home were satisfied with the home its self, but their happiness with their lives didn’t increase. Studies have also shown that buying experiences and memories such as going on trips or the movies will bring people more happiness than buying a material item. Social contact is proven to be a major factor for increasing mental and physical heath. Experiments done in Canada, the United States, Uganda and South Africa prove that people are more happy when they spend money on others. Dunn and Norton made an experiment that combined both experiences and giving to others. On a university campus they gave a Starbucks gift card to three groups. One group had to go to Starbucks and buy themselves something. The second group had to give the Starbucks gift card to someone else. The third group had to use the gift card to buy someone else something and to hang out with them in Starbucks. The results of the experiment was that the third group who bought something for someone else and spend time with them were the happiest. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, but the way you spend that money makes all the difference. Buying experiences for you and others could increase your happiness enormously.

I completely agree with Elizabeth Dunn and Micheal Norton. I put myself in the position of finding one million dollars under my mattress. What will I do with the money? Although it will be a tricky decision to make I honestly think I would buy myself and someone special to me a flight ticket to go on a adventure. If I was to buy myself a huge T.V I would tend to stay home watching T.V all day. Instead of wasting a whole day staying home watching T.v isolated from all the things that could be done outside and spending time with love ones. I would prefer to go out and enjoy myself. Elizabeth and Micheal said “the cost of increasing your happiness may be as cheap as two cups of coffee” (2). Rich or poor if you know how to spend your money you could increase your happiness with just two cups of coffee. Memories last a life time, material stuff doesn’t.